Most of the women in the hall stood up in surprise and saluted Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi strode across the threshold, his eyes fell on Yongyang's right hand, and she saw the white jade clench still firmly in her hand. She finally breathed a sigh of relief and grinned: "Fortunately, I am back It must be timely! "

Xiao Yi was holding a mahogany box in his hand. He opened the box. It contained a fine gold woven hibiscus flower swaying, with a ruby-inlaid flower on the top. It was lifelike. Three golden fringes hang from the edge. Under the sun, Bu Yao Yi is shining brightly.

This is a dumpling that he customized for Niangong's funeral, and has been kept in the study. He wanted to wait for her to give her a surprise. I had to go to Huiling City this time and didn't have time to tell her ... Fortunately, I finally caught up!

Yong Yang smiled and said, "Okay, let ’s use Ai's sister-in-law for today ’s ceremony."

The women depended on each other, with envy and emotion in their expressions.

Shi Ziye and Shi Zifei are really affectionate. Look at Shi Zishi's dusty and blood-stained body. Obviously, even after leaving the battlefield, he has no time to change his clothes. He even rushed back to Luo Yuecheng at night just for the sake of Shizi Salute!

This is easy to get priceless, rare lovers.

Shi Zifei's birth, appearance, knowledge, and status are all good, and she's married so beautifully, it's considered perfect ... Now she's only waiting for her to add her grandson to her grandson, who lives in the south palace of the town. The next generation is also considered late.

For a while, several eyes glanced across Nangong's flat stomach, all looking at the same thing ...

At this time, the king of Zhennan coughed out, "I also asked His Royal Highness to hold a preliminary ceremony for the concubine, so as not to miss the good times."

After a word, the quiet room was quiet again, the girl-in-law moved a ring chair, Xiao Yi sat down after chanting to Yongyang and Zhennan King, and Nangong-xi was sitting on the table again.

After this small wave, the salute continued, but the atmosphere in the open hall had an indescribable taste. Several ladies glanced at Xiao Yi from time to time, only to see him staring at Yong Yang as he blinked. Nangong cuttings, followed by praisers, that is, Xiao Zheng.

In this way, the early addition ceremony is complete!

But the ceremony was not over. After that, Nangong Yan and Xiao Yun and Fu Yunyan went to change the skirt together.

The moment she walked out of the open room, she couldn't help but look back at Xiao Yi and wanted to make sure he was still there. When she turned around, she met Fu Yunyan's lucid eyes.

Nangong Yan coughed awkwardly, and then looked forward.

After a while, the thrush came, and whispered outside the screen: "Sir concubine, sir, let the slave tell you, rest assured, he won't leave now ..."

At the other end of the screen, the small face of Nangong Yan who changed her skirt turned red instantly. It seemed to be bleeding, and Xiao Yan and Fu Yunyan, who had changed her dress, could not help but exchange a look. Xiao Yan could barely hold back the smile, but Fu Yunyan smiled with eyes and mouth like a crescent moon crescent, with a strong smile in his eyes.

After changing the clothes and skirts, Nangong Ling returned to the open hall. In Xiao Yizhuo's eyes, he continued to perform the two plus ceremonies and three plus rituals ... It took an hour to complete the whole ceremony. .

The guests came forward to congratulate each other. After the ceremony, there was a small banquet. Xiao Yan and Fu Yunyan volunteered to greet the guests. In addition, the princess of Yongyang was present. Together with Xiao Yi, who had just spoken with King Zhennan, first went to listen to Yu Ge reporting a peace to the two grandfathers, and then returned to their house.

The girls have already prepared a bath tub and hot water for bathing in the clean room ... A short while later, there was a rushing sound of water in the clean room.

Nan Gongyu quickly instructed the girls to prepare meals, and they chose Xiao Yi's favorite food, but the left was just some meat and sweet snacks. You don't need to do it on purpose, because the kitchen is prepared for a small feast today.

A plate of dishes and snacks were served like running water, and the table was filled all at once.

After a while, the sound of water stopped, and Xiao Yi, wearing a white robe and full of water vapor, came out.

Just glanced at him, Nangong Yan was faint.

On weekdays, after bathing, he always wore a jacket and came out, but today he put on a robe—

Xiao Yi, he's leaving soon!

