Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2067: Xiyan Shenhua Demon Spirit

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Chapter 2067 Xiyan God Flower Demon Spirit

The kings of the three-headed tiger and the stegosaurus are not weak. Once they are allowed to enter this place, they will compete with Mo Wentian for the Xiyan God Flower. It will be even more difficult for Mo Wentian to win it.

Thinking like this, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian didn't hesitate at all, the figures flashed and disappeared in place.

Watching Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​heading towards the entrance of the volcano.

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Boss, you let Xiaoxiong's elder brother and Magic Sky to block the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus people. They will not be the opponents of Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian!"

Just then, You Er's figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Youer's eyes raised a touch of worry.

In You'er's heart, You've already regarded Xiaoyu as her important person. Mo Wentian asked Xiaoyu to block the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus people.

And Youer knows the strength of Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian. From Youer's point of view, it is impossible to block Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian with the strength of Xiaoyu and Phantom.

"Yuer, Bendi has his own plans!"

"Just rest assured, your little sister-in-law, Bendi will not let him be hurt!"

Seeing You're so worried about Xiaoyu, Mo Wentian's heart could not help raising a touch of warmth.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart raised a touch of thought.

Xiaoyi already has someone who cares about him. Shouldn't Xuantian also find one?

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, and he couldn't help raising a radian.

"Willn't you hurt Xiaoxiong?"

"Boss, I believe you!"

Although You're worried about Xiao's safety in her heart, she couldn't say why. Listening to Mo Wentian said this, You're instantly relieved.

Youer has an inexplicable self-confidence in front of the indifferent sky.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Booming ..."

And just then, the blood-stained red flower was blooming.

That countless magma faded even more quickly.

A horrendous force spread from the flower of Yan Yan.

At the same time, a small figure appeared on the night of Yan Shenhua.

"You ants, want to take me!"

"Get away!"

Suddenly, the little figure waved his hand at Mo Wentian and Youer.

A terrible coercion struck Mo Motian and Youer in an instant.

"Boss, be careful!"

Feeling the terrible coercion, Yuer said quickly.

At this moment, You Er's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, You Er's figure had receded hundreds of feet.

At the same time, the breath on You'er body grew rapidly.

Seeing this, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and quickly retreated.

But no matter how they retreated, they were still deep in the volcano.

At this moment, it is not impossible for them to leave, but they all want to take down Xiyan Shenhua.

At this time, it is naturally impossible to leave.

"Booming ..."

The violent coercion struck them instantly.


The two figures flew upside down.


Mo Wentian's mouth even spit out blood.

Youer looks a little better than Mo Wentian, but her pretty face is pale and has no trace of blood at all.

"Boss, I heard my mother say that Xiyan Shenhua is going to be taken down, but it is very easy, but why is Xiyan Shenhua so strong?"

Youer looked at Mo Wentian, a doubt rose in his eyes.

"Yu'er, this Xiyan Shenhua is not an ordinary Xiyan Shenhua!"

Mo Wentian stood up, wiping the blood in the corner of his mouth, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, a cold voice.

"Is Xiyan Shenhua not a normal Xiyan Shenhua?"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yu'er's heart was very confused, and she almost blurted out subconsciously.

"The Xiyan Shenhua is naturally not the usual Xiyan Shenhua!"

"Xi Yan Shenhua is the best flower of Xi Yan Shenhua. You can take it away and you will know why it is different!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Boss ..."

After hearing that, Youer opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Boy, it seems you still know a little about this spirit?"

Just then, a small figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, this little figure smiled wickedly.

That look, I can't help but feel cold.

What's more, the body wants to retreat subconsciously.

But Mo Wentian looked at this little figure, but his expression was indifferent. It seemed that nothing existed in front of him.

"Shit, Bendi doesn't know you, Bendi doesn't need to know you!"

"The Emperor only needs the power of the Yanyan Shenhua, and it is enough to help the Emperor to improve!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

The demon in front of you is really not that easy to solve, but Mo Wentian must solve it.

If even this little demon can't solve it, how can he promote cultivation to the state of heaven, and how can he participate in the battle for this list.

Thinking this way, Mo Wentian's eyes were extremely firm.

"Pit ants, just rely on your emperor's successful cultivation?"

"Do you want to take me to refine the ascension?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the demon spirit laughed wildly as if he had heard something funny.

That look, it seems that Mo Wentian is very funny.

"Boss Xiu Wei, only the Emperor is complete!"

But at this moment, when the demon said that Mo Wentian's cultivation was only the Emperor's success, Yu'er's brow frowned slightly.

You Er's heart was even more confused.

You know, Xiao Xi and Magic Sky's cultivation, but both are better than Mo Wentian, and more than a star.

She didn't understand a little. Xiao Xi and Xun Tian's cultivation is better than Mo Wentian. Why are they still willing to follow Mo Wentian.

You can't say why, but in the mind of Youer, you feel that Xiaoyin and Huantian have chosen for this reason.

"Yes, my cultivation is only the emperor's success?"

"But what about it, this does not affect this emperor to win Xiyan Shenhua and upgrade it to refinement!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's look was extremely cold and arrogant.

In that way, Mo Wentian is like the king who stands high, and there is a contempt in the eyes of the demon.

"Boy, you're arrogant!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the demon spirit, it was a bit difficult to hide.

After all, among all the people in the demon spirit, no one has ever been so arrogant.

What's more, Mo Wentian's cultivation is nothing but the emperor's success.

In this practice, he can say that as long as he moves his finger, Mo Wentian will fall.

Unexpectedly, Mo Motian was so arrogant in front of him.

This makes the spirit of the demon spirit not to be shocked?

"Is it arrogant?"

"Ben Di doesn't feel arrogant, this is just the normal state of Ben!"

"Not to mention, what Bendi said was just the truth!"

Mo Wentian looked at the demon's face with an awe-inspiring look, and the corner of his mouth slightly grinned, raising a wicked smile.

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian, and when Mo Wentian said this, the eyes of the demon could not help but widen.

"Boy, you are definitely the most arrogant person I have ever seen!"

After pondering for a while, the demon spirit looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes narrowed, and the words were extremely cold.

At this moment, the breath on the demon spirit skyrocketed rapidly.

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