Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2014: Xiaoyan's amazing!

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Chapter 2014 Xiao Xiao's Powerful!

Relax, aftershock knows what it means.

As long as he is happy and let Mo Wen have the immortal mark, his life and death can be completely controlled by Mo Wen Tian.

Thinking about this, Yu Zhentian's heart hesitated.

He originally promised to surrender, but only wanted to surrender verbally now. As long as he had the opportunity, he would escape from Mo Wentian's control.

But if he is relaxed, he wants to get out of Mo Wentian's control, which is simply impossible.

"Ben's patience is not good!"

"Give you two choices, surrender to the emperor or die!"

Looking at Yu Zhentian's hesitant look, Mo Wentian's expression looked cold.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's terrible coercion even spread towards Aftershock Tian.

"Huh ..."

Mo Wentian's terrible coercion struck. Aftershock Tian paid no attention. Mo Mantian's coercion hurt him instantly.

With a moan, the corners of Yu Zhentian's mouth overflowed with blood.

"Boy, you are abominable!"

"In the sky and sea, you are not my opponent yet, I don't believe it now, you will be my opponent!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, and there was a flash of light in the eyes of Yu Zhentian.

Yu Zhentian reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, drinking coldly.

After the battle in Tianming Sea last time, Aftershock Tian did not forget.

In that battle, Mo Wentian was not his opponent at all.

Now the distance from the battle in the Tianming Sea, but after less than a month, aftershock Tian did not believe it, Mo Wentian's cultivation, how much can be improved in less than a month.

At this moment, the breath on Aftershock's body quickly rose up.

"Old miscellaneous, it seems that Yitianlai can't listen to your orders!"

"I can tell you that you will not be an enemy of Bendi!"

Listening to Yu Zhentian's remarks, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

Aftershock days, I really don't know where I came from, so I wanted to fight him.

Could he fail his opponent?

Yi Tianlai and Yi Yuan in front of her eyes are the best example. This aftershock is not enough to give up the Yellow River and wants to fight him.

"Will not be your enemy?"

"Boy, you are too deserving of you too. Although your cultivation is stronger than the last time in the sky and sea, and has reached the perfection of the emperor, but you are still my defeat!"

In the eyes of Yu Zhentian, a moment of killing rose.

His son Yu Hao was beheaded by Mo Wentian.

The shame he received in the heavenly sea was also a gift from Baimo.

Thinking about this, the anger in Aftershock's heart sprang up.

At this moment, the breath on Aftershock Tian was skyrocketing.

"Boss, do you want to conquer this old mess?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint light.

"Yi Tian has been subdued. This aftershock is his son, so he cannot be killed!"

"If you can't kill, you can only conquer!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, if you want to subdue him, then let me teach him!"

"If you don't subdue him, I want to kill him directly!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light.

"Xiao Xun, I'll leave this old mess to you!"

"Don't make him too miserable, at least to see someone!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Okay, boss!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, Xiao's figure appeared in the void.

"Roar ..."

The breath on Xiaoyan's body was terrible.

The immense vastness of Longwei is rolling out.

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at Xiao Yan's figure, Yu Zhentian's eyes narrowed slightly.

The small cricket in front of him is not weak, he has reached the perfect state of Heavenly Supreme, and it is only one step away from breaking through the heavenly emperor.

Compared with the aftershock days, such a practice is not far behind.

The only thing that Aftershock Tian is stronger than Xiaoyan is that Aftershock Tian's cultivation has been a breakthrough to the completion of Tianzun, and Xiaoyan just broke through.

Unable to say why, looking at the small uncle in front of him, Yu Zhentian's heart raised a bad hunch.

"What do you want?"

"What do you want, Grandpa Grandpa?"

"Of course I want to fight you!"

The icy voice sounded, and Xiao Yan's power was terrible.

"This is Shenlong, so terrible!

"Where did this dragon come from? The cultivation of this dragon seems to have reached the state of perfection!"

"The courage that spreads out from this dragon is stronger than our lord!"

"This dragon is going to fight against our real master. Can our real master ever fight this real dragon?"

"Our Lord of Lords will not be the opponent of this dragon. The coercion on this dragon is really terrible!"


And at this moment, the numerous disciples who wanted to leave Aftershock Tian stopped for a moment.

Their eyes were gazing at Xiao Xiao in the void.

Feeling the immense vastness of Long Wei's body, repaired as a lower warrior, the corners of his mouth couldn't help overflowing with blood.

As for the warriors who are stronger, they are not much better. Their faces are pale and without any trace of blood.

"A battle?"

"Little reptile, do you think you are too strong?"

"Your cultivation is just breaking into the perfection of Tianzun, but I have broken into Tianzun for a long time!"

"Do you think you are my opponent?"

At this moment, it seemed that something had been found, and a trace of refined light flashed in the eyes of Yu Zhentian, his face cold.

That being said, in fact, in the heart of this aftershock, there was no confidence at all.

"Old miscellaneous, your mouth is awful!"

"Just don't know if your mouth is as powerful as yours!"

The cold voice sounded, and Xiao Yan's power rose again.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

With a cold drink, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate at all, and the hundreds of feet of dragon tail drew directly toward Aftershock Tian.

Watching Xiaoyan's tail twitch towards himself, Yu Zhentian greeted him with no punch.

Yu Zhentian's punch, not other punches, was Yitian's martial arts Yitian fist.

Looking at Yu Zhentian's fist shot, Yitian not far away, but his look changed.

Aftershock's cultivation is too inadequate. Although Xiaozheng's cultivation is similar to Aftershock's, Xiaoyan is not an ordinary person. His strength is not always measured by cultivation.

After Yu Zhentian's fist shot, Yitian had already thought of the ending.


A violent collision sounded, and a figure flew straight out.

The figure that flew upside down was not someone else, it was Yu Zhentian.


A bite of blood sprayed out of Aftershock's mouth.

His face paled instantly.

"Little reptile, you ..."

"How can you be so strong?"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Yu Zhentian's eyes were full of magnificence.

"Grandpa your grandma, I told you long ago that you would not be my opponent!"

"But you don't believe it, that's no wonder your grandpa and me!"

Xiao Yan's figure flashed, standing proudly in the void, looking at Yu Zhentian, disdainful.

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