Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1989: Yi Yuan's Wrath

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Chapter 1989: Yuan Yuan's Wrath

Although those disciples believed in Yiyuan, they believed more in evidence.

It is impossible for Yiyuan to push all this to him.

"Yeah, Yiyuan is already a lot of years old. He has been an elder in Yitianjie for many years. He should still think about his face!"

"The evidence is solid, and he doesn't need to quibble anymore, and directly admits it is his best choice!"

"Right is a good thing. I don't think Yiyuan will stop there!"

"He hasn't given up yet. Does he want to be invincible with all of us who rely on heaven?"

"It's not us who oppose him, but it's up to heaven!"


Looking at Yiyuan, countless disciples who relied on heaven talked.

At this moment, the breath on them was skyrocketing.

In those eyes that looked at Yiyuan, it was even more rude.

That look, as if the next moment, they are going to shoot towards Yiyuan.

"Relying on the sky, you are abominable!"

"I didn't want to tear your face with you, but you forced me. You made me lose your heart, you made me lose the position of master!

"Today is your death!"

Looking at Yitianlai, especially when he heard the disbelief of his disciples, Yiyuan was furious.

At this moment, the breath of Yiyuan grew rapidly.

Above his fists, a terrible collection of punches gathered.

In those eyes that looked at Yitianlai, the intention of killing was even more wanton.

"Relying on the sky, today's next year is your death date!"

A cold voice sounded, Yi Yuan's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Yi Yuan's figure appeared in the void.


Angrily, Yi Tianquan shot directly.

This Yitianquan Yiyiquan is the martial arts invented by Yiyuan.

With Yiyuan's fist shot, in the void, shivered violently.

The terrible punches spread even more towards the surroundings.

The countless disciples who relied on heaven quickly retreated.

"What a terrible punch, retreat!"

"The elders' power has grown!"

"The breath on the elder is too much, but there is not much enhancement. I think he usually hides his strength!"

"He won't always be patient, just waiting for such a day!"

"It's too frightening for the elders!"


That terrible punch came, and countless disciples who relied on heaven quickly retreated.

At this moment, their hearts are even more extraordinary.

You know, Yiyuan in front of you, the strength you usually cut out, is not the case.

Now that the strength of Yiyuan is so terrible, how can these disciples not be shocked?

"Old thing, if you look for death, I will fulfill you!"

Watching Yiyuan blasted towards himself, Yitian came without any hesitation, and Yiquan greeted him.

"Want to block me with Yitianquan?"

"Come to Yitian, don't forget that Yitianquan was invented by me, and I am the one who can exert the strongest power of Yitianquan!"

Looking at Yitianlai just blasted at him with Yitianquan, Yiyuan sneered.

He invented Yitianquan, and he is the one who relies on it.

He is a master of Yitian. That ’s right, but he already has a different heart. When he taught Yitian to come, he had a trick.

In Yitianquan, Yitianlai could not be his opponent.

"is it?"

"Rely on your perfect cultivation?"

Listening to Yi Yuan, Yi Tianlai didn't care.

In his view, Yiyuan in front of him was cultivated to have only the perfection of Heavenly Supreme, but he was a strong man in the early days of the Emperor.

Although there was only a small difference between the early days of Emperor Tianzun and Tianzun, there was a big difference in strength.

From the perspective of Yitianlai, Yiyuan in front of him cannot be his opponent.

"Boss, who will be the winner of this battle?"

And at this moment, Xiao Xiao, not far away, looked at Mo Wentian, and a touch of refined light rose in his eyes.

"I am the final winner!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, and raised a touch of radian.

"You are the final winner?"

"Boss, you haven't even had a war. How could you be the winner of this war?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan could not help laughing.

"Boss, I see!"

"In this battle, they will be evenly matched. You are the one who fights for the fisherman's profit!"

Xuantian's figure flickered, and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder. Looking at Mo Wutian, a consciousness rose in his eyes.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"This is impossible!"

"Boss, this practice of Yiyuan, but Tianzun's perfection, how can he be an opponent of Yitian?"

Wen Yan said in Xiaoyan's eyes, he was puzzled and said quickly.

"Look at it!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's indifferent appearance, Xiaoyan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

Immediately, Xiao Yan could only look his eyes at the war in the void.


Just then, in the void, a fierce collision came.

The two figures flew upside down.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.

At this moment, their faces paled.

"I'm not mistaken, right? This elder and Yitian are evenly matched!"

"Yeah, they all seem to have suffered minor injuries!"

"This is just a collision. This war is still early. There is no room for two tigers. Among them, one must fall today!"

"I think even if this hit Yiyuan is good, he will not be Yitianlai's opponent. After all, his cultivation is not as good as Yitianlai!"

"It's uncertain, maybe Yitianlai is really not his opponent!"


Watching the two figures flew upside down, countless disciples relying on heaven to discuss.

At this moment, they began to guess the final winner of the war.

"Old thing, it looks like your strength has grown a lot!"

Yitian came to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and looked at Yiyuan's eyes, it was difficult to hide a little.

Obviously, Yitianlai was a bit shocked at Yiyuan's strength.

After all, Yi Yuan's cultivation is not as good as him, but the collision of this punch did not take any advantage.

This is enough to show that Yiyuan's strength has increased.


"My strength has increased a bit, but more than that, I have hidden my strength for many years!"

Yi Yuan also stood up, looked at Yi Tian, ​​and said with a sneer.

His strength has always been good, but in order to let him rely on heaven to eliminate his wary, he has always forbeared.

He concealed his true strength in order not to let this rely on heaven to doubt.

In fact, more Yiyuan is for today, for today's battle.

"Hidden strength for years?"

Nana whispered in his mouth, Yitianlai felt only a coldness, and struck from the back.

This reliance on Yiyuan is really terrible. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, this Yiyuan was already planning for today. Such a forbearance and such a plan are really shuddering.

"Boss, this person's effort is too deep!"

Listening to Yi Yuan's words, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a magnificent, deep voice.

"This person's mind is deep. If it can be subdued and used by me, it will be good!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

This Yiyuan is so good at planning. As long as he is subdued and let this person take care of his Devouring Heaven Realm, his Devouring Heaven Realm will definitely not be worse. This is beyond doubt. Motian can be sure.

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