Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2027: Xi Yan

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Chapter 2027 Xi Yan

They are scared at this moment. Mo Wentian's strength makes them afraid!

Mo Wentian just hit that blow, they asked themselves, they couldn't stop that punch.

"Tongtong ..."

The next moment, the sound of gurgling sounds, they immediately knelt down towards Mo Wentian.

Among them, they did not dare to show any disrespect.

"You surrendered?"

Looking at these nine-clawed thunder leopards kneeling down, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Master, we are willing to surrender, don't kill us!"

"Master, we are willing to let go!"

"Master, we are willing to surrender!"

"Master, we will obey you in the future!"

"We are all willing to surrender!"


Those figures, looking at Mo Wentian, looked extremely respectful.


"You are all good!"

Mo Wentian looked at the respectful look of these nine-clawed thunder leopards, and Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, raising a radian.

These nine-clawed thunder leopards surrendered, which is naturally a good thing for Mo Wentian.

He didn't know anything about the situation in Jiufeng, and although the cultivation of these nine-clawed thunder leopards was not very strong, they knew the Jiufeng well.

Mo Wentian conquered these nine-clawed thunder leopards just for his convenience in this peak.

"Boss, these nine-clawed thunder leopards are all conquered. Are you going to take them out and bring them back to Devils?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Xiaoyan looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Bring back Devourer?"

"These nine-clawed thunder leopards don't need to be brought back to Devouring Heaven. Our Devouring Heaven is not yet in front of everyone!"

"These nine-clawed thunder leopards can be used in Jifeng for the time being!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Master, these nine-clawed thunder leopards have surrendered!"

"Also ask the master to make a spirit mark!"

Just then, a figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

This figure is exactly Lei Yuan who has surrendered to Mo Tian.

Lei Yuan looked at Mo Wentian, looking extremely respectful.

These nine-clawed thunder leopards automatically surrender, which is also a good thing for Lei Yuan.

After all, Mo Wentian's strength is clear. If these nine-clawed thunder leopards are not surrendered, relying on Mo Wentian's character, he will not let these nine-clawed thunder leopards leave.

Although Lei Yuan surrendered to Mo Wentian, he did not want these nine-clawed thunder leopards to be beheaded by Mo Wutian.

"Lei Yuan, you are very familiar!"

"Bendi likes people like you, follow him carefully, and he will not treat you!"

Looking at Lei Yuan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

I have to say that Lei Yuan stood up and said so, which really made Mo Wentian's heart feel good for him.

Lei Yuan didn't ask Tian really intended to reuse him.

Although Lei Yuan's cultivation is not strong, but relying on his loyalty to these nine-clawed thunder leopards, Mo Wentian also decided to reuse him.

"Thank you, master!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Lei Yuan knelt down towards Mo Wentian, his expression was full of gratitude.

"You are all willing to surrender!"

"Then all let go of your mind!"

"Don't worry, as long as you let go of God, Bendi left a mark of soul and soul, you become Bendi people, Bendi will not treat you!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Yes, let's be happy!"

"Yes, master, we are all willing to relax!"

"As long as the host doesn't kill us, we are willing to do anything!"

"Thank you for your grace!"

"In the future, we will do whatever the host asks us to do, whether it is going up the mountain of swords or down the sea of ​​fire, we are willing to do it!"


As Mo Wentian said this, the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopards let go of their minds. They all felt grateful to Mo Wutian.

Mo Wentian at this moment, in their hearts, that is their master.

They dare not show any respect for their masters.

Now they have only one idea in their minds, and that is to survive.

"Shin of God!"

Looking at those figures, Mo Wentian quickly made countless seals toward the void.

With Mo Wentian's one-by-one inscriptions, in the void, one by one the slave characters appeared.

On top of these slave characters, a simple and boundless breath came out.

Above these slave characters, there is a mysterious mysterious pattern.

For a moment, I saw dozens of slave characters appearing in the void, and the breath above each slave character was extremely mysterious.

"go with!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's hand waved, and the dozens of slave characters fell directly into the brows of those nine-clawed thunder leopards.


As the slave characters fell towards the brows of the nine-clawed thunder leopard, screams rang out loudly.

The nine-clawed thunder leopards are rolling endlessly on the ground, and it seems that they are suffering huge pain at the moment.

"Boss, what is the purpose of us entering this peak?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be thinking of something. The magical sky flashed on Mo Wutian's shoulder. Looking at Mo Wutian, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"What's the purpose of entering this peak?"

"Looking for opportunities to break through!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Looking for opportunities to break through?"

"Boss, how does this look for opportunities to break through?"

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian. When Mo Wentian said this, Magic Sky's heart became more and more puzzled.

What is the opportunity for this breakthrough?

Hun Tian stretched out his furry claws and scratched his head. His eyes were puzzled.

He was not the first to hear about this breakthrough opportunity, but he did not know what the opportunity was.

"The Emperor is also unclear!"

"The predecessors of ancient books just said that they wanted to find an opportunity to make breakthroughs and repairs in this peak!"

"Although I don't know what is the opportunity for this ancient book predecessor to make breakthroughs, I believe that the ancient book predecessors will not lie to me!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, but the sound was full of firm words.

"Boss, this old predecessor has always been for your good!"

"I also believe that the predecessors of ancient books will not lie to you!"

"But what is the opportunity for this breakthrough repair, can the seniors of ancient books tell you this?"

After groaning for a while, Xuantian seemed to think of something, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, a deep voice said.


"The predecessors of the ancient books just let me look for the opportunity to make breakthroughs in this peak, but he didn't tell me what the opportunity for the breakthroughs was!"

"I don't know if I ask him!"

Listening to the words of Magic Sky, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Old Books Seniors!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and went straight to the way of asking the voice in Wen Tiange.

With the rumor of Mo Wentian, there was a wave of void in Wentiange.

I saw a phantom coming out of Wentiange directly.

This figure, not others, is the old man of ancient books.

The breath of the old man of ancient books is stronger than before.

The phantom of the old man of ancient books is also clearer than before.

The old man of ancient books yawned, looking at Mo Wentian, it seemed that he did not wake up.

"Boy, what are you looking for?"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a touch of dissatisfaction.

That look seemed to be awakened by his sweet dreams, which made him a little unhappy.

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