Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2013: Vigilant aftershock

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Chapter 2013 Vigilant Aftershock

"Go to heaven to visit the old father?"

"Boy, it's you, what are you talking about?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's figure, Yu Zhentian's eyes were full of magnificence.

However, he searched Mo Wentian for a long time and spent countless costs, but he did not get the news of Mo Wentian.

Unexpectedly, when he was not planning to find Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian came to his door.

This makes Yu Zhentian's heart not shocked?

"Old miscellaneous, don't you know?"

"Yitianlai is your father, your biological father!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, raising a wicked smile.

Mo Wentian was very clear about the relationship between Yitianlai and Aftershock Tian.

Yitianlai and Yuzhentian are father-son relationships. Otherwise, when this aftershock asks Yitian to help, Yitianlai sends people to find Mowentian without saying a word.

But their calculations were wrong, and they all ended up in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Yitianlai is my biological father?"

"This ... this is impossible!"

After listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yu Zhentian's eyes were full of impressiveness.

Yitianlai could not be his father?

Ten thousand did not believe in Aftershock's heart.

But in Yu Zhentian's mind, the appearance of relying on heaven appeared.

Mo Wentian didn't say that, and Yu Zhentian had never thought of it that way, but Mo Wentian said so. Yu Zhentian also felt that his appearance and Yitian were actually similar.

"Do not!"

"This is impossible!"

"This kid must be lying to me!"

After thinking about this, Yu Zhentian only felt that he and Yitian were more and more similar, but in his heart, he was unwilling to detail.

Aftershock shook his head again and again, his eyes were incredible.

"Lie to you?"

"Old miscellaneous, just rely on your ants-like cultivation, do you think the emperor needs to lie to you?"

Looking at Yu Zhentian's unbelievable face, Mo Wentian's radian rising from the corner of his mouth became richer.

"Boy, you must have lied to me early, my relationship with Yitianlai, but ..."

After listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yu Zhentian's heart still didn't believe it.

"Buzz ..."

Before waiting for the words of Yu Zhentian, Mo Wentian moved, two figures came out of Wen Tiange.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"

The two figures quickly bowed down to Mo Wentian, and their looks were extremely respectful.

These two figures are not others, they are Yitianlai and Yiyuan.

"Let's all get up!"

The indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian raised his hands slightly, and the two figures could not help but stand up.

"Thank you, master!"

"Thank you, master!"

The two figures slightly bowed to Mo Wentian, and then stood up.

"Come to heaven, you tell him, what is your identity?"

"What is your relationship with him!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, and his face was cold.

"Yes, master!"

After hearing that, Yitian didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

"Yu Zhentian, you are my son, my son who relies on heaven!"

The next moment, Yitian came to look at Yu Zhentian and said coldly.

"This ... this is impossible!"

"You are not my father, you must have lied to me!"

Although Yi Tian had already said so, Yu Zhentian's heart was still reluctant to admit it.

He didn't want to admit that he was the son of Yitianlai. Yitianlai was a good existence in the heavenly world, but Yitianlai's reputation was not good.

At this moment, Yu Zhentian thought of himself, and he was afraid that relying on heaven would affect his reputation.

Aftershock's body retreated.

"Aftershock, it's useless if you don't want to admit it!"

"You are the **** of my mother and me ..."

Looking at Yu Zhentian, he didn't believe it at all. Yitian came and explained some of the things that happened to Yu Zhentian and his mother.

"Rely on the sky, you ..."

"Why don't you always say that you are my father, now you tell me that you are my father, you are really ..."

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Yu Zhentian didn't want to admit that he could only admit it.

But in his heart, he felt very ashamed that he was a son of Yitianlai.

"All right!"

"Rely on the sky, come back!"

Looking at Yu Zhentian's excitement, Mo Wentian looked at Yitian and said coldly.

"Yes, master!"

With Mo Wentian's cry, Yitian came down respectfully.

"Yu Zhentian, now you already know your identity!"

"You can stare too!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be rising, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Identity is clear, can I stare?"

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

After hearing that, Yu Zhentian felt only a breath of death and was approaching him.

"What do I not want to do?"

"If you are honest, you will obey the Emperor and become the dog of the Emperor, just like Yitianlai!"

Mo Wentian looked at Yu Zhentian, and there was a wicked smile in his mouth.

"Submit you?"

"Becoming your dog?"

"Boy, will you rely on Heaven to conquer? And that Yiyuan, will you also conquer Yiyuan?"

After listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yu Zhentian's body receded a lot again.

At this moment, Yu Zhentian finally returned to God and noticed Yiyuan.

At the same time, Yu Zhentian remembered Yi Tianlai and Yi Yuan's respectful attitude towards Mo Wentian.

In his eyes, it was awe-inspiring.


"This Yitianlai and Emperor Yuanyuan both conquered!"

"Actually, you ant, for Bendi, the effect of conquering is not great. Bendi only looks at Yitian's face and wants to conquer you!"

"Otherwise, this Emperor is too lazy to waste your tongue with you, just kill it!"

Mo Wentian did not conceal in the slightest, and admitted it directly.

This aftershock's cultivation, but Tianzun's perfect situation, now Mo Wentian lacks strength, but there are already two strong emperors in the realm of Yitianlai and Yiyuan.

This aftershock is not conquered, which is not very effective for Mo Wentian.

He really looked at Yitian's face and wanted to conquer aftershocks, otherwise he would kill the aftershocks directly.


"The host treats us well!"

"Your cultivation is impossible for the master!"

Looking at Yu Zhentian's stunned face, Yitian stepped forward, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Submission ... submission?"

"You have been subdued by him, and I'm not his opponent anymore!"

"Submit to submit!"

Yu Zhentian's heart was still hesitant, but listening to Yi Tian's words, Yu Zhentian made up his mind.

Although he didn't have much affection for Yitianlai, Yitianlai was indeed his father, and Yitianlai would not harm him.

Thinking in this way, Yu Zhentian's eyes flashed a light.

Looking at Mo Wentian, he bowed down and bowed down.

"Boss, this aftershock is surrendered?"

"It's a bit quick!"

Watching Yu Zhentian Chen surrender, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a magnificent, deep voice.

"He is not surrendering, he knows what his end is!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely cold.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Since you surrender, let go of it!"

The next moment, it seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold drink.


"Why relax?"

"What do you want to do?"

When he heard that he was going to be relieved, Aftershock suddenly became alert.

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