"Yes, it's Wangye!"

An old man exclaimed, his legs softened, and he knelt down.

It was as if a stone had fallen into the lake water, and ripples appeared round and round, and the people around him knelt down one after another, and finally bowed their heads, "I have seen the Lord."

At the same time, a question emerged in everyone's mind: how did the helper girl in this tea shop know Wang Ye? Why did Prince Wang come to this tea shop?

King Zhennan and Ye Yili walked towards the tea shop. The few refugees and the wife-in-law who was holding the boy were behind. Several refugees almost felt like they were dreaming. They came to Luo Yuecheng to cast a kiss, but they met him. King of Jinan? !!

When the king of the south of the town came to the tea shop, Nangongyu and Xiaoyu also rushed forward, and said in blessing: "I have seen my father."

They originally did not intend to let the people know that it was Wangfu who applied tea and medicine here, but since Ye Yili had already been called, they could only follow the trend.

Father? !! This title was shocked to everyone, thinking of the dress of the second daughter, could not help but think: Is it true that the concubine and the girl of the palace also came?

Why does a tea shop in this district attract the three nobles in the palace? !!

For a while, the people present were already aware of it. It turned out that this tea shop belonged to Zhennan Palace!

Zhennan Wang smiled brightly, looked around the crowd, and waved: "No polite, get up."

Where ordinary people have never seen such distinguished figures as King Zhennan in ordinary days, they did not dare to get up, but an old woman boldly raised her eyes and said tremblingly, "Thank you Lord Ye for your love of the people, and give tea here medicine!"

A middle-aged woman also praised, "Master Wang really loves people like a child!"

Seeing these people kneeling down, Zhennan King was refreshed for a moment, and his heart was very useful.

It is still the idea of ​​Shi Zifei. I am afraid that no one will think of the dirty things in Fang's family. The prestige of the palace can finally be restored! It is indeed a girl who has been taught by a century-old family, and she is very thoughtful in her work!

King Zhennan was in a very good mood and said very close to the people: "It is the concubine and the big girl who are here to apply medicine and tea, and the king just came to see!"

Those people were gratitude again.

The King of Zhennan just came to see it, but didn't want to stay here for a long time. His eyes paused on Ye Yili, who stood still, and he left.

Nangong Yu and Xiao Yu originally intended to do a favor. In this case, they would not be able to stay, only to get on the green carriage.

It was not until the sound of horseshoes and cymbals drifted away that the people stood up tremblingly, and for a long time they did not return to their hearts, a thought swirled in their hearts-it was Shi Zifei who had been applying herbal tea and medicine here. And Xiao Xiao!

It took a while before a rough female voice rang out in the tea shop: "Post, post you finally woke up!"

The gray-clothed woman wept with joy and thanked the woman.

Everyone looked at the sound. It turned out that the comatose boy had finally waken up after taking the summer medicine under the service.

An old woman with gray hair widened her eyes, couldn't help pinching her thigh, and exclaimed: "Oh, not a dream ... So, this tea shop is really our palace!"

The tea at this city gate has been rolled out for more than half a month, and the people in Luo Yue City are guessing which big family has such a skill to do such a merit of good deeds, but it is not ostentatious, and it does not try to make a name for itself!

Now that I know that it is the handwriting of the concubine and the girl of the royal palace, there is a feeling of surprise and take for granted.

"I'll just say, who can build such a tea shop at the gate of the city, but even Shouzheng doesn't care ..." said a middle-aged husband with emotion.

"That's it!" A middle-aged woman next to him nodded. "It's medicine and tea, and so many people have to be here to take care of it. How much effort do you have, Shi Zifei and Xiao The big girl is really a kind person ... "

What did the old woman think of and said with emotion: "Hey, the girl Xiao is so kind. Before that, the wife heard a lot of rumors saying that the girl Xiao is an intolerant jealous woman ... Sure enough, it must be that side Because the marriage was unsuccessful, the family remembers to hate it and stigmatize Xiao Xiao's girlfriend! "

Speaking of Fang's affairs, the middle-aged woman was a little excited and agreed: "The marinated things in Fang's family are really unbearable. It is really a villain's act. If the marriage fails, it will be a bad name!"

"The bad guy's name festival is going to go to the eighteenth floor of hell! I see that Fang's family will be punished sooner or later!"


The tea shop spoke out of indignation inside and outside, and Ye Yili went back to the tea shop silently, thinking: This world is really ironic, what did these two noble ladies do? However, he took out some silver and sat in the room with the ice basin. He moved his mouth to make a call to the people. What is really tired and really deserving of thanks are those who are busy in the sun under the sun. But how dumb the world is, they often only see the surface.