There is a trace of sadness in Nangong's heart, a trace of distress.

On the day of her departure, Xiao Yi said that she would definitely return when she was saluted, and he did.

Huiling City and Luo Yue City are so far apart. Even if the horses go fast day and night, it will take at least two days, just for her gift.

He can't rest for a while, then he has to leave ...

He always put her in the most important position.

But Nangong Ai just felt distressed, and felt so distressed for his hard work.

She also understood that this was his heart!

Nangong chuckled, laughing like a spring storm, saying, "Ai, are you hungry! Eat something!"

Xiao Yi looked at Nangong Yan deeply. Although she said nothing, he knew she understood.

His stinky girl is always so smart and so understanding!

Make him often guilty not giving her the best!

The year before, when the two got married, they rushed to southern Xinjiang themselves; now, it's almost that her salute has not caught up ...

Xiao Yi sat down at the table, and with this movement, she lowered her eyes and hid her mind.

While gorging on something, he told himself in his heart that he had to be better with a bad girl!

While he was having a meal, Mi Er came in holding the silver armor of Xiao Yi. The blood on the original had been carefully washed away by a few girls, and the armor was even more polished.

After setting the armor aside, Ma'er silently backed out, leaving the last moments of departure to the two masters.

Xiao Yi swept away the food on the table, and Nangong saw that there was a little sauce in the corner of his mouth, picked up a square, and couldn't help but wipe the corner of his mouth.

She was about to return, but Xiao Yi was grabbed by Xiao Yi's right wrist, and with just a little effort, she lost her balance and bumped into his generous, warm embrace.

Xiao Yi held her soft body tightly in her arms, resting her chin on the top of her hair, her nose was filled with the familiar fragrance and fragrance, so gentle, warm, warm, this is her breath, her taste !!

He must remember this smell firmly, and then he will not see his stinky girl for a long time!

How to do? !! He hasn't left yet, but he already feels like he's missing her!

Abominable Nanliang people!

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed a heavy murderous spirit, but in the action he was grieved, holding her soft body lingeringly.

It took a while before he slowly said a word, "Smelly girl, wait for me to come back!"

Nangong Yan buried in his chest, paused, and then responded with a strong word: "Huh!"

There seemed to be something lingering in her heart, looping around, penetrating around ... in the quiet inner room, there were only two people's breathing sounds, heartbeat sounds, one click at a time, the heartbeat was unknown When it merged into a tempo, the breath was entangled together, regardless of each other.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yi finally relented and let go of Nangong Yu, he needless to say, Nangong Yu knew he had to leave.

"Ai, let me wear your armor for you." She looked up at him and smiled slightly, hoping to be reflected in his eyes and in his mind was her smile.

Xiao Yi nodded, and Nangong hurriedly took out his soft armor.

Last time Xiao Yi walked in a hurry and didn't let him wear it, but fortunately it is not too late.

Nangong Yu carefully served him to put on soft gold armor, and put on the silver armor, the movement was a little rusty, yet meticulous and solemn.

The armor is a battle suit, which will protect Ai on the battlefield for her, and will also take her to return to her side.

Xiao Yi looked intently at every move and every watch of Nan Gongyu. He wanted to stay a little longer, but he knew he had to go!

Huiling City temporarily solved the siege of the siege, but the Nanliang army was still approaching, and he had to go back to preside over the overall situation.

There are Yanding City, Yongjia City and Dengli City ...

This time Nanliang came fiercely. It should not be easy to retreat. He still has a few tough battles to fight ...

After Nangong Yu put on the last breastplate for him, he pulled him to his dressing table and gave him two small porcelain bottles. "This is an antipyretic and antipyretic, which I have made in a hurry in the past few days. The quantity is not large, you can take it first. I am adjusting the prescription and asking Baihui to find a few shops. After Zhu Xing has checked their background, they will order people to start mass production. "

Nangong Yu didn't expect that he would come back. He originally planned to wait for some medicine to be made before Zhu Xing arranged for someone to send him over.

Xiao Yi stared blankly at the porcelain bottle in her hand, and she didn't open her mouth, she had already prepared these. The smelly girl and herself really had a good spirit.

