Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2012: Relationship between Aftershock and Yitianlai

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Chapter 2012 The Relationship Between Aftershock Tian and Yi Tianlai

"Qing Qing, these cultivation resources, you follow the disciples' cultivation, and all are distributed!"

"For the time being, the emperor only has these cultivation resources, and I will distribute them to you once the emperor has gained more cultivation resources!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at Mo Qingqing and said coldly.

"Okay, ask Brother!"

Mo Qingqing agreed without hesitation.

"It's true, the master really wants to distribute these cultivation resources to us!"

"We are all just surrendering our masters verbally. The master is so relieved to distribute all the cultivation resources to us. Isn't he afraid that we will attack him after we take these cultivation resources?

"With the master's strength, even Yitianlai and Yiyuan are not his opponents. We are in his eyes like an ant-like existence!"

"Since the host believes in us and distributes these countless cultivation resources to us, we naturally cannot let the host down!"

"We should be grateful that we can have such a host!"


Listening to Mo Wentian told Mo Qingqing to distribute all these cultivation resources to them.

These disciples who relied on the heavens became more and more admired for Mo Wentian.

You know, Mo Wentian just said that he wanted to subdue them, but he didn't actually do anything to them.

It can be said that if these disciples who rely on heaven want to not submit, they can not submit.

"Boss, these disciples who rely on heaven, you do n’t have the seal of slavery, nor do you do anything to them!"

"They are just verbal surrender. Will they share our troubles?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and a deep voice said.

"rest assured!"

"Human hearts change people's hearts, but this emperor has distributed to them all the cultivation resources seized from Heaven, they are not fools, they will understand who is good to them!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Qing Qing, I'll leave it to you, relying on heaven!"

"These disciples who rely on heaven should not have any other heart!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian looked at Mo Qingqing and said with a cold face.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​you can rest assured!"

"The next time you come to Yitianjie, I will definitely let you see a brand new Yitianjie!"

Mo Qingqing looked at Mo Wentian, vowing vowedly.

"Let me see a renewed reliance on heaven?"

"it is good!"

"Qing Qing, this is what you said, this emperor is waiting to see your renewed reliance on heaven!"

"Hahahaha ..."

Looking at Mo Qingqing's confident look, Mo Wentian couldn't help laughing.

"Buzz ..."

But the next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flashed, but it disappeared into the void.

Seeing Mo Wentian disappeared, with the exception of Mo Qingqing and Yinger, everyone who followed Mo Wentian came to rely on Heaven, and all left with Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian's direction is Yu Tianjie.

In Yu Tianjie at this moment, it is a mess of porridge.

Numerous disciples of Yu Tianjie are fleeing wildly.

Their look was even more alarming.

At the moment, in the Yu Tianjie Hall, a figure sat on the Lord's seat and looked at the numerous Yu Tianjie disciples who had fled and left, his body suddenly looked up.

If Mo Wentian is here, he must be able to recognize that this person is not someone else, but Yu Zhenjie, the lord of Yu Tianjie.

At this moment, the breath on his body rose a bit.

His fist clenched even more.

"Master, big things are bad!"

"The big deal is bad, Master!"

Just then, a figure stumbled in from outside the hall.

Looking at Yu Zhentian, this man panicked.

"whats the matter?"

Aftershock looked at the disciple in front of him, said coldly.

"Just ... just received the news, this heaven of heaven has changed!"

"Yi Tianjie was conquered by a strong man!"

The pair's body shook a little at this moment.

The disciple who came to report the letter originally wanted to leave directly, but why his family was still in the hands of Yu Zhentian, he came forward to report the situation with his head brazen.


"Relying on the heavens was conquered by the strong?"

"Conquered by some strong man?"

After listening to the disciple's words, Yu Zhentian stood up instantly and looked at the disciple in front of her, and said with a cold face.

At this moment, Yu Zhentian's heart was even more extraordinary.

You know, Yu Tianjie is in the top five hundred worlds, and in Tianxianjie, no force is allowed to subdue other forces.

This is why there are always 1,200 worlds in the heavenly world.

"This ... this I don't know!"

"I just got news that Yitianjie has changed!"

"This reliance on heaven is conquered, and now the New Territory reliance on heaven is Mo Qingqing!"

The disciples who reported the letter did not even dare to lift their heads to see Mo Wentian.

His body shuddered at this moment.

That looks like he was afraid that Aftershock Tian would be unhappy, and beheaded him.

At this moment in his heart, there was even a bad feeling.


"This reliance on heaven is conquered. Is this New Territories Lord relying on heaven, Mo Qingqing?"

"Isn't this Mo Qingqing the Emperor of the Northern Mo Heaven Realm?"

"How could Mo Qingqing become the New Territories Lord relying on heaven?"

After listening to his words, Yu Zhentian's heart became even more puzzled.

As for what happened to Yitianjie recently, Aftershock Tian knew nothing about it.

After all, all his thoughts were focused on the news of Mo Wentian.

As for what happened to the Heavenly Realm and the North Motian Realm, he knew nothing.

"This ... this I don't know!"

"Jie ... Jie Zhu, now the disciples of Yu Tianjie know the news, and they are fleeing quickly!"

"What shall we do with these disciples?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. The disciple who reported the letter looked at Yu Zhentian, the weak Tao.

"What to do with these disciples?"

"I don't have the heart to manage these disciples yet. Let ’s rely on heaven to see it before I say it!"

Aftershock days at this moment, the mind is all on Yitianjie.

The relationship between Yitianlai and him, although he is not very clear, but usually Yitianlai is good to him.

He wanted to know, what happened to Yitian?

This reliance on heaven has been conquered, and a bad hunch rose in his heart.

The result of relying on heaven must not be better.

Thinking about this, Yu Zhentian's eyes flashed a cold touch.

"Buzz ..."

After that, Yu Zhentian didn't hesitate, and the figure flashed into the hall.

"Woohoo ..."

Looking at the figure of Yu Zhentian, disappeared in the hall.

The disciple who came to the letter was relieved in an instant.

As soon as Yu Zhentian came to the gate of Yu Tianjie, every figure stood in front of him.

These figures are not others, but Mo Wentian and others.

"Old miscellaneous, where do you want to escape?"

Before waiting for Mo Wentian to speak, Xiao Chen's figure flickered and blocked in front of Yu Zhentian.

At this moment, Xiao's breath quickly rose.

Originally Xiao Xiao and Yi Tian came to a battle. He suffered a minor injury, but after taking Mo Wentian's elixir, his repair was quickly restored.

Not only that, Xiao Yan's breath is stronger than before.

"Xiaoyu, where can this old miscellaneous go? Naturally, I have been informed of Yitianjie. I want to go to Yitianjie to see his old father Yitian!

Mo Wentian's figure stood proudly in the void.

Looking at Yu Zhentian, said with a smile on his face.

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