No matter what Ye Yili thinks, the people who come to tea and medicine are poor people. For them, this simple bowl of herbal tea and a bowl of medicine may save a life. Naturally, Thanks Dade.

In less than a day, it was spread that the tea and pesticide application outside the Beichengmen was made by Shizifei and Wangfu, and everyone in Luo Yuecheng knew it. Even more graciously came to the palace in front of the palace to scratch his head and thank.

Both Nangong Yu and Xiao Yu were helpless, and they knew in their hearts that they could not go to the tea shop for a long time.

"Sir concubine. The medicine is ready."

At night, Bai Hui took back a small porcelain bottle, which Nangong took, and poured out a few brown-pill-sized pills from the inside, sniffed under his nose, and his face exulted: "It's good, The master of Huichuntang really has some patience. "

This pill is an antipyretic.

In the past two days, the decoction was applied in Beichengmen. Although the decoction became more effective, it was quite troublesome whether it was boiled or applied. It's okay to give it a few days. If you spend a full summer, I'm afraid there will be complaints from all over the house.

Moreover, the entire southern Xinjiang is hot, and it is not enough to just apply medicine in Luo Yuecheng. In this case, it is difficult to ensure that the medicine is always available.

Therefore, Nangong Yu made a formula and found a good medicine shop in Luo Yue City, and commissioned them to make the medicine.

"This batch of pills is in good condition," Nangong said cheerfully. "Let Huichuntang start mass production tomorrow, but you must ensure that the condition is the same as this batch."

Bai Hui said with a smile: "Please rest assured, concubine, this is what our royal palace wants, and the price is sufficient. Forgive Chunchun and dare not come to be confused."

Nan Gongxi nodded slightly and said with a smile: "If you go to find one or two drugstores, you must ensure that the reputation of the shop is good. The master craftsmanship is high. If you find it, let Zhu Xing go to see the master craftsman. The bottom is fine. "

"Shi Zifei." Bai Hui could not help asking, "Is Huichuntang too slow?"

"It's not just an antipyretic." Nangong Yu said with some worry. "The southeast side is densely covered with air. I think I must make some antipyretics for the army."

It is used in the military! Bai Hui was ashamed that there was no trivial matter in the army, and the master must be required to be not only highly skilled, but also very reliable.

For the sake of Shizi, Shizi always wanted to be so thoughtful!

Bai Huifu responded.

"Thrush, go to the study and bring" Southern Grass "for me. Take a rest soon."

Several girls were helpless, and Thrush threw out the "Southern Baicao", which had been read many times, and picked the fire candle brighter.

Nangong Ai turned to the bookmarked page, leaned on the beauties' couch, and watched it carefully.

Both the antipyretic and antipyretic drugs are produced in large quantities. The purchase of medicinal materials is a huge expense. If you can improve the bottom line, it will be much cheaper to use some medicines from the southern Xinjiang ...

This night, apart from Bixiao Hall, the other mansions of Luo Yuecheng have also been asleep for a long time. After learning that it was the Wang Mansion who applied tea and medicine outside the Beicheng Gate, all the governments could not help but have some new considerations ...

They heard that when the medicine was applied today, Wang Ye also arrived, which means that Shi Zifei's application was approved by Wang Ye.

Could it be that Wang Ye and Shi Zi are reconciled?

Many people are relieved. Some lively mansions have even called the girls in the house, telling them carefully.

So, the next day, Xiao Gang just returned to play with the old lady Fang, and received several prayers.

Xiao Xi is very quiet. There are not many girls with whom she associates on weekdays. This series of worship posts made her a little embarrassed, so she took them to Bixiaotang together.

Nan Gongxi took the placards, read them one by one, and couldn't help laughing, and said, "These families should want to apply tea and medicine together."

Xiao Min blinked, "If they want to apply medicine, they can come by themselves. The palace does not prohibit other residences."

Nangong Yu Han smiled, "then it's gone."

Xiao Min suddenly froze, then frowned slightly.

Recalling those worship posts, most of them were mansions that were not visited that day.

Obviously, this should not be the wishes of the girls themselves. Presumably the elders in their homes knew that the tea shop was set up by the Wangfu, so they wanted to speculate.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Min's heart was a little uncomfortable. She opened this tea shop and didn't mean to make a name for herself. She just wanted to do something for the people. She didn't want her efforts to be ruined by these crooked thoughts.