In this hot summer, antipyretics and antipyretics are too necessary for the army to save a lot of lives.

Xiao Yi put the porcelain bottle in his arms, suddenly leaned down and hugged her waist again, pecked her on her pink cherry lips, and strode away from the curtain.

Nangong Ai didn't catch up, but just looked at the dangling bead chain in situ, her heart gradually settled down.

No need to say goodbye, she knew her Ai Yi would return safely!

She just needs to keep the family for him and be his strongest backing ...

Nangong Ai stood quietly for a while, then called the girls in, redressed, and went to the feast in the small flower hall.

She walked slowly all the way. When she walked to the small flower hall, all her thoughts had been hidden in her heart, and nothing strange was seen on her face.

At this time, I heard a familiar female voice inside: "... Cousin, I heard that you are applying tea and medicine outside the North City Gate at this time, for the benefit of the people, I also feel deeply, I want to do my part for the people in the city. "

Nangong frowned and heard Qiao Ruolan's voice, his pace accelerated a little.

Qiao Ruolan was sitting next to Xiao Yi, wearing a pomegranate red gold hoe, combed a peony puppet, inlaid with jade and red gold Avalokitesvara, distracted, and inserted big beads and emerald flowers, it seems brilliant and bright.

She looked at Xiao Yan with a smile, generous, but there was a hint of aggressive taste in her eyes.

Cousin Lan wants to apply tea and medicine with himself? Thinking about it like this, Xiao Min could not help frowning slightly. In the past two days, she has received too many posts. Those posts are so beautiful, but in the end, they still ca n’t escape the word “for the name.” I'm afraid cousin Lan's real intention is just that, right? Thinking of this, Xiao Yan frowned slightly, calmly.

Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't speak like a gourd, Qiao Ruolan's smile on the face was even stronger, and he said, "Cousin, I also accumulated some private house money, and I also asked my cousin to smile, so that I can do something for the people in the city. Talking, Qiao Ruolan winked at the next to the next girl, who took a silver ticket from a purse, took a few steps, and presented it to the peach girl next to Xiao Qi.

For a while, all eyes in the Xiaohua Hall focused on Xiao Yan and Qiao Ruolan. Some ladies showed admiration, but some with smiles and smiles. I thought: If Qiao Ruolan really has the intention to do good deeds, he can do it. Secretly find Xiao Yan in private, after all, they are cousins, it is easy to see the private side. Why do you need to raise it in the court, clearly want to fight a good name.

Qiao Ruolan looked at Xiao Huan with a smile on her face. When she learned that the tea shop outside Beicheng was opened by Xiao Hua two days ago, she actually disagreed. This cousin has always been high-minded and impersonal since she was small. If she grows older this year, she knows how to sell her reputation, but she just gives the untouchables some tea and some medicine. What's the big deal.

She can also get the silver.

Qiao Ruolan raised his lips, and his mother was right. With 502 silver tickets, she could make her face in front of Princess Yongyang, and she would be a good name. .

Thinking of her mother, she also said that the grandson of Grand Princess Yongyang is now in southern Xinjiang, has military merits, has a family background, and has not yet married, Qiao Ruolan's earlobe can not help but feel a little hot.

Qiao Ruolan had thought that Xiao Yan would accept it immediately, but unexpectedly Xiao Yan didn't move for a long time.

Xiao Yan raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Ruolan. His eyes were clear and firm, and he said unhurriedly, "Cousin Lan, please forgive me for this silver ticket!"

A word made the hall silent, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

The family pays attention to face, Qiao Ruolan and Xiao Yan are cousins, no matter how unwilling Xiao Yan is, in such a large crowd, he can only and can only agree to the situation. Unexpectedly, Qiao Ruolan has encountered "hard bones".

There was a flash of praise in Yongyang's eyes, and she sighed again: She really is not like her father and mother!

Qiao Ruolan almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. After a while of misunderstanding, his heart was angry and annoyed, and he felt that everyone's eyes seemed to be pinned on her. Madam Qiao was so angry that her cheeks became red and almost dripped. Bleeding, I never thought that Xiao Yan would not give his daughter such a face, which is tantamount to not giving himself to his aunt.

Mrs. Qiao really couldn't wait to slap on Xiao Xiao's face and teach her rules!

