Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1990: Yitianding

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Chapter 1990 Reliance On The Sky Tripod

"Boss, this person's mind is so terrible, how dare you let him use it for you?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes raised a touch of worry.

"Little sister, don't forget, the boss has the seal of slavery!"

"If Yiyuan had been enslaved by the boss, even if you gave him courage, he wouldn't dare to be deliberate with the boss!"

In the eyes of Xuantian, a faint light flashed.

"Yes indeed!"

"Why didn't I think of it!"

It's okay for Magic Sky to say nothing. When Magic Sky said this, Xiao Yan felt very stupid.

Following Mo Wentian for so long, Mo Wentian ’s divine seal is terrible, he knows it.

As long as Mo Wutian has the seal of slave gods, it is difficult to listen to Mo Wutian's words.

Unless, it is a lifeless person.

"All right!"

"You all watch this war!"

Looking at the appearance of a dragon and a monster, Mo Wentian shook his head.

"Okay, boss!"

One dragon and one demon quickly agreed.

"Hidden strength, this Yuan really hides strength!"

"He has been the elder of the heavenly kingdom for many years, but he has hidden his strength for many years? This is really terrible!"

"His strength is hidden. Just now, Yitian came to a close match. Will he not do his best yet?"

"Yi Yuan's strength must not be bad, otherwise he would not dare to fight against Yi Tian!"

"Even if Yiyuan hides his strength, his cultivation is only in the perfect state of Tianzun. He has not yet reached the early state of Tiandi. He will not be an opponent of Yitian!"


And at this moment, the countless disciples who relied on heaven came back to God and talked instantly.

At this moment, their eyes didn't blink, and they seemed to be afraid of missing something wonderful.

"Old thing, even if you hide your strength, you are still not my opponent!"

Listening to the sound of discussion, Yi Tianlai's eyes were boundless.

At the same time, the breath on Yitian was extremely violent.

"is it?"

"This battle is not over yet, and who is the final winner may not be sure!"

Looking at Yitian, Yiyuan's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Who is the last winner?"

"I am the final winner!"

An extremely cold voice sounded, and Yi Tianlai's figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

Watching Yi Tianlai's figure disappeared, Yi Yuan's eyes flashed and disappeared into the void.

"Old thing, let's go!"

And the next moment, in the void, a loud drinking voice came.

I saw that in the void, Yi Tianlai's figure had already appeared behind Yi Yuan, and he punched again and blasted towards Yi Yuan's chest.

At this moment, relying on heaven is already killing.

His fist is terrible and mighty, if his fist fell towards Yi Yuan, Yi Yuan would not survive.

"Want to kill me?"

"You don't have this ability yet!"

Looking at this scene, Yi Yuan's eyes narrowed, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Yi Yuan's figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

Yi Tian's punch fell directly to the ground.


A hole of several tens of feet appeared on the ground instantly, arousing countless dust.

"Old thing, how can you play with me?"

"Your body is a bit better than mine, but I can still kill you!"

Watching a fist fall, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a cold mang, and his heart was even more murderous.

At this moment, Yitian's fist was squeaky.

"Even if the Lord of the Realm doesn't give you a trick, relying on your cultivation practice that is promoted with elixir!"

"To block you, the Lord of the Realms is easy!"

With Yi Tianlai's words coming out, Yi Yuan's figure appeared opposite Yi Tianlai.

Looking at Yitian, Yiyuan's breath quickly skyrocketed.

At this moment, Yiyuan's breath had not fluctuated in the slightest. His injury seemed to be completely restored, and his complexion became rosy.

Obviously, Yiyuan had just taken the medicine for recovery. Otherwise, his cultivation would not be able to recover so quickly.

"It's easy to stop me?"

"Old things, I don't believe in this evil of you. The cultivation of my early emperor's realm will not kill the ants in your god's realm!"

Listening to Yi Yuan's words, Yi Tianlai was unwilling to show weakness.

In his opinion, no matter how strong Yiyuan is, it is unlikely to be his opponent.

"Rely on Tianding!"

With a cold drink, Yitian came without any hesitation, and a slap-shaped furnace appeared in his hands as soon as his heart moved.

There are mysterious patterns on this furnace.

With the appearance of Yitianding, the countless **** patterns on Yitianding lit up, and the terrible and boundless power spread to the surroundings.

At the same time, countless disciples who rely on heaven are extremely impressive.

"Yi Tianding? Yi Tianlai came up with Yi Tianding!"

"Yi Tianding is not an artifact of the imperial peak. This rumor of Yi Tianding can suppress the strong in the middle of the Emperor!"

"It's not only the strong man in the middle of the emperor who can suppress it. I heard that relying on Tianding has even suppressed the strong man in the late period of the emperor!"

"Xi Tianlai's Xiu originally reached Tiandi's early state. Now there is this Yi Tianding in hand, and Yiyuan will not be his opponent any more!"

"This war, Yiyuan will lose!"


Countless disciples who relied on heaven came back to God and instantly exploded the pot.

At this moment, they have made a decision on this war in their hearts.

In their opinion, the final winner of this war is Yitianlai. As for Yiyuan, it will not be Yitianlai's opponent at all. His strength is still too weak.

But what they don't know is that at this moment Yiyuan, the mind is also working.

"Boss, this power on Tianding is so powerful. What kind of artifact is this?"

At this moment Xiaoyan, looking at Yitianding in the void, raised a curiosity in his eyes and asked with a deep voice.

"This Yitianding is the artifact of the imperial peak!"

"This prestige of reliance on Tianding is ten times stronger than the reliance on the heavenly elders you can see!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a bright light rose.


"This Yitianding turned out to be the artifact of the imperial peak?"

"No wonder this Tianding is so terrible!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light.

At first glance, Xiao Yan felt that this reliance on Tianding was not ordinary, but he did not know that this reliance on Tianding turned out to be an artifact of the imperial peak.

"Xiao Yun, do you like this?

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, this Tianding is not suitable for me!"

"But I think this Tianding is quite suitable for you. If you can conquer this Tiantian, this Tiantian is naturally yours too!"

Xiao Yan shook his head again and again.

Immediately, what seemed to be thinking, his eyes looked at Mo Wentian, and his face was serious.


Mo Wentian just quietly nodded.

"Come to Yitian, I didn't expect that Yitianding was in your hands!"

At this moment, a very cold voice sounded.

I saw in the void, Yiyuan at this moment, full of killing.

Looking at the cold mang in Yi Tian Ding and Yi Yuan's eyes was even more wanton.

The terrible power on him was even more violent.

"Relying on Tianding in my hands?"

"Not in my hands, shouldn't it be in your hands?"

Listening to Yi Yuan's remarks, Yi Tianlai sneered and asked in return.

"Relying on heaven, this reliance on heaven is the inheritance of reliance on heaven, you are no longer the master of heaven, this reliance on heaven is not what you can have!"

"If you are acquainted, give it to the Lord of the Reality honestly!"

Yi Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he shouted coldly.

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