Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2055: The terrible charm

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Chapter 2055: The Fear of Charm

"Boss, leave this to me!"

Wen Yan, in the eyes of Magic Sky, raised a touch of confidence.

Although this Meihu tribe is the number one race in Jiufeng, its disciples are generally not high in cultivation.

Imagine wanting to be a disciple of this fox family to probe the news, this is the simplest thing.

Thinking like this, Xiao's heart became more confident.

"Have you heard of it? Our Emperor just got so angry!"

"Yes, our female emperor originally wanted to marry our female emperor to the young master of the stegosaurus, but I didn't expect that the three-headed tiger and stegosaurus wars!"

"But our Lady Emperor said that it is impossible for our Emperor Daughter to marry the young Master of the Stegosaurus, because the three young Tiger Masters and the Young Master of the Stegosaurus are not worthy of being our husband's husband. ! "

"I really don't know what these three-headed tiger and stegosaurus people think, but they still want to marry our emperor. If our emperor saw the young master of the stegosaurus, what did our female emperor say? I won't agree! "

"The adult lady has now gone to the palace of the empress, and she said that this time the yanyan **** flower is mature, she must take it away and let the emperor refine her, as long as she refines the yanyan **** flower, the empress's Hugen may wake up to Super Hugen! "


And at this moment, there was a sound of discussion.

I saw countless charm Fox disciples looking towards a palace.

And when these disciples of the Charismatic Fox clan talked about the three-headed tiger and stegosaurus clan, their eyes rose with disdain.

That look, it seems that the three-headed tiger and stegosaurus are not in the slightest eyes.

"Magic sky, this inquiring about the news, let's go to this fox family!"

Listening to the sound of this talk, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and there was a faint, cold voice in his eyes.

"Okay, boss!"

Xuantian agreed without hesitation.

Since Mo Wentian decided to go to the Meihu tribe to inquire about the news, he has followed Mo Wentian for so long. He still knows about Mo Wentian's character.

Since Mo Wentian's decision cannot be changed, follow it.

Seeing this, Xiaoxi nodded.


The next moment, Mo Wentian coldly sang and went directly to the pink-clad palace of the Meihu tribe.

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky followed closely behind.

"not good!"

"A human has come to our fox family!"

And just as Mo Wentian headed towards the Meihu clan, the disciples of the Meihu clan were immediately alert.

"Human, why are you here for me?"

The next moment, a figure stood out, looking at Mo Wentian, and a anger rose in his eyes.

At the same time, the breath on this person has also grown rapidly.

"Why did you come to me?"

"But I heard that your emperor and daughter have a unique style, I want to see it!"

Mo Wentian stepped forward, stepped forward, and looked at the person. Mo Wentian gave a slight grin at the corner of his mouth and raised a wicked smile.

The evil smile, no matter who fell in his eyes, made people want to punch him.

"Mum ..."

What's more, Mo Wentian swallowed.

That looks like a ghost.

"Well, boss!"

"You look so skillful!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian aside, only feeling numbness in the body for a while, the figure flashed, could not help but stay away from Mo Wentian.

"Humans, what kind of humans are our emperors and daughters? How can you and other ants say that you can see!"

"While our Lady Emperor doesn't know you are coming, your sister and I also look at you for your part, let you leave!"

The man listened to Mo Wentian's words, but in his eyes there was a faint light, cold voice.

But this person looked at Mo Wentian's eyes, but there was a strange light flashing.

I have to say that Mo Wentian actually looks good. What's more, Mo Wentian grows more and more interesting with his age.

Even the disciples of the Meihu tribe, looking at Mo Wentian, couldn't help it, even at the risk of being treated by the emperor, they volunteered Mo Wentian to leave.

But did Mo Wentian ask her to let him go?

Apparently, Mo Wentian came to this fox family to inquire about the news of Xiyan Shenhua, and he didn't want this person to let him go.

"Let me leave?"

"This emperor came, and even the princess's unique style did not see it, how could she leave!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wutian laughed more and more evilly. Looking at this person, Mo Wentian's eyes were rising with a flash of light.


"I asked you to leave, and you didn't even want to leave, you can't blame me!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the anger on this person instantly grew.

At the same time, the man's hands were working secretly.

Immediately, scene after scene was presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

There are countless enchanting postures, next to him, nodding at him, the scenes are as hot as they are hot.

"Boss, be careful!"

"This is charm, don't be fooled by it!"

Looking at this scene, the look of the magical sky was instantly solemn, and he quickly reminded him.

"The power of charm is not enough to confuse me!"

The icy voice sounded, and the expression of Mo Tian was indifferent.

Immediately, Mo Wentian shot directly in front of him.


With Mo Wentian's fist shot, a figure flew directly out.

This figure is the figure that just performed Mo Mantian's charm.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"My cultivation, but at the mid-day of the Supreme Master, the charm that I exhibited, even if the cultivation has reached the late state of the emperor, it is still impossible to escape my charm!"

"Your boy's cultivation is just the emperor's perfection, and he can't be confused by my charm!"

The figure stood up and looked at Mo Wentian. In this man's eyes, it was difficult to hide a little.

After all, this person knows about Mo Wentian's cultivation.

After all, Mo Wentian's cultivation is not hidden at all. It can be said that no matter who it is, Mo Wentian's cultivation comes.

But I can't ask the emperor's successful cultivation, and he was able to escape the charm of his charm fox tribe, which was beyond his expectation.

"The Emperor has no time to talk nonsense with you!"

"Say, where is your emperor?"

"How much do you know about Xi Yan Shenhua?"

Mo Wentian didn't answer this person's doubts, but flashed and appeared directly in front of this person.

Grasp the man's neck coldly.

"Big brother, you look good at your body, why do you have the heart to treat you like this!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, this woman said coquettishly.

She wanted to use this to relax Mo Wentian's vigilance. For ordinary men, perhaps this woman's move was useful, but for Mo Wentian, it was not too late.

The woman in front of her looks good, but she is too cheesy.

Mo Wentian doesn't have any feelings about these vulgar powders.

"Bendi has no patience!"

"Give you three breaths to think about, tell the news of Xiyan Shenhua, and where your fox princes are!"

"Otherwise, Bendi's hands would not listen to Bendi's call!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian grasped the woman's neck, and worked harder.

"A breath!"

"Two breaths!"


The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't have the slightest meaning of the word, and began to breathe.

"and many more!"

"I said, don't kill me!"

And just when Mo Wentian wanted to count the third breath, the woman was afraid and said quickly.

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