She glanced at Grand Princess Yongyang, holding back, and heard her daughter Qiao Ruolan grievously say: "Cousin, why are you rejecting my kindness? Although the five hundred and twenty silver is a little less, but in the end My heart ... "She sighed with disappointment and said rightly:" Cousin, I thought you really applied tea and medicine free of charge for the people in the city. I didn't expect you to wait for that. Those who are famous for their reputation! "The implication is that Xiao Yan did good deeds in order to win good names, not sincerity, so he refused to accept his own money and was afraid that he would share her name.

As soon as this remark came out, there were several ladies and girls showing approval, and when thinking about it, Qiao Ruolan said exactly what they thought, but nothing was said.

Fu Yunyan was about to say something indignantly, but there was a voice that soon she rang, "Cousin Lan ..." Seeing that Nangong Xi was coming in across the threshold, smiled and said, "I just heard it at the door The cousin intends to use the saved moon money to do good tea in the city? ... The cousin really has the intention. The 520 silver is afraid that it will save time for 'better' in order to save up ... "

Nangong Yan smiled meaningfully, Mrs. Yao deliberately chuckled, and covered her mouth with a parchment.

Shi Zifei really promotes narrowness!

But this is not the case. Even for their wealthy people, the maid's monthly money is only three to two or two dollars. Five hundred and two is not used for nothing and saves eight years.

The women's relatives in the mat rose up, Nangong walked straight to Yongyang, and after bowing down and saluting, they unanimously blessed her.

Nangong chuckled and raised his hand to signal: "Exempt." He sat next to Yongyang.

When the female relatives took their seats, Nangong Yucai smiled again and said, "Sister Xi, this is yours, isn't it? Since Cousin Lan is interested in doing good, we should be her kindness."

Could it be that Mu Feishi's concubine is alive and muddy, and she doesn't want to quarrel with Grandma's aunt? Someone couldn't help guessing this, and then continued to laugh with Nangong Yunhan saying: "Cousin Lan's compassion is moving, just ..." She was a little bit eloquent.

Qiao Ruolan glanced provocatively at Xiao Xiao, and then said, "Large cousin has something to say, and for doing good, Lan Er should do his best."

Nangong smiled decently and said, "Recently, the tea shop has a small number of people because of the large number of people who come to ask for tea and medicine. Since Cousin Lan is so kind, it's better to take a hand and help."

When Qiao Ruolan's face changed, he blurted out and said, "Couldn't it be for me to ask me to give tea to those pariahs?"

Nangong Yan immediately smiled. "Cousin Lan is bad, my sister and I often go to the tea shop to bring tea and medicine. We can go, can't you go? Or, cousin Lan thinks that if you just take some Even if you do n’t need private money, you have a good name? ”Her lips slightly aroused.“ Just, I do n’t know where Cousin Lan looks at. We do n’t have the 520 silver in our palace? ”

This time it wasn't just Mrs. Yao who sulked, even Mrs. Tian smiled.

Even a few people who didn't want to understand, such as Xiao Ni, finally realized that their cousin was doing good deeds. It is true that they want to use this 502 sons to give themselves a good name. The Qiao family apparently wanted to sell their reputation, but instead rebuked their Xiao family girls. I am afraid that my cousin had forgotten half of Xiao family's blood ...

It is not surprising that the girls from the family have their own careful thoughts, and no one cares too much, but there are two different things to think carefully and treat others as fools.

Most of the guests present relied on Shizi Xiao Yi, so they did not cowardly Mrs. Qiao, and did not conceal her lips and chuckled.

Qiao Ruolan's face was ugly. What could she say, that she was willing to give tea to those dirty untouchables, or that Wang Fu lacked her 520 silver? No matter what it says, it's just a joke.

At this moment, she even had some resentment against her mother. If it weren't for the mother's desire to do it herself, she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Mrs. Qiao's face was also ugly, but she also knew that she must not turn her face now. Princess Yongyang was still sitting there watching it!

Mrs. Qiao was very empathetic and said, "Sister Lan, today is a gift of concubine from the world. You can't do anything good to do good deeds. Wait two days to come and tell your cousin and cousin. "

Qiao Ruolan bit his lower lip, smiled reluctantly, and said, "It's Laner's rudeness."

