Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2061: Mo Qingqing wants to participate in the honor list

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2061 Mo Qingqing wants to join the honor list

"Don't delay them because of their own self?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's heart raised a doubt.

"Boy, two people who can grasp the power of mind can be double-minded!"

"They can promote each other's strength at the same time!"

The old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian and looked extremely serious.

"So it is!"

"Thank you for reminding me of ancient books, I know what to do!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Your boy, it looks like there are many things to do in the future!"

The old man of ancient books took a deep breath.

After that, the figure of the old man of the ancient book flashed and disappeared in the Wentian Pavilion.

"Yuer, do you have a map of where Xiyan Shenhua is blooming?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian looked at Youer and said coldly.


"My mother gave me a map of the blooming place of Xi Yan Shen Shen!"

"But Boss, the Xiyan God Flower took only one hundred thousand years to open. This Xiyan God Flower is related to our status of the fox family in this peak!"

"Excuse me, you can't give you this map!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, You'er's expression changed slightly, and his expression was dim.

"Boss ..."

And at this moment, listening to the words of You Er, look at You Er, and look at Mo Wentian.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"You, I don't force you!"

"But I will never give up this evening!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, let's look for each other now!"

"Whoever wins, who is Xi Yan Shenhua!"

Youer's eyes flashed a light.

This night's Yan Shenhua, You Er will not give up.

After all, she is not the only one who belongs to her. She is the daughter of the Meihu tribe.

The honor of the entire fox family is also in her. She can't lose the honor of the fox family because of her willfulness.

Thinking in this way, there was a touch of firmness in Yuer's eyes.

"it is good!"

"It's a word!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely firm.

That look, it seems that Mo Wentian is very confident about taking away this night's beauty.

After speaking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian quickly followed.

Although Xiaoyin and this You'er had the power of mind, Xiaoyin decided to follow Mo Wentian.

For a while, there was only Youer left in place.

"Brother Xiaoyou, you are sorry for you!"

Looking at the figures of Mo Wentian and others leaving, Er'er's eyes flashed a complex light.

After that, You Er's figure flickered, and she went towards the depths of the volcano.

And just when Mo Wentian and Youer were heading towards the volcano.

Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian also hurried towards the volcano.

"Jian Zhentian, if you can't take down this night, you should blame you!"

Yuan Hu looked at Jian Zhentian and said angrily.

In Yuan Hu's view, all of this should blame Jian Zhentian. If Jian Zhentian did not fight with him, he would not miss time.

He will have a chance to win this night ’s beauty, and although it ’s not yet time for the night ’s beauty, Yuan Hu ’s heart has a strong premonition that he wo n’t be able to take it away.

But Yuan Hu still didn't plan to give up, at least when no one took Xiyan Shenhua, he still had a chance.

"Blame me?"

"Yuan Hu, how can you blame me?"

"If it weren't for your three-headed Tiger elder's shot that hurt my front, I wouldn't be able to hit you?"

"What's more, it's your old miscellaneous shot that hurts my frontier first. If I don't do it, wouldn't it make your three-headed tiger tribe kick your nose to face!"

"With this time, if I don't give you a lesson, wouldn't your three-headed tiger tribe not take our stegosaurus into view in the future!"

Listening to Yuan Hu's words, the anger in Jian Zhentian's heart also rose suddenly.

However, Yuan Hu first shot at Jian Feng, and Yuan Hu actually blamed this on his head.

This makes Jian Zhentian's heart not angry.

At the same time, Jian Zhentian's breath rose again.

That looks like the next moment, the two are going to fight again.

"Jian Zhentian, now I have no time to fight you!"

"When I have time, see how I solve you!"

Looking at Jian Zhentian's appearance, Yuan Hu said unwillingly, and said coldly.

"Yuan Hu, then we wait!"

Jian Zhentian gave a cold glance at Yuan Hu, and said with a warlike expression.

"Jian Zhentian, if you don't take this Xiyan Shenhua this time!"

"My three-headed tiger tribe will blame it all on you!"

"Your disciples of the Stegosaurus said that it was your swordsman who killed our three heads of the Tigers. I shot the sword to hurt the swordsman, but I just wanted to get back a fair!

"There is nothing wrong with my three-headed tiger tribe!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Yuan Hu's eyes flashed a trace of light, angrily drinking.

"Yuan Hu, you say so, it's because you hurt my frontier, you still have reason!"

"Yuan Hu, Xi Yan Shenhua is about to open, I won't argue with you!"

"When the Xiyan Flower is won, my Stegosaurus will inevitably level your three-headed Tiger!"

The cold voice sounded, and the breath on Jian Zhentian's body was violent.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Jian Zhentian's speed was accelerated a lot.

The figure flickered, approaching the volcano directly.

Seeing this, Yuan Hu quickly followed up.

Yuan Hu was not slow and soon caught up with Jian Zhentian.

When the two went to the volcano, countless figures were heading towards the volcano.

These figures, if Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian are here, must be recognized, these figures are the elders of their three-headed tiger and stegosaurus.

They came and wanted to take down the Xiyan Shenhua.

Although they knew in their hearts that, with their strength, it was almost impossible to take down the Xiyan Shenhua, but they still had a little hope in their hearts.

And just in this peak, they are all fighting for the beauty of this night.

The outside world relies on heaven.

The two halls leaning on the heavenly hall are in the hall.

A figure, sitting on the Lord's seat, her breath has increased a lot compared to before.

If Mo Wentian is here, he can recognize that this person is not someone else, it is Mo Qingqing.

"Miss, don't know how to ask Brother Tian?"

The figure under the seat of the master is Yinger, who looks at Mo Qingqing with difficulty in her eyes.

"Big brother must be fine!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Qingqing's eyes were full of firmness.

"Are you asking Brother Tian to join the battle for honors?"

"But I heard the battle for this list, the minimum condition is that the cultivation must reach the state of heaven, but you can ask the brother's cultivation, but it is the perfect state of the emperor!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Qingqing's expression was dignified.

"Miss, this is asking Brother Tian has been away for a while. Maybe ask Brother Tian Xiuwei has been elevated to the state of heaven respect!"

In Yinger's eyes, a bright light rose.

"Ask Brother Brother Xiu Wei for a breakthrough!"

"This battle for the list of honors only requires cultivation to be elevated to the state of heavenly respect. My cultivation is already the perfect state of heavenly respects. I will also participate in the battle for the list of honors.

Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed.

At this moment, Mo Qingqing's mind was even firmer, she must participate in the battle for this list.

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