"Sister-in-law." Xiao Yan looked at Nangong Yan with clear eyes and said, "I don't want to."

In fact, Xiao Yan spent a lot of time on tea, and her private house money was actually not enough. Xiao Yan also knew that if she wanted to, the girls of the large and small mansions of Luo Yuecheng would join in. In this case, the silver would definitely be enough.


She just doesn't want to!

She did not want her tea shop to be mixed up with any non-simple purpose, which would make her feel bad.

"Okay." Nangong Yan nodded slightly and blinked at her. "... If there isn't enough money, let's talk to the father."

King Zhennan's trip was considered to be in the limelight. With his good-natured temperament, I am afraid that he will not be refused to ask for some silver to continue to use for medicine.

Moreover, Nangong Yan also felt that Xiao Yan was right. Although it is obviously better to apply those girls in terms of benefits, applying tea and medicine is a kind act of kindness. .

Xiao Yan smiled, just like the same empty valley orchid blossomed slowly.

After returning, Xiao Yan pushed all the worship posts, but he did not know that this move caused speculation in Luo Yue City. Those thoughtful mansions couldn't help wondering whether this meant a big girl or ...

What's more, I started to regret that the last concubine didn't go to the banquet. I knew that the relationship between the prince and the prince could be eased, so it was the early bird! Now, not only did they not receive the post of Shi Zifei Li, they even refused to apply the medicine together. What can be done now ...

Nangong Rong didn't care about the various thoughts of these mansions. She had a lot of things to do and didn't have time to think about them.

The first order for relieving summer heat from Huichuntang is expected to be received in ten days.

Bai Hui also found two other well-known drugstores and asked Zhu Xing to investigate.

Nangong Yu was not idle, the time was busy until June 24.

This is Nangong Yu's birthday, and her and Yu's day.

On this day, Nangong Rong got up early as usual. The girls have already prepared the three new clothes to be changed today, An Niang carefully served Nangong Rong to put on their first new clothes. One Rose red hibiscus flower with dark lines, followed by personally helping her comb her hair, combing a hundred times from her scalp to her hair ends, and she said auspicious words in her mouth.

From last night, An Niang's mood was very excited. The little girl who served in her house quietly told Bai Hui An Niang tossing and turning around last night and not sleeping well. Bai Hui can all understand that, as a mother-in-law, An Niang has a special emotion like a mother-daughter and a master-servant towards Nangong, so several girls have stepped back thoughtfully.

After Nangong Yan refreshed and washed, she went to the shrine first.

After the ceremony of worshipping Xiangxiang was over, Nangong Yu returned to Bixiao Hall again and went to listen to Yuge.

Both grandfathers were there. Today's formal ceremony, they will not be present. Nangong Ai first came to salute them, accompanied them to breakfast, and received two thick birthday gifts.

When Chen arrived, Nangong Yu retreated with them and went to Xihong Hall.

Entering into the side hall, Princess Yongyang, Xiao Yan and Fu Yunyan have all arrived.

"Yongyang grandmother." Nangong Yiyingying a blessing.

Graceful, elegant and calm, calm and calm, I am really grown up!

Yong Yang looked at Nangong Yan who was now long and slender, and stepped forward to lift her up. She was full of joy, and at the same time, she felt a bit of emotion. When she first met, she thought that Nangong Yan who was dressed in men's clothes was only 11 , More than three years passed in the blink of an eye. Nangong Yu also grew into a big girl.

Halfway through the hour, a girl came in and said, "Mrs. Yao is here!"

Yong Yang and Xiao Yan first went to the open hall to welcome guests. Nangong Yu and Fu Yunyan stayed in the side hall, only to hear the noise from the open hall from time to time, it seemed very lively.

After another fragrant incense, An Niang walked in nervously and said, "Sir concubine, the ceremony is about to begin ..."

Nangong Yu and Fu Yunyan walked towards the open hall under the guidance of An Niang.

Mingming had said it many times last night, but An Niang couldn't help but said the steps of Lili again: "Second concubine, after Wang Ye's speech, you will come to the middle of the open hall, facing south, facing Watch the concierges salute. Then sit on the table facing West ... "

An Niang is getting more and more nervous. Today's ceremony is a symbol of Nangong's adulthood, and it is hosted by King Zhennan himself. Princess Yongyang is the main guest. This is a great glory. You must not make a mistake!

"An Niang," Fu Yunyan interrupted An Niang with amusement, and reminded, "Ama was a fan of me ..." How could Nangong Ai not know the procedure of Pu Li!