Nangong Yu didn't want to destroy her politeness, so she accepted it when she saw it. She didn't say much, she sifted wine to several elders such as Yongyang generously.

The girls have served dishes and snacks one by one ...

After using the table, Mrs. Qiao took Qiao Ruolan to leave and left, and everyone else went back to the house one after another.

Xiao Ye helped Nangong Yan to send away the guests. It didn't take long for the Xiaohua Hall to be empty. Yongyang stayed to the end, as she said, and she perfected the Nangong Ye ceremony from beginning to end.

Nangong Yu asked Xiao Yu to go back to rest, and sent Yong Yang and Fu Yunyan back to Yun Liyuan in person.

While walking on the road, Yongyang distressedly pulled Nangong Yu's hand and asked, "Well, do you regret it?"

Nangong shook his head without hesitation, and his smile reached the bottom of his eyes, "Grandma Yongyang, I am very happy."

Although she and Xiao Yi have become married, they have been together and inevitably, even in the king and in southern Xinjiang, they have been inevitably involved in some disputes and incidents. However, Xiao Yi treats her with such unreserved sincerity, She has no regrets in her life!

Yong Yang smiled, and patted the back of her hand gently, without talking.

The ceremony is finally over ...

Days will return to peace, but Xiao Yi defends his country in the battlefield, and Nangong Yu naturally does not want to spend his leisure time in the house.

She already has a plan. At this stage, the only thing she can do is to make some standing medicine for the frontline army.

There was no small matter in the army. In the early morning of the second day, Nangong Yu and Xiao Yun and Fu Yunyan took to the forest house in the southwest of the city, and Han Qixia came to meet her at the gate.

The four girls smiled and went to the pharmacy to see Lin Jingchen. When they picked the curtains, they smelled a strong smell of medicine.

Nangong moved his nose a little, and thoughtfully, Zhan Yan smiled: "Maternal grandfather, your medicine is almost ready."

Nangong Yu filled Xiao Yi's porcelain bottle with her usual antipyretic and antipyretic drugs, and her newly formulated prescription had just given Lin Jingchen a look two days ago. Yesterday, after sending Yongyang back to Yunyang and leaving the hospital, Nangong Chen went to listen to Yu Ge and cast a pamper on Lin Jingchen. Lin Jingchen asked her to come and try the medicine today.

Lin Jingchen, who was standing in blue, was standing by the medicine stove. As soon as they saw Nangong, they came out of the pharmacy and smiled: "It's hot inside, let's talk outside." Then, he handed a small box. He was given Nangong Yan with a few brown pills in it. "Hey, this is the batch I just made this morning."

Pharmaceuticals did not happen overnight. Lin Jingchen adjusted it again according to Nangongyu's formula. Only two days later, several batches of pills have been produced.

Nangong Yu took out a pill, watched its color, smelled it, and asked, "Maternal grandfather, what do you think of me?"

Speaking of medicine, Lin Jingchen said positively: "Hey, you have a pretty good idea. Those herbs do have the effect of relieving heat, and they are more abundant in southern Xinjiang than the medicines we usually use for relieving heat. It's much cheaper, but the medicinal properties of Qing Luo Guo are too heavy, I'm afraid it's a little bit hurt ... "

Nangong Jingning listened to Lin Jingchen's detailed analysis. There was no irritability. To complete a new prescription is not like calculating accounts, it is right or wrong, and countless trials and attempts are needed. That is why Shennong tasted Baicao. And listening to Lin Jingchen's tone, she knew she had a play on her side.


Just listening to Lin Jingchen continued: "I tried it for the past two days and found that if you add a small amount of nightmare grass, you can suppress the medicinal properties of Qingluo fruit. Although you need to try a few more times to grasp the weight, it should still be useful."

"This is really great." Nangong Yu Xi shaped in the color road, "Maternal grandfather, Xun Meng Cao is not a rare herb in southern Xinjiang. As far as I know, there are many on the hills outside the city, and I will kill people to find it. . "It ’s good to step up the development of new pills!

Without the command of Nan Gongyu, Bai Hui took the lead, and quickly ordered his subordinates to look for Xun Mengcao.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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