Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1976: Old adultery

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Chapter 1976: Old Traitor

Although I haven't asked those disciples who said they saw him, the elders who treat you too much already have the answer.

He came out of Yitian Realm to follow Yitianlai's figure. After counting the resources in the treasure house, he never entered the treasure house again.

Many disciples said that he had entered the treasure house. It is not difficult for him to know that he was impersonated.

The elder Tai Shang can become the New Territories Lord relying on Heaven when He is not in Heaven. How can his calculations be bad?

A quarter of an hour later, several figures appeared in the hall.

These figures are all the people who have seen the elder elder go out of Yitianjie and guard the treasure house of Yitianjie.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"


Figures, kneeling down towards Yitian, their looks were a little complicated.

At this moment, they are not as respectful to the elders in front of them as they are, and they have a little doubt in their hearts.

Especially those disciples who guard the treasure house, after all, the treasure house that relies on heaven has now been ransacked.

And they were the ones who saw the elder Tai Shang enter the treasure house, which made them not doubt in their hearts?

"You all get up!"

Too much elder look, indifference.

"Master, these disciples said they left after seeing you enter the treasure house!"

The chief stepped forward, looking at the elder too, his face indifferent.


"The Lord of the Realms asks you, when did you see the Lord of the Realms entering the treasure house of heaven?"

"When did the Lord of the Realms leave from the treasure house of Heaven?"

Looking at the several figures in front of him, there was a cold, cold voice in the eyes of the elder Tai Shang.

"Jie ... Jie Lord, at noon yesterday, you entered the treasure house!"

"But within a quarter of an hour, you left the treasure house!"

"Not only that, you also let us disciples who care for the treasure house, leave the treasure house and go back to your own courtyard to cultivate!"

"You said that Treasury does not need disciples to guard, we can only follow your orders to leave!"

As the elder Tai Shang said this, a figure stood out among the crowd.

Looking at the elder Tai Shang, in his eyes, the slightest rays of light passed by.

"At noon yesterday?"

"After leaving the treasure house for a quarter of an hour, and leaving you, don't you keep the treasure house?"

In the eyes of the elder Taishang, the chief disciple who guarded the treasure house flashed Han Mang's eyes.

Yesterday at noon, when he went to follow Yi Tianlai's figure, he was not even in Yi Tianjie, how could he be in the treasure house of Yi Tianjie.

"Master, we all saw the treasure house you entered. You personally asked us to go back to our own courtyard to cultivate!"

"Yeah, Lord, we didn't lie, you let us practice well!"

"Master, I also saw you out of the treasure house with a man shrouded in a black robe!"

"Master, who is the man in the black robe? We can't even detect the breath on him!"

"The man in black robe, wouldn't it be the man in black robe brought by Yitian?"


Looking at the elder Taishang and countless disciples, they started talking.

They told everything they saw.

When it comes to men in black robes, some disciples thought of men in black robes who came to report to Yitian.

The man came to report to Yitian, and the breath on his body was just as they saw Mo Wentian entering the treasure house, and he could not feel the slightest breath.

That figure is full of mystery.

"what did you say?"

"Man in a black robe?"

"What man in black?"

The elder Tai Shang's eyes narrowed, his face cold.

He went out of Yitian and followed Yitian, but there were no men in black robes.

At this moment, the elder Tai Shang wondered about the identity of the man in the black robe.

He originally thought that it was Yitian who had impersonated him, entered the treasure house of Yitianjie, and ransacked it.

After all, Yi Tianlai's body has a magical Dan, and it is not difficult to subdue that Magical Dan to imitate his appearance.

But the man in the black robe puzzled the elder Tai Shang's heart.

"Jie ... Jie Lord, we have all seen that there is a man shrouded in a black robe, who has always been behind you!"

After groaning for a while, a figure stood out among the crowd and looked at the elder, and said in a deep voice.

"Who the **** is in this black robe?"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and a flash of cold mang flashed in the eyes of the elder.

"The Lord of the Realm wants you to come, there is something to tell you clearly!"

"The Lord of the Realms went out of Yitianjie at noon yesterday, outside Yitianjie, and did not return until the afternoon!"

"Somebody can prove to the Lord of the Realms that the Lord of the Realms you see entering the treasure house is not the Lord of the Realms!"

"This is something that the Lord of the Realms will prove. You all step down first!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, and there was a cold flash in the eyes of the elder Taishang, and his face was cold.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


After hearing the words, all the figures retreated quickly.

With that figure exiting the hall, the elder Tai Shang's eyes were boundless.

"It ’s a good thing to rely on heaven, how dare you pretend to be the master of this realm, and lead someone else to take away the cultivation resources of the treasure trove of heaven!"

"I'm just the lord of the heavenly kingdom, and you just framed me like this!"

"If you want me to meet you, I will kill you!"

The elder Tai Shang's eyes narrowed, the killing in his eyes was terrible.

At the same time, the breath of the elder Taishang surged rapidly.

And at this moment the heaven and earth world, in the hall.

Mo Wentian and others have already appeared in the hall.

"Boss, this reliance on heaven has gone back and forth to eat the heavenly **** realm, I'm afraid it's for the position of the heavenly **** real master?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"In order to rely on the lord of heaven?"

"However, we entered the Heavenly Realm and ransacked the Heavenly Realm Treasury. He went back to the New Territories Lord who depended on Heavenly Realm, only to think that it was his hands and feet!"

"I am afraid they are going to rip their faces."

Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, raising a wicked smile.

In fact, Mo Wentian originally didn't have so many ideas about leaning on heaven, but he didn't expect that he went back to leaning on heaven, and this elder who leaned on heaven took advantage of leaning on heaven to take up his position.

This is good news for Mo Wentian.

In Yitian going back and forth to heaven, the elder Taishang thought that the treasure trove of heavenly heavens was the hands and feet made by heaven, but Yitianlai hated that the elder Taishang occupied his lordship.

A big war is impossible to avoid.

"Boss, this elder who relies on heaven is too strong!"

"Relying on Tiantian to fight him is a battle of crickets!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the corner of Xiao's mouth couldn't help raising a radian.

"Two dogs fight, play off!"

"Let's be the fisherman and take profits!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, are we going to rely on heaven now?"

At this moment, the magical sky flashed on Mo Wentian's shoulder, watching Mo Wutian, stretched out his furry claws, and scratched his head.

"Not urgent!"

"This battle is not over so soon!"

"Let's go when we're almost done, so we can collect some fishing profits!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and the arc rising at the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became richer.

"Boss, you are really an old man!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's appearance, Xiaoyi couldn't help teasing.

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