In words, they had already walked outside the open hall, and after a while, they listened to the powerful voice of Zhennan Wang Xi: "Today's concubine is an adult salute, and this is hosted by the king's in-house, thank you all for coming!"

He gave a concise speech, and after a pause, he announced the start of the ceremony.

The sound of Sheng Le sounded, An Niang opened the bamboo curtain, and Nangong Ai walked into the hall in the scorching eyes of everyone, calmly and calmly.

She straightened her waist and walked forward unhurriedly, and the blue silk hanging down her back slightly jumped as she moved.

She stopped in front of the table and looked south towards the guests of the ceremony, Mrs. Tian, ​​Mrs. Tian, ​​Mrs. Yao, Mrs. Xiao Er, the mother and daughter of Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao Rongying, and Mrs. Hu ...

Today ’s salute, Nangong Yan did not invite too many guests. She hopes that most people coming today will bring blessings, not just politeness!

Nangong Yan deeply saluted the guests.

Guests always had decent smiles on their faces, but their hearts were not so calm.

Everyone guessed that the eldest princess of Yongli Yang, who is the concubine of today's concubine, should be a regular guest, and Fu Yunyan and Xiao Yan would assume the responsibilities of the master and the admirer, but no one expected that it would be the town that hosted the ceremony South King.

Women's fifteen-year-old funeral ceremony is usually presided over by their parents before they marry. After the marriage, the husband's surname is given. Naturally, it is the husband's parents, usually the mother-in-law. Everyone knows that Shizi is at odds with his wife. It is not difficult to understand that the wife does not want to come and preside over the ceremony for Shizi, but how can it be the king of Zhennan?

Is it true that Madam has been healing recently? Or, as recently rumored in Luo Yuecheng, the relationship between Wang Ye and Shi Ziye has eased?

In the eyes of everyone's suspicion, Nangong Yu was kneeling on the rattan seat to the west, and smiled at Xiao Yan who was a praiser in front of him.

Xiao Yan picked up the horn comb and slowly combed his hair for Nangong Yan, and then again and again.

Nangong, who was sitting upright, straightened his back, put his hands on his lap, and stood upright and capable, without squinting.

Today is her salute, but her parents, older brother, older sister, older sister ... and Ai are not there!

She had regrets in her heart, but watching Yongyang and Fu Yunyan, a warm current emerged in her heart.

She already has a lot of friendship between grandmother Yongyang and Liu Niang, she will always remember it!

After Xiao Yan lowered his comb, Yong Yang, who was a regular guest, stood up and walked to Nangong Yan's side, clearing his hands.

At the same time, Fu Yunyan, who was in charge, slowly walked into the hall, holding a tray with double knots of Ropa and a white jade inlaid red coral bead.

Yong Yang looked at Nan Gongxi with a smile, and chanted aloud: "Ling Yueyue, start Canadian clothing. Abandon Seoul Youzhi, Shuncheng Chengde. Shoukao Weiqi, Jieer Jingfu."

This sentence comes from "Ritual · Shiguanli", which will be heard at the adult ceremony of every young girl, but at this moment Nangong Yan could not help but get a hot eye, his eyes were hazy, as if from the most plain In her words, she deeply felt Yongyang's blessing to her.

She took a deep breath, calmed herself, and smiled gently.

Yongyang picked up the comb and symbolically combed Nangong Yu twice, and then Fu Yunyan knelt down on his knees. Yongyang picked up the white jade inlaid red coral beads from the tray and double-knot it ...

Just then, there was a messy footsteps outside the hall, followed by an unbelievable exclaimed little girl ---

"Master Shi!"

Xiao Yi! ?

Xiaoya's three words seemed to smash a bomb in the open room, and everyone's eyes looked at the outside of the room.

In the courtyard outside Xihong Hall, the golden sunlight of the midsummer pours down, and Xiao Yi, dressed in a suit, hurries toward this side, and the sun bathes on him, as if the silver armor is shining.

When he approached, he could clearly see that his handsome face was covered with fine scum. The whole man seemed to be dusty. The problem is--

The blood on his armor and robe was astonishingly red!

The girls in the hall couldn't help but take a breath and exclaimed, even the Zhennan king on the main seat was stunned. The battle on the southeast border was far from over, and Nanliang had no retreat. How would it appear here? !!

Nangong Kun could not help but got up from the table, his mouth moved, but he couldn't make a sound, and said a few words silently: "Ai, you are back!"

At this moment, a thin layer of mist appeared in Nangong's eyes, and his heart was violently undulating.

Xiao Yi, he's back!

He came back for her courtesy!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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