Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2238: Kill three

Chapter 2238: Kill Three

"It's easy to come, isn't it easy to go?"

"Mo Wentian, what do you mean? Are you trying to fight us?"

"Mo Wentian, you think you will be our nine opponents alone!"

"Yes, even if your strength is strong, you can't be our opponent!"

"Boy, I think you are looking for death. If you know you, let us go, and we will assume that nothing has happened. If you walk your sunshine, I walk my wooden bridge!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, those figures were instantly stunned in place.

Looking at Mo Wentian, they didn't have any good feelings in their eyes.

At this moment, the breath of one body rose rapidly.

They didn't even have the slightest impression of Mo Wentian in front of them.

In fact, they were all afraid of Mo Wentian, but when they thought of them, there were nine people, and the light in their eyes suddenly rose suddenly.

"Boss, it seems that these people want to resist us!"

Listening to this argument, the fat man's expression suddenly became serious.

Fat people have been prepared for a long time, and these people have to resist them, which is also what Mo Wentian and fat people expected.

"Want hard resistance?"

"Since they don't want to die, then I will fulfill them!"

A cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian, a terrible incomparable pressure, came out violently.

"Boss, leave those three to me, I will solve them!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something. The fat man looked at the three figures on the far left, Shen Sheng said.

"The cultivation of these three people is not low, fat, you have to think about it?"

"Can these three solve your problems with your strength?"

Looking at the three selected by the fat man, it was not the worst three among the nine, but the strongest three. In Mo Wentian's eyes, a complex eye flashed.

In fact, Mo Wentian knew very clearly that the fat man wanted to lighten his burden.

But the strength of the fat man, Mo Wentian is clear.

It is possible for a fat man to solve three of the nine people, but it is not enough to solve the strongest three of the nine people by virtue of his current strength.

"Can I solve it?"

"Boss, this..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man felt guilty.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"All right!"

"Fat man, you can solve the three people on the far right. With your strength, you can solve it!"

Watching the fat man dim in an instant, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a fine light, Shen Sheng said.

"Boss, you can rest assured that the three people you handed to me will definitely solve it!"

Clang's powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Fat, your strength, Ben Di believes!"

"But what is more important is not that Emperor believes in you, but that you have to believe in yourself!"

Mo asked a step forward, reached out and patted the fat man's shoulder, and said seriously.


Hearing the words, the fat man looked at Mo Wentian and was very grateful.

"Mo Wentian, what... what do you want?"

But at this moment, among the nine people, a figure finally couldn't help it, stood up, looked at Mo Wentian, but his body shivered.

The breath of this person, but the realm of Heavenly Sovereignty, is a little worse than that of Liu Lei before.

This person has been able to stand up, has already encouraged the courage.

But at the moment when this person stood up, the remaining eight figures actually stepped back a few steps.

It looks like he doesn't want to stand on the same level as this person.

"What do I want?"

"Actually, Emperor doesn't want to do anything?"

Listening to this man's words, Mo Wentian's mouth twitched slightly and raised a touch of arc.

"What do you want?"

"What does it mean not to want something?"

"You don't want to do anything to us, why do you stand in front of us and block our way?"

"What don't you want? Why don't you let us go?"

Hearing the words, the figure suddenly had a flare of anger in his eyes, and his voice was even colder.

"Yeah, Mo Wentian, since he said he didn't want it, why didn't he let us leave?"

"He asked us to leave, which is also a good thing for him!"

"He asked us to leave, and he can also find the whereabouts of this crystal!"

"This stalemate not only delays our time, but also his own time!"

"I really don't know what Mo Wentian thought, what did he want to do?"


One after another, the pot burst instantly.

At this moment, the breath on them rose rapidly.

That looks like they are all angry at the moment.

But their body, but still standing in the same place, did not want to go any further.

"Why not let you leave?"

"You came to find Emperor's stubble, why did Emperor let you leave?"

Listening to this argument, Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly and said coldly.

These people are really interesting. Before he killed Liu Lei, if he remembered correctly, these people came with Liu Lei. Their purpose is the same as that of Liu Lei. They came to find Mo Wentian.

But now, these people asked him embarrassedly, why not let them leave?

He Mo Wentian doesn't have such a good temper, he Mo Wentian will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but he will never be afraid.

"Mo Wentian, you..."

"What the **** do you want?"

Mo Wentian didn't say this, but Mo Wentian came out, and the figure that stood up was almost blown away.

The whole body shivered at the moment.


The clenched fist was squeaky at the moment.

"What do I want?"

"What don't I want?"

"It's just that Emperor Emperor's temper is not very good. If you provoke Emperor Emperor, naturally you have to pay some price!"

Mo Wentian's expression instantly froze.

"Naturally have to pay the price?"

"What price?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the figure almost subconsciously blurted out.

"The price is simple?"

"The Emperor gives you two options, either obediently submit to the Emperor, or die!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a very cold cold mountain.

"Either surrender or die? Is this kid trying to conquer us?"

"We are all from the world of the top 500 in the heavenly world. This is not the only reason that hi comes from the last ranked world in the heavenly world. It is impossible to want me to submit!"

"Yes, I can't submit to him!"

"Succumb to him, how can we still stand in the heavenly realm in the future!"

"I would rather die than surrender, surrender in his hands, not only our personal faces are gone, even our world's faces are gone!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, all the figures burst into the pot instantly.

They all opposed and asked them to submit, and they refused very much.

What they didn't know was that they underestimated Mo Wentian's strength.

They got into Mo Wentian, and it is impossible for Mo Wentian to let them go.

"Boss, are they unwilling to submit?"

Looking at this figure, a fat flash flashed in the eyes of the fat man.

"Unwilling to surrender, then die!"

A cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's breath rose rapidly.

In Mo Wentian's eyes, it was even more murderous.

"Die without surrender?"

"Boy, you..."

"Are you sure you want to fight us?"

Upon hearing Mo Wentian fighting, the figure that stood up flashed a complex eye in his eyes.

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