Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2026: Nine Claw Thunder Leopard's Strength

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Chapter 2026 The Strength of the Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard

"Boss, did you suppress this nine-clawed thunder leopard?"

And listening to the sound of the discussion, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light, could not help but say.

"My practice must be broken as soon as possible!"

"We don't have much time to wait!"

A cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold flash.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

That scream also stopped.

A figure climbed up from the ground.

"Lei Yuan meets his master!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the nine-clawed thunder leopard adult Lei Yuan knelt down directly towards Mo Wentian.

His look was extremely respectful.

"Submitted, our lord really obeyed this kid!"

"This kid turned down our adults directly with a spirit!"

"This boy's cultivation is really only the emperor's consummation? His soul is really 1,200 feet?"

"Our adults have been directly suppressed by this boy with his soul. The boy's cultivation is strength, and it must be not weak!"

"It is terrible, we are not his opponents at all!"


Looking at Lei Yuan's surrender, the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopard was full of surprise.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that a warrior who had been trained to have only the emperor's completeness could even suppress the strong one with the spirit directly.

At this moment, their hearts were shocked.

What's more, they all forgot to leave.

"Get up!"

Mo Wentian raised his hands slightly, and said indifferently.

As Mo Wentian lifted his hands slightly, it seemed that there was an upward force that let Lei Yuan's body stand up involuntarily.

"Thank you, master!"

Lei Yuan gave a slight gift to Mo Wentian, and his eyes were hard to hide.

"Lei Yuan!"

"You have already surrendered, what are you supposed to do with the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopards?"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian looked at Lei Yuan and said coldly.

"Return to the master, these nine-clawed thunder leopard repairs are still good!"

"The owner is still in need of some information in the midst of this peak. These nine-clawed thunder leopards should be able to help the owner!"

"I also hope that the owner will not kill them!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Lei Yuan's eyes flashed a complex light.

Suddenly, it seemed to be thinking of something, Lei Yuan's eyes flashed a fine light, a deep voice.

"So, do you want this emperor to leave these nine-clawed thunder leopards?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian looked at Lei Yuan with a slight grin on his mouth, and raised a radian path.

"Back to Master, Lei Yuan thought so!"

"Hope the masters can save their lives!"

Lei Yuan knelt down towards Mo Wentian again, and his look was even more sincere.

"It's not impossible for me to leave their lives!"

"But Bendi has a condition!"

Looking at Lei Yuan, Mo Wentian's expression froze coldly.

In the icy voice, with the coercion of a king, people could not afford to beak.

"The host has the conditions to do whatever he says!"

"As long as I can do it, I will do it!"

Lei Yuan looked at Mo Wentian, looking extremely respectful.

"Just as you ordered?"


"The Emperor never accepts people who have nothing to do with the Emperor. You want to let the Emperor leave their lives!"

"But they must be the same as you!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

He never asked Tian Ke never to accept a group of people who were not him. The repair of these nine-clawed thunder leopards was good.

But if he can't be the one who asks him, he can't use it for him, he won't relent.

In fact, Mo Wentian's mind had already made a decision.

On the surface, it looks very dull, but in fact, it is not calm at all.

Countless monsters live here, and Mo Wentian still needs these nine-clawed thunder leopards if he wants to find an opportunity to break through and repair in this peak.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Like me, the master?"

"Master, do you want these nine-clawed thunder and leopards to surrender?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Lei Yuan's eyes flashed a light.

"Want us all to surrender? We cannot surrender in the hands of this kid!"

"We still leave quickly, we cannot surrender this boy!"

"What does this man mean? Does he want us to surrender this kid?"

"We must report this news to Wang. My lord does so, it is against the rules of our nine-clawed Thunder Leopard family!"

"We will not surrender this boy. Subjecting this boy, our situation will definitely be worse than now!"


Listening to Lei Yuan's words, the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopards talked instantly.

In their hearts, 10,000 were unwilling to submit.

After all, Mo Wentian's cultivation is really bad.

If Mo Wentian's cultivation is better, maybe they will surrender.

At this moment, some nine-clawed thunder leopards actually wanted to escape.

"Lei Yuan, these nine-clawed thunder leopards know that this emperor has conquered you!"

"In any case, Bendi will not let these nine-clawed thunder leopards leave!"

"Since they don't want to obey you, they obey Bendi!"

"Then their end, only one!"


Watching those nine-clawed thunder leopards trying to escape, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"Buzz ..."

With that said, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the figure flashed, and he punched directly, blasting towards a nine-clawed thunder leopard.

The cultivation of this nine-clawed thunder leopard has reached the perfection of Tianzun. The breath on his body is not very stable, but he has just broken through to the perfection of Tianzun.

Mo Wentian shot straight and punched towards the nine-clawed thunder leopard.

Mo Wutian's fist was full of strength, but Mo Wutian wanted to punch this nine-clawed thunder leopard with a punch.

This nine-clawed thunder leopard, but Mo Wentian selected.

This nine-clawed Thunder Leopard has just broken through and is still in a weak period. His strength is much weaker than the strong man who broke through to the perfection of Tianzun.

Compared with those nine-clawed thunder leopards who are at the top of the sky, they are still stronger.

Mo Wentian wanted to bombard this nine-clawed thunder leopard and deter the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopard.

Although his cultivation has reached the state of the emperor's perfection, the Kowloon Eucharist has also reached its peak, but his strength, if he wants to punch and kill the powerful man with the perfection, it is still awaited.

However, this repair is the nine-clawed thunder leopard that has just broken through to the perfection of Tianzun, and the atmosphere is still unstable, which is the best choice for Mo Wutian.

He can bombard and kill the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopards.


With Mo Wentian's fist falling, the nine-clawed thunder leopard fell directly to the ground.

The vitality on him disappeared quickly.

This nine-clawed thunder leopard was directly killed by Mo Wentian's punch!

This nine-clawed thunder leopard has fallen!

Mo Wentian's speed is very fast, and even the spirit of this nine-clawed thunder leopard is about to escape.

"Dead, Lei Ming was shot and killed by this kid?"

"This kid's strength is really too strong!"

"This thunderous practice, but it has broken through to the completeness of Tianzun. This kid actually blasted the strongest of Tianzun's success with a punch, which is really terrible!"

"Thunder has been killed by this kid in one punch, and we will not be this kid's opponent!"

"Let's surrender, at least that will survive!"


Watching Lei Ming punched and killed by Mo Wentian, the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopard immediately stopped running and stopped in place.

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