Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2029: Respectful thunder

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Chapter 2029 Respectful Lei Yuan

"Boss, we believe!"

"Boss, you can do it!"

Looking at Mo Wutian's firm face, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian quickly cheered Mo Wutian.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

However, Mo Tian's heart was determined.

This night, he must take it.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

The screams also stopped.

Those figures climbed up from the ground.

Looking at Mo Wentian, they bowed down respectfully towards Mo Wentian. In their looks, they dare not show any disrespect.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"


Every figure, kneeling down towards Mo Wentian, they were like obedient pugs, and they were in stark contrast to the arrogance just now.

"Let's get up!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

Raising my hand slightly, the dozen figures stood up involuntarily.

"What kind of power was this just now, how can our bodies stand up!"

"The master's strength is strong, even if we just raise our hands slightly, our bodies can stand up!"

"The master's cultivation is not the perfect condition of the emperor at all. I think the master's cultivation is beyond the emperor's condition!"

"The master's strength is not something you and I can understand!"

"Submitting the host is our right choice. We are not strong at all in the Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard clan, and we do not receive much attention. Following the host, we can at least be valued!"


As their bodies were dragged up by Mo Wutian's upward power, they looked at Mo Wutian's expression and changed again.

At this moment, in their hearts, they respected Mo Wentian even more.

At this moment, even if the king of the nine-clawed thunder leopard is here, they will not be willing to follow the king of the nine-clawed thunder leopard at this moment.

In their hearts, Mo Wentian has been identified as their master.

"Lei Yuan!"

"I ask you, is there an elixir called Xiyan in this peak?"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian thought of Xi Yan, said by the old man of ancient books. Mo Wentian looked at Lei Yuan and asked coldly.

"Back to Master, I have never heard of Xiyan!"

Lei Yuan looked at Mo Wentian and looked respectfully.

"You never heard of it?"

"This is weird, but the predecessor of this ancient book of Xiyan said, this is Yanyan in the peak, you have never seen it?"

Mo Wentian frowned slightly.

Xi Yan is said by the old man of ancient books, and it is in this peak.

It is impossible for the old man of ancient books to lie to him, and Lei Yuan does not say, there is only one possibility. The identity of Lei Yuan, I do n’t know that there is Xiyan in this peak.

Thinking like this, Mo Wentian's heart raised a touch of thought.

Since Xiyan does n’t know this Lei Yuan, it ’s because the identity of this Lei Yuan is not enough, and the king of the nine-clawed thunder leopard may know.

"Lei Yuan, where is your king?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, looked at Lei Yuan and said coldly.

"Master Hui, our king, is in this valley!"

"He is breaking through Heaven's Realm!"

"He is in a weak period now. The master wants to go to the valley to find the king?"

Regarding Mo Wentian's inquiry, Lei Yuan did not dare to hesitate.

After all, he was impressed by Mo Wentian, and he did not dare to lie to Mo Wentian at all.


"Take me forward!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Yes, master!"

Lei Yuan agreed without hesitation.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian and others, without any hesitation, hurried toward the valley.

Lei Yuan was at the front. As for Mo Wentian, he followed closely behind Lei Yuan. Xiaoyu and Huan Tian fell lazily directly on Mo Wentian's two shoulders.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

The figures of Mo Wentian and others appeared before a valley when they reappeared.

"Roar ..."

Mo Wentian and others just came to the valley before a roar came.

This roar was exactly that of the nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King.

The nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King is breaking through.

At this moment, Lei Yuan's look changed slightly.

"It seems that the repair of the nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King should be a breakthrough!"

Mo Wentian felt the breath of the heavenly emperor's realm, and there was a flash of refined light and cold voice in his eyes.

"Wang Xiuwei successfully broke through? Wang Xiuwei finally broke through to the early days of the Emperor!"

"It's been thousands of years, and Wang Xiuwei has reached the perfect state of Heavenly Supreme, but there are thousands of years, and this has finally broken through to the state of Heavenly Emperor!"

"Our Wang Xiu broke through to the Emperor's realm, and our nine-clawed thunder and leopard clan also existed in the Emperor's realm. Now our days in Jifeng are much better!"

"Our Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard no longer needs to be despised by other monsters!"

"Wang Xiu's breakthrough is really great!"


At the same time, joyful voices came from the valley.

Mo Wentian's spirit and soul were unfolded, and the situation in the valley was presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

In this valley, there are dozens of nine-clawed thunder leopards. The repair of these dozens is relatively worse than those of nine-clawed thunder leopards that Mo Wutian conquered.

However, the breath of a nine-clawed thunder leopard has reached the realm of heaven.

Mo Wentian doesn't need to know and know that the nine-clawed thunder leopard that is the strongest is not someone else, it is the king of the nine-clawed thunder leopard.

His cultivation has just broken through to the early days of Heavenly Emperor, and his breath is still unstable.

"Boss, it seems we are still late!"

"His cultivation has already broken into the realm of Heavenly Emperor!"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, there was a touch of refined light and a deep voice.

"I'm late?"

"It's not too late here!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

The nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King ’s practice broke through to the emperor ’s realm, which was a great thing for Mo Wentian.

The nine-clawed thunder leopard king ’s cultivation, although it has just broken through to the realm of the emperor, but the nine-clawed thunder leopard body is terrible.

The strength of the nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King is enough to be comparable to the average mid-day Emperor of Heaven.

If Mo Wutian conquered the nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King, it would be a great thing for Mo Wentian.

"Is it too late?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Xiaoyan's eyes were full of doubts.

"Little sister, look at it!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a radian.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and was asked to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Master, this is the valley where the king is!"

"In this valley, there are dozens of nine-clawed thunder leopards guarding it. What does the owner want to do to enter the valley?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Lei Yuan's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.

"Lei Yuan, what this emperor is going to do is not something you can ask!"

"Bendi knows your mind, you just want me not to kill them!"

"Be assured, as long as they are honestly submitting to the emperor, the emperor will not beheaded them!"

Mo Wentian looked at Lei Yuan, his eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Thank you, master!"

"I will surely let them all obey the owner!"

Seeing that the thoughts in his heart were in the words of Mo Wentian, Lei Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then returned to God with gratitude.

At this moment, Lei Yuan knelt down towards Mo Wentian.

"Get up!"

"Since you surrender to the Emperor, that is the person of the Emperor, you don't need to kneel at the Emperor!"

Mo Wentian raised Lei Yuan in a cold voice.

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