Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2239: Send them on the road

Chapter 2239: Sending them On The Road

"Are you sure you want to fight against you?"

"Bendi is not just going to fight you, you are not surrendering, Bendi still has to send you on the road!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, the killing intention was terrible.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath was extremely violent.

A king-like coercion spread from Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian at the moment is like a natural king, and the coercion of the king is daunting.

"Boss, the pressure on you is so strong!"

At this moment, the fat man felt the pressure in Mo Wentian's body, and a moment of respect rose in his eyes.

"Fat man, the three people on the far right hand over to you!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something. In Mo Wentian's eyes, a complex flash of light, a cold voice said.

"Okay, boss!"

"I won't let you down!"

The fat man looked at Mo Wentian and said confidently.


At the next moment, the figure of the fat man flashed and disappeared.

When it appeared again, the figure of the fat man had appeared in front of the nine figures and the three figures on the far right.

Looking at the three figures, a terrible murderous intention rose in the fat man's eyes.

At the same time, the breath of the fat man has skyrocketed rapidly.

The fat man is ready for the war, and his gigantic body, like a mountain, is pressed toward the three figures.

"Fat fat man, get away!"

While watching the fat men coming towards them, the three men were stunned for a while, then recovered, and quickly opened their body and left.

But they are fast, and fat people are faster.

In an instant, the figure of the fat man appeared in front of them again.

The fat man looked at them, and the killing intention in his eyes made no secret.

"This fat man shot, this fat man shot at our people!"

"This fat man seems to be with Mo Wentian. I just heard that the fat man called Mo Wentian that the kid is the boss!"

"The fat man is from Gu Tianjie. He even called Mo Wentian this kid as the boss. I really don't know what this fat man thinks!"

"Yeah, this fat man's cultivation behavior, but he has already reached the fulfillment of Heavenly Venerance. If he did not suppress cultivation cultivation, his cultivation behavior has already reached the realm of the heavenly emperor.

"The fat man seems to be dizzy, so he will not consider him as the boss!"


Watching the fat man shoot the three, the remaining six suddenly burst into the pot.

They looked at the fat man, their eyes filled with awe.

And just when they looked at the six fat men in the war, Mo Wentian at the moment also appeared in front of them.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath is a bit stronger than that of a fat man.

"Look, your opponent is Emperor Ben!"

A cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were bound to kill.

"Boy, you..."

"Are you really going to fight us?"

"Do you think you will be the opponent of the six of us?"

Seeing Mo Wentian was about to shoot, the person who stood up looked at Mo Wentian with a complex flash of light in his eyes, Shen Sheng said.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"If you don't submit, you will die!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared on top of the six people.


At the next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, his heart moved, and a sword appeared in his hand.

The magic sword that Mo Wentian had in his hand was not the other sword, but the sword that bit the sky.

At this moment, the Sky Devouring Sword shook slightly in the hands of Mo Wentian.

In that way, it seems that the Devour Sword can't wait to shoot.

"Boy, I still don't believe it. With the strength of our six, it's not your kid's opponent!"

Looking at the quivering Heavenly Devouring Sword in Mo Wentian's hands, the figure that stood up suddenly shrank.

Immediately, a machete of several feet in size appeared and greeted Mo Wentian directly.


At the next moment, in the void, a collision of metal sounded, sparks, even more.

"This... Isn't this Hidden Heaven Realm's Hidden Sword? Is this person a Hidden Heaven Realm's disciple?"

"This rumored sword is rumored to be able to kill the strong middle-aged emperor. As soon as this ruined sword comes out, I don't think we need any shot at all. He alone is enough to kill Mo Wentian!"

"If you want to kill Mo Wentian, it's not that easy, but don't forget, Mo Wentian can go to the present, and it's impossible to rely on luck!"

"Yeah, this stealth sword is terrible. It's a breeze to kill a kid from the early days of Tianzun!"

"Let's not do it first, let's see if this hidden magic knife can kill Mo Wentian, if we can kill, we can save effort!"


Seeing the chopping machetes that appeared in the void, the figure burst into flames.

Their eyes are now falling into the void.

They wanted to see if this time of the collision, Mo asked whether Tianyin had been solved by the Demon Sword.

The remaining five people are not of one world at all, and none of them are of the same world as this disciple of Hidden Heaven Realm.

The disciples of Hidden Heaven Realm did not even think about helping each other.

But what they didn’t know was that if they shot together, there might be a ray of life, but they just watched, and their ending was absolutely the same as the disciple of Yintianjie.


At the next moment, I saw a figure and flew straight out.

He has an extra hole in his chest.

In the hole, blood rolled out.

An incomparable **** smell spread out instantly.

"This... how is this possible?"

"Do not……"

A shocking voice sounded, followed by a voice falling on the ground.

The figure that fell to the ground, the vitality of his body, quickly dissipated.

This figure that fell to the ground was no one else but the disciple of the hidden heaven.

The vitality in him was quickly dissipating, and his spirit was even beheaded without even reacting.

"This... how is this possible? This is really terrible!"

"Mo Wentian's cultivation base is not the early stage of Cai Tianzun? How could his strength be stronger than Tianzun's perfection!"

"This strength is not only stronger than Tianzun's consummation. Just now this disciple of Hidden Sky Realm, but he also came up with the hidden weapon of Hidden Sky Realm!"

"The strength of the Hidden Demon Sword is comparable to the mid-day of Emperor Tiandi. Mo Wentian is a human, it is simply evil spirits!"

"I finally understand why Emperor Yuan Ran chose Mo Wentian to be his disciple!"


Seeing the figure of the disciples in the hidden sky falling down on the ground, one figure at a time, it was only when they recovered, and their eyes were full of awe.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it. Mo Wentian's strength was so strong.

At this moment, they have no intention of fighting.

Their legs were a little bit soft now.


"Do not……"



And at this moment, screams rang out in the void.

I saw three figures, fell to the ground in unison.

These three figures are none other than the fat three.

Like the disciples of the Hidden Heaven Realm, the three of them ended up being beheaded without even having time to escape.

"Boss, the task is completed!"

At the next moment, the figure of the fat man flashed and disappeared.

When it appeared again, it had appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the corner of the fat man's mouth raised a radian.

It was just the fat man at the moment, but he was breathing heavily, as if he had spent a lot of energy just now.

"It's done well!"

"Fat, I said, you won't let me down!"

Looking at the fat man in front of him, Mo Wentian reached out his hand and patted the fat man's shoulder heavily, said with approval in his face.

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