Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2060: Progress at the same time

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Chapter 2060: Progress Together

"It was you who had the power of mind with me!"

Watching Xiao's figure appeared, Youer could not help coming closer to Xiao.

The closer you approached Xiaoyu, the more Yuer felt the power of the mind and strengthened.

"You ... you stay away from me!"

Watching Youer approaching to him, Xiao Yan only felt that his face was hot, almost a subconscious way.

"Xiaoyu, you can't escape if you want to avoid!"

"Since the Emperor Foxes have an emotional power with you, you have an unusual relationship!"

"What I said, you are worth thinking about!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's rebellious look, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Boss, I still want to follow you!"

"Standing on the pinnacle of this heavenly world is my biggest wish!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's expression instantly became serious.

At the same time, Xiao Yan's breath rose rapidly, Xiao Yan's eyes were even more firm.

"Small sister, there is no contradiction between you accepting her and following me!"

"What's more, not everyone can produce this mind-inspiring power!"

Mo Wentian reached out and patted Xiaoyao's head, and there was a touch of light in his eyes.

"Not everyone can produce the power of the mind?"

"Boss, but ..."

Wen Yan said that Xiao Yan still wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"Why do you want to run away from me so much?"

"Am I annoying?"

"Do I look so disgusting to you?"

"But many people say that I am the most beautiful person they have ever seen!"

And at this moment, Youer stood up, looked at Xiaoyan, and a doubt rose in her eyes.

At the same time, You Er's little cherry mouth also mumbled, and seemed to be a little angry at Xiao Xiao's attitude.

"Emperor of the fox family, Xiaoyu, this is the first time you have contacted a girl. Don't be surprised!"

"He doesn't hate you, you look beautiful, he's just a little embarrassed!"

Mo Wentian looked at Youer with a slight grin on the corner of his mouth, and raised a radian path.

"So it is!"

"It's all right!"

"By the way, what's your name, my name is Youer and I am the daughter of the Meihu tribe!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's explanation, Yuer's face instantly burst into a smile.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Youer quickly said to Xiaoyan.

"Hello there!"

"I ... I'm Xiao Yan!"

Looking at Yuer with a smile on his face, Xiao Yan said subconsciously.

It's just that at this moment Xiaoyan is very embarrassed. Even the voice of speaking is a few degrees lower than usual.

"Little sister, this name is great!"

"I'll call your younger brother later!"

"We can produce the power of the mind, my mother can say, if I meet the person who generates the power of the mind, I will be yours!"

"Brother Xiaoyou, You'll be yours in the future. You have to be nice to others!"

Youer said, approaching Xiaoyan directly, and said that he even reached out and held Xiaoyi's body in his arms.

That little **** brother, it really made the goosebumps on the body.

"Boss, it seems Xiaomao can't run away, he has to be locked up!"

Looking at this scene, Magic Sky stretched out its furry claws, scratched its head, and said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Yun is going to be trapped?"

"The prince and daughter of the fox family, it seems that they are very clear about the power of the mind!"

"It's not just that Youyou won't let Xiaoyu leave, I want the female emperor of this fox family to know that you and Xiaoyu can have a heart-moving force. Xiaoyu left! "

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a dim light.

Mo Wentian is actually very happy that Xiaoxiong can find someone who can have a driving force with him.

After all, some people may never find such a person in their lifetime.

Mo Wentian's heart was really happy for Xiaoyi.

"You, you ..."

"You still don't have to do this first, there is my boss here!"

And at this moment, the small figure flickered and disappeared into the embrace of You'er directly.

When he appeared again, Xiao's figure appeared on Mo Wentian's shoulder.

Looking at You'er, Xiao Yan's voice turned down a lot of words.

That way, it seemed that I was afraid that the loud voice would scare you.

Looking at such a small uncle, Mo Wentian and Xuantian looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.


"Little brother, it turns out that this is your boss, if he is your boss, you will naturally be the boss of Youer!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, You Er's eyes looked towards Mo Wentian.

It was only when Youer saw Mo Wentian's cultivation, but his look changed a little.

"Yuer, now that you have already said, you will be the youngest in the future!"

"And I'm the boss of Xiaoyi, and I will be your boss in the future. Can we talk about it now?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian looked at Youer, and there was a light in his eyes.

"Xi Yan Shenhua?"

"Boss, this ..."

"This evening's Yan Shenhua, my mother asked me to take down the refinement!"

"I need this Xiyan Shenhua to promote the cultivation and awakening of Super Fox Roots. I can't promise you this!"

Hearing the words, Youer's expression was dignified.

"Ascension, Awakening of Super Fox?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly, her heart raised a doubt on the fox root.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, a void wave came.

I saw a figure appearing in Wentiange.

"Xiao Yan, this fox root is equivalent to the spiritual root of ordinary warriors!"

"The fox roots of this fox family are divided into nine classes, and the first class is the worst qualified!"

"And this ninth class is the strongest!"

"No, this ninth class is not the strongest!"

"The strongest should be the super fox root that Yuer said!"

There was a faint light, cold voice in the eyes of the old man of ancient books.

"So it is!"

"Old books, how powerful is this super fox?"

The next moment, what seemed to come to mind, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help asking again.

"This super fox root has never been awakened by the foxes in a million years!"

"I heard that two million years ago, there was a fox ancestor who had awakened the super fox root!"

"Awakening this super fox root, cultivation will break through to the supreme realm and become that supreme being!"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, he could not help raising a touch of admiration.

That is the admiration for the strong, that is the admiration from the heart.

"Break through supreme realm and become supreme being?"

"Predecessors of ancient books, what is this realm?"

Listening to the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian's heart raised a touch of curiosity, which was almost a subconscious question.

"Boy, your cultivation is too far away from that supreme existence!"

"This is not a problem that you should be related to now. The problem that you should be related to now is this beautiful beauty. How do you want to take it down and refine it?

In the eyes of the elders of ancient books, a complex light flashed.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"By the way, boy, this little sister-in-law and the princess of the charm fox tribe have a heart-moving force!"

"Don't delay them because of your selfishness!"

Suddenly, it seems to be thinking of something, in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, a flash of light flashed, reminding the road.

Not everyone can produce this force of mind.

Mo Wentian didn't understand the power of this mind, but the predecessors of ancient books knew it.

This mind-moving force is not just a mind-wrapping force, but also has the effect of simultaneously improving the cultivation of the two.

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