Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2068: Two demons

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Chapter 2068 Two Demon Spirits

"The Emperor is not just arrogant today, but he will chop you into pieces!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's breath quickly grew.

"Zhuo demons, let me solve you first!"

And just before Mo Wentian had time to shoot, a figure flashed, a magic sword, stabbed directly towards the demon spirit.

This figure is exactly You.

The breath on you is terrible.

Above the Divine Sword, all the terrible sword spirits were even more wanton.

Watching Youer's sword shot, Mo Wentian instantly understood that why this queen queen queen emperor came to take the Xiyan Shenhua and awaken the fox root to the level of super fox root.

Youer's talent is really terrible.

Just with this sword shot, the strength has exceeded the mid-term state of the Emperor.

"not good!"

Watching You'er cut his sword towards himself, the look of the demon spirit changed instantly.

And looking at Youer's sword shot, Mo Wentian's Devouring Heavenly Sword also appeared in his hands.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flashed, and he was also beheaded towards the demon spirit.

One left and one right, two figures, pinching left and right.

At this moment, in the spirit of the demon spirit, there was a bad feeling.

If Youer and Mo Wentian shoot together, he will not be their opponent at all.

"Booming ..."

And just as the demon spirit was at a loss, a small figure appeared again.

This small figure, the breath on his body, is almost the same as him, even the appearance, looks similar to this demon spirit.

"I want to kill my elder brother, look for death!"

The sound of a loud drink sounded, and I saw the little figure that had just appeared, heading directly towards Mo Wentian.

Although his fists are small, even small, they can't be seen, but the fists are not weaker than the strong ones in the middle of Heaven.

"There are two monsters!"

"You, you and I will solve one by one!"

Looking at the other demon spirit that appeared, Mo Wentian's expression changed slightly.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian looked at Youer and said coldly.

"Okay, boss!"

"I solve this demon spirit first, and when I have solved this demon spirit, I will help you!"

Youer agreed without hesitation.

Not only that, Youer also said that when she solved this demon spirit, she helped Mo Wentian solve it.

Although You'er hasn't become a partner with Xiaoyu, in You's heart, You've also regarded Mo Wentian as the boss.

If it weren't for this night's beauty, it would be related to the honor of her charm fox tribe. Youer would certainly give up and let Mo Wentian take it away.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Little demon spirit, let's die!"

And the next moment, the cold voice sounded, Youer directly cut off with a sword towards the demon spirit.

"You are good, but you will not be my opponent!"

Seeing Youer beheading towards himself, the eyes of the demon flickered.

In his hands, every strength was gathered quickly, and in the night of Yan Shenshen flower, it was as bright as red stained with blood, and gathered together towards his hands.

At this moment, the breath of the demon spirit grew rapidly.

Obviously, this demon spirit is gathering the power of Xiyan Shenhua.

"You, be careful!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold cold mang, and quickly reminded.

"Boss, don't worry!"

"This demon will not be my opponent!"

Youer looked at Mo Wentian, and the corner of his mouth actually raised a radian.

That way, it seemed that she was very confident in beheading the demon.

"Boy, you still care about the lives of others!"

"You are already the mud Bodhisattva who crosses the river and cannot guarantee it!"

"However, your mind is still good. Based on your mind, I decided to keep you a whole body!"

And at this moment, the demon spirit who blasted away towards Mo Wentian, said swiftly.

With this bitter drink, the figure went directly towards Mo Wentian.

"Bite your sword!"

"Breaking the sword!"

Angrily, Mo Wentian directly cast a sword to break the world.

As the sword broke, the whole volcano shook.

The terrible swordsmanship invaded towards that figure.

With the enhancement of Mo Wen Tian Xiuwei, Mo Wen Tian Shi's broken sword was stronger than before.

The power of this sword is already comparable to the early state of the Emperor.

However, Mo Tian's heart knew that even if the power of this sword was comparable to the early state of the Emperor, it was not enough to kill the demon.

"Hmm ..."

The next moment, in the void, a collision sounded and sparked.


Without the slightest doubt, Mo Wentian's body flew backwards.


A bite of blood spewed out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

Mo Wentian's face turned pale at this moment.

Mo Wentian's breath fell even more rapidly.

If Mo Wutian's body was not formidable, this demon's punch would scare Mo Wutian seriously.

"This monster's strength is really good!"

Mo Wentian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and couldn't hide a little in his heart.

"With my strength, if you want to fight him hard, it is impossible to defeat him!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo asked the look of the sky, extremely cold.

"Yes, my soul!"

The next moment, it seemed to be thinking, Mo Mantian's eyes skyrocketed.

At this moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and directly spread out the spirit and spirit, suppressing towards that figure.

The demon spirit did not want to ask Tian to suppress him. After all, if the demon spirit did not solve it, Xiyan Shenhua would not be able to win it at all.

And if you want to thoroughly refine the Xiyan Shenhua, naturally you have to kill this monster.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Wentian's 1,200 sacred soul directly shone toward the figure.


But at the moment when Mowen was shrouded in spirit, the figure screamed.

That looks like love is bearing huge pain.

"This ... this is impossible!"

"How can your kid's spirit be so strong!"

An extremely loud voice sounded, and the figure rolled up in pain on the ground.

But for this voice, Mo Wentian didn't bother to pay attention to it, but suppressed it directly.


With Mo Wentian's repression, the scream resounded again.

The spirit of the demon wants to resist subconsciously, but the spirit of the demon is only eight hundred feet.

Although the spirit of these 800 feet is four hundred feet away from 1,200 feet, these four hundred feet is the difference between death and survival.

Mo Wentian doesn't have the slightest affection for this demon spirit, he doesn't mind killing the demon spirit directly.

Regarding the scream, Mo Wentian didn't change his look at all.

"Do not……"



Screaming again and again.

The little figure fell to the ground for a moment.

The vitality in him is dissipating quickly.

This demon spirit was directly resolved by Mo Wentian.

"You, this demon spirit of Bendi has been solved, do you need Bendi to help?"

And the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian looked at Youer, a touch of refined light, cold voice said.

"Boss, I'll take care of my business!"

"I can still solve this demon!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, in the eyes of Youer, the slightest rays of light passed by.

Immediately, You Er's figure flickered, and a sword stabbed directly at the demon spirit.


As Yuer's sword fell, a scream sounded.

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