Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2028: primary condition

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Chapter 2028: Primary Conditions

"Ancient book senior, I want to ask you something!"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man with ancient books, and looked a little serious.

"Boy, let me tell you everything. I haven't got enough sleep yet!"

The old man of ancient books yawned again, sleepy words.

"Predecessors of ancient books, I want to ask you, you said let me come here to find opportunities for breakthrough and repair!"

"What is the opportunity to break through my cultivation?"

Do not ask God's look, at this moment, a little dignified.

For the opportunity of this breakthrough, Mo Wentian really wanted to know.

After all, this is the opportunity to break through the practice, and he wants to find it.

His practice broke through to the emperor's perfect condition, but it has been for a long time.

Now Mo Wutian, although the soul has reached 1,200 feet, his physique has also been elevated to the peak of the sixth-level Kowloon Holy Body in the immortal body.

He wanted to stand on top of the heavenly immortal world, which was far behind.

There are still many mysteries in his mind.

The real body of Hongyi Hongshang has not yet been condensed. The identity of the old man of the **** bead, the old man of the ancient books, and the identity of the younger sister, and more importantly his own identity.

These have been troubled in Mo Wentian's heart, and he wants to reveal all of them.

But with his current strength, it is obviously not enough.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"Boy, you have cultivated the opportunity for a breakthrough. I originally wanted you to look for it!"

"But the battle for this list is only one month away, and I will not waste your time!"

"After all, you have too much to do!"

"I'll tell you this!"

After groaning for a while, the old man of ancient books seemed to be thoughtful, and looked at Mo Wentian, with a serious expression on his face.

"Thank you so much for the ancients!"

Listening to the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian said a little gift to the old man of ancient books, expressing gratitude.

"Boy, this opportunity for you to break through cultivation is actually not an opportunity!"

"It's just a potion. It's not that difficult to pick this potion!"

The look of the old man of the ancient books, at this moment, instantly became serious.

"Pick a potion?"

"Old books, what is this magic medicine?"

Mo Wentian took a moment's notice, returned to God, and asked quickly.

"Boy, this magic medicine is called Xiyan!"

"Although Xiyan is a flower, it contains countless powers. As long as you swallow it, your cultivation will definitely break through!"

The look of the old man in ancient books became more dignified.

Looking at the look of the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian knew that it was not easy to pick this flower.

"Xi Yan?"

"Old books, where is this Xiyan?"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books with a very serious look.

"Boy, I don't know exactly where Xiyan is!"

"But I know that Xiyan is among the peaks!"

"Actually, with your boy's strength, you can wait again, your cultivation will also break through the realm of heaven, but now the battle for honors is coming, you have no time for this!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, a flash of coldness.

"Thank you for reminding our seniors!"

"No matter where Xiyan is, I will find it and devour my cultivation!"

Looking at the old man of ancient books, Mo asked the heavenly expression respectfully.

"Boy, don't worry!"

"There is still a month to go before the battle for honors. You have already done things that depend on Heaven and Yu Tianjie. You don't need to worry about other things!"

"This Qiongfeng is a very good place to experience. Your kid can also go through this Xiongfeng!"

The old man from the ancient book flashed to Mo Wentian, reached out and patted Mo Wentian's shoulder, said in a deep voice.

The words of the old man of the ancient books are light and windy, but deep in the eyes of the old people of the old books, there is a touch of cold coldness.

"Thanks, old books!"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man of the ancient books, but his grateful expression.

As for the other words, Mo Wentian didn't say anything.

The time he spent with the old man of ancient books is not short, and Mo Wentian is also clear about the character of the old man of ancient books.

There was no need for any other kind words between them.

"Thank you so much!"

"Boy, I need to thank you in the future!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a flash of coldness.

It looked like something was hidden in his heart.

"Thank you in the future?"

"Ancient book seniors ..."

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's heart was full of puzzles.

The old man of the ancient books even said that he also thanked Mo Wutian for his words, which made Mo Wutian's heart understand for a while.

"Boy, do a good job in this Pufeng!"

"As for Xiyan, it will be your kid!"

The old man from the ancient book reached out and patted Mo Wentian's shoulder again, and there was a faint light in his eyes.

After that, the old man of the ancient book flashed and disappeared into the void.

When it reappeared, the figure of the old man of ancient books appeared in Wentiange.

The next moment, the old man of the ancient books went into the ancient books without any hesitation, and fell asleep.

"Is this Yan Yan?"

"Ancient book seniors ..."

Listening to the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian opened his mouth, but what else did he want to ask, but the old man of ancient books has disappeared.

"Boss, this ancient book predecessor is really exactly the same as Shenzhu predecessor, no shadows and no traces!"

"Before you have finished speaking, the predecessor of this ancient book has disappeared!"

Seeing the old man disappearing from the ancient books, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint light and a deep voice.

"Boss, it's been a long time since I saw Senior Shenzhu!"

Xuantian's figure flickered. Looking at Mo Wentian, the light flashed in his eyes.

"The top ten in the battle for honors, I must win it!"

"The predecessors of ancient books said, as long as I win the top ten of this list, we can see the seniors of Shenzhu!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, are you confident in the top ten in this list battle?"

Xiaoyan was very curious about the battle for this list.

He wanted to know if Mo Wentian could win the top ten in the battle for this honor list.

The old bead with the gods has been with them for a long time, and he misses the old bead too.

Mo Wentian said that as long as he won the top ten of the top list, he could meet with his predecessors of ancient books, which completely stirred Xiao Yan's heart of war.

At this moment, Xiao Yan even wants to participate in the battle for this list.

"Confidence naturally exists!"

"But the premise is that my cultivation must break through to the realm of heaven!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Boss, Xi Yan said by the predecessor of this ancient book, we must take it away!"

"In this way, your cultivation can be elevated to the state of heaven, and you can participate in the battle for this list!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be thinking of something, Xiao Yan's eyes skyrocketed.


"We must win this night!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and his eyes were full of firmness.

No matter how difficult it is to take down Xi Yan, Mo Wentian must take this Xi Yan down.

After all, he must participate in the battle for the list.

If you want to participate in the battle for the honor list, the first condition is to cultivate to reach the state of honor.

Don't ask Tiantian if he can let this area be the first condition to block his way.

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