Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1987: evidence

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Chapter 1987 Evidence

This relied on the resources in the treasure house of heaven, he had not seized originally, how could he find something in the hall.

But what he didn't know was that the evidence in the hall at this moment was already conclusive. As long as he entered the hall, the position of Lord of the Realm would no longer belong to him.

"Then what are you waiting for!"

"Let's go, let's go and see in the hall of heaven!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian looked at Yitianlai and Yiyuan, a smile said in the corner of his mouth.

"Walk around, I want to see if this elder elder has taken away the resources of our reliance on heaven!"

"It's okay that the elder Tai Shang didn't seize the resources. If he took the resources from the treasure house, we must not spare him!"

"What do you think of the boy in this portrait? He was so anxious that he wanted to go and see in the hall. Is there really anything wrong in the hall?"

"I think this kid must want to see the excitement of our reliance on the heavens, because of his successful cultivation of the emperor, what he wants to do in front of us, can he hide our eyes?

"This is the situation in Yitianjie. Yitianlai and Yiyuan are not suitable to be our masters!"


As Mo Wentian said this, the numerous disciples who depended on heaven would all head towards the hall that leaned on heaven.

In their hearts, at this moment they were hesitant about Yitianlai and Yiyuan in front of them.

Originally, in their hearts, Yiyuan was the right person for them to rely on the Lord of Heaven.

But now the image of Yiyuan is in Dakou again and again, which shakes their hearts.

"Old thing, since you are not afraid, let's go!"

Yitian came to look at Yiyuan, and there was a flash of evil light in his eyes.

"Rely on the sky, go and go!"

"But you also have to talk to the current Lord, this Lord cannot suffer this injustice!"

"You already said that if I searched out in the hall, I made an oath. Shouldn't you also make an oath? This is fair!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, in Yi Yuan's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed by.

Yi Tianlai thought of trying to drive him out of Yi Tianjie, and he came to be the master of Tian Tianjie.

In Yiyuan's heart, why not?

This is also an opportunity for Yiyuan, an opportunity for Yitian to get out of Yitian.


"If in Yitianjie, I haven't found the resources in the treasure house of Yitianjie, then I will come to Yitianjie to leave the resources and never return!"

Yi Tianlai's eyes narrowed, his face reluctantly said.

That being said, in fact, how could Yitianlai's heart be willing to leave Yitianjie just like this, and let the position of the lord of Yitianjie fall into the hands of Yiyuan.

But he couldn't tell why, looking at the arrogant figure in the void, a hunch of premonition rose in his heart.

In that hall, there must be resources to lean on the treasure house of heaven.

"I'm relieved when you say that!"


Listening to Yi Tian's words, Yi Yuan's face rose with a smile.

What he wanted was the phrase “Tiantianlai”, and once the phrase “Tiantianlai” came out, there was nothing found in the “Tiantianjie” hall, and then “Tiantianlai” could get out of the “Tiantianjie”.

The lord of the heavenly kingdom must be his.

Now even the disciples who rely on heaven have some views on him, but with his means, these disciples will soon admire him very much.

Having said that, Yi Yuan took the lead in walking towards the hall of Yi Tian Jie.

Seeing this, Yitian came quickly to follow.

Immediately, countless disciples who relied on heaven were swarming towards the hall that relied on heaven.

They all want to see who this last is to fulfill the vow and who is to be their lord of heaven.

"Boss, the mission is complete!"

Just then, a voice sounded in Mo Wentian's ears.

This voice is not others, it is Xiaoyan.

At this moment, Xiaoxiong has left the hall of Yitianjie and came to the crowd.

The corner of his mouth, at this moment, radiated a wicked smile.


Mo Wentian just quietly nodded.

"Boss, this resource of relying on the heavenly treasure house is already in the hall of the heavenly kingdom!"

"Now the evidence is conclusive, this Yiyuan must leave Yitianjie, he cannot be the master of this heavenly god!"

Xuantian's figure flickered, and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder. Looking at Mo Wutian, there was a touch of refined light and a deep voice in his eyes.

"He can't give up!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"It's impossible to give up?"

"Boss, this Yiyuan made an oath in front of so many disciples. Doesn't he want to obey it?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, in the eyes of Xuantian, a cloud of doubt rose, and he asked quickly.

"Whether it is Yiyuan or Yitian, they will not fulfill this vow!"

"The temptation of power is too great!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Boss ..."

Hearing that, Magic Sky opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Mo Wentian also followed the numerous disciples who depended on heaven, and went towards the hall that leaned on heaven.

At the moment in the hall of Yitianjie, Yitianlai and Yiyuan appeared.

As soon as Yitianlai entered the hall, he began to search for the cultivation resources.

He looked around, seemingly afraid of missing somewhere.

"Come to heaven, when are you looking for this!"

"Why don't you explore your spirit and spirit?"

Looking at Yitian looking around aimlessly, Mo Wentian said with a slight grin on his face, with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, look with my soul and soul, but I know what cultivation resources are available in the Treasury of Heaven!"

"As long as there are training resources in the treasure house of the heavenly heaven in this hall, I want to find, it is not easy!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and a bright light rose from Yi Tianlai's eyes.

"Boy, this is a matter of our dependence on heaven, and it's none of your business!"

The next moment, Yi Yuan stood up, looked at Mo Wentian, and shouted coldly.

Although there was no slightest guilty conscience in his heart, he did not have the slightest affection for the indifferent sky in front of him.

After all, since Mo Wentian appeared, it has caused him a lot of trouble.

Had it not been for Yitian to be here at this moment, he would have no hesitation in shooting and besieging Mowentian.

"It's not my business?"

"Old thing, are you afraid?"

Mo Wentian didn't have any anger at all. Looking at Yiyuan, the arc of the mouth raised, and it became richer.


"What terrible do I have?"

"I haven't taken the resources of this heavenly treasure house at all. What am I afraid of?"

Yiyuan's eyes flashed a cold, cold drink.

"Since you are not afraid, I just told Yitian to come up with this solution!"

"What are you anxious for me?"

Yiyuan had no good face towards him at all. At this moment, Mo Wentian looked cold, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Spirit, spirituality!"


Just then, a cold drink sounded.

I saw relying on the realm of heaven to directly start the investigation of the spirit and soul.

"Boss, the spirit mark of the space ring has been erased!"

"This space ring will soon be discovered by Yitian!"

Watching Yitian come to unfold the soul and soul, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light, and quickly gave Mo Wentian Chuanyin's way.


"I look at this old thing, how can you still talk hard!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Immediately, Mo Wentian's eyes stared straight at Yiyuan. He wanted to see how wonderful Yiyuan's next look would be.

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