Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1988: Start the war!

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Chapter 1988 Begins The War!

"No, this master sits at the back, and there seems to be a space ring!"

Just then, Yi Tian exclaimed loudly.

"Space ring? Why is there a space ring behind the main seat?"

"This Lord has always been seated only by the Lord of the Heavens. Others have no qualification to even approach!"

"There is a space ring behind the Lord. Is it too much that the elders really took the cultivation resources from the treasure house of heaven?"

"It ’s not just the elders who have sat here. They have also sat in Yitian. Who knows if this space ring was put by Tiantian!"

"Want to know who put it, just look at what is in this space ring!"


With this exclaiming cry from Yitian, countless disciples of Yitianjie exploded instantly.

Their eyes were staring at Yitian at this moment. They wanted to see what was in the space ring.

"Dang Dang ..."

Suddenly, the sound of clanging sounded, and Yi Tianlai took several space rings and placed them on the ground.

"Old thing, the evidence is conclusive, how do I think you quibble?"

Yi Tian came to look at Yi Yuan, his face cold.

Immediately, Yitian didn't hesitate at all. With a wave of his hand, all the contents of those space rings fell to the ground.

The things in this space ring are not anything else, but the cultivation resources that rely on the treasure house of heaven!

These space rings were all made by Mo Wentian and Xiao Xiao was placed behind the main seat of the hall.

"Boss, the show is about to begin!"

Looking at the countless resources, they are all present in the hall, Xiao Yan's eyes, raising a touch of good-looking eyes.


Mo Wentian rolled his eyes toward Xiaoyan, indifferently.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's expression slightly converged.

And at this moment, with the emergence of countless cultivation resources, countless disciples who leaned on the heavens were stunned instantly.

In particular, those disciples who are guarding the heavenly treasure house are very familiar with these cultivation resources, because they often take stock of these cultivation resources.

Now this cultivation resource appeared in the space ring behind the Lord's seat, which made them have a secret decision in their hearts.

"This ... this is our cultivation resources in the Treasury of Heaven. How can these resources appear here?"

"These cultivation resources were collected and placed in the space ring, but this space ring was placed behind the main seat. This must have been seized by the elder too!"

"It's too much for the elders to argue, the evidence is already here!"

"Only by him, a person who swallows all resources alone is simply not worthy of being our Lord of Heaven!"

"This elder elder usually seems to be very kind to people. I never imagined such a person!"


Countless disciples of heaven, returned to God, and immediately exploded the pot.

At this moment, the image of Yiyuan in their hearts is plummeting.

Especially those disciples who guard the treasure house, at this moment, their hearts have been determined, and the cultivation resources in the treasure house of the heavens are swallowed up by the Yuan.

Fortunately, Yiyuan did not punish them. If they were punished, they would not give up.

"This ... this is impossible!"

"I don't have the training resources that rely on the heavenly treasure house!"

Listening to the sound of that argument, Yi Yuan also recovered from the shock, and the body could not help but retreat and explained quickly.

"Did you take it?"

"This is conclusive evidence, and you are so quibble?"

Looking at Yiyuan's face that did not admit it, Yitianlai's eyes raised a cold and extremely cold mang, saying coldly.

At this moment, Yi Tianlai's heart is already extremely happy.

After all, this is already grabbing Yi Yuan's tail. The others don't say, saying that Yi Yuan's image is already greatly reduced.

It is impossible for these disciples who rely on heaven to let Yiyuan be their master again.

This is great news for Yitian.

"Rely on it, it's you!"

"It must be you who planted this cultivation resource on me!"

"It must be you, otherwise why would you make an oath with me, why would you come to search in the hall!"

"Rely on heaven, I look down on you!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Yi Yuan's eyes flashed a complex light, cold drink.

At the moment, Yiyuan really doubted Yitian in front of her.

After all, the hall to come to Yitian was proposed by Yitian. All this seems to have been designed by Yitianlai.

But he had forgotten that the man who controlled all of this was not relying on the sky, but not asking the sky.

"Yiyuan, be willing to bet on losing!"

"It's time to fulfill your bet!"

Yi Tianlai did not respond to Yi Yuan's remarks, but said it coldly.

The rest of Yitian didn't care about it at all, all he cared about was the Lord of Heaven.

"A bet?"

Listening to the word gambling, Yi Yuan was a stunner and almost fell to the ground.

"Yes, they have a vow. Now that they have found cultivation resources in the hall, it is impossible for us to rely on Yuan to make him the master of our world!"

"Yes, I can't accept such a person as our Lord of Heaven!"

"He doesn't seem to want to admit it, so many of us are listening, and he still wants to deny it?"

"At this moment, even if Yitian wants to let him go, we can't let him go!"

"I don't know, how can such a person be so embarrassed to be our Lord of Heaven!"


Looking at Yiyuan's appearance, countless disciples who relied on heaven suddenly exploded.

At this moment, countless disciples of Yitianjie began to accuse him of relying on Yuan.

What's more, some disciples who leaned on heaven looked at Yiyuan's expression and even disliked it.

They are resentful of Yi Yuan's disregard, and they are resentful of Yiyuan's selfish practice.

"Old thing, admit it!"

"But these cultivation resources are already here!"

Looking at Yiyuan's dull appearance, Yitian came again to say.

"Rely on the sky, why do you say that these cultivation resources are in the hall!"

"If I put these cultivation resources in the hall, how could I let you and my disciples enter the hall!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. In Yi Yuan's eyes, a dazzling ray of light came up quickly.

"Don't let us in the hall?"

"Old thing, you're afraid you forgot, you asked us to enter the hall, but the situation forced us to see it all, and how can you, such a calculation person, disagree!"

"If you don't agree to let us enter the hall, then do you just admit that you have hidden cultivation resources in this hall!"

"You are not stupid, we are not stupid!"

Listening to Yiyuan's words, Yitian couldn't help sneering.

"Relying on the sky, you have followed me for so many years, but did not expect to learn something!"

"But you do n’t forget, you have Phantom Dan, who knows if you have taken cultivation resources from the treasure trove of heaven, and while I ’m away, put these cultivation resources behind the Lord ’s seat. ? "

In Yi Yuan's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed, and his voice became colder.

He Yiyuan did not take the resources of this heavenly treasure trove at all. In Yiyuan's view, all these were planted to him by Yitian, which he could not admit.

"Yiyuan, stop talking nonsense!"

"The disciples are all watching here. One is old, but you need to leave yourself a face!"

As for Yi Yuan, Yi Tianlai was not worried at all.

After all, now that the cultivation resources are here, Yi Yuan said this, but he was just dying.

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