Icarus? !!

Anyi Hou's official language greeted Nanliang coach Ikaruo to Bao Xiaowei, and he used the word "your country" in his mouth. His meaning was clearly that the Bao Xiaowei of Youyingying was Nanliang. Spy!

For a while, there was a silence all around. After that, the teenagers almost exploded and whispered to each other. After a short shock, everyone was in shock.

Bao Xiaowei has once again become the focus of everyone's eyes. His face is really not very good. His whole body is stiff like a stone sculpture. Soon he angrily confronted the official language and said: "You spit out blood!"

Speaking, Bao Xiaowei clenched his fists in both hands, and said rightly to the crowd: "Sir Su, Zheng, Li, Yu, and everyone, but do n’t believe the coquettishness of An Houhou. What will happen in the end? Is it Nanliang ?! The end will just tell everyone what Fu Xiaowei said! "

He seemed to think of something, and his pupils shrank, and he suddenly said to Guan Yubai, "I see ... It must be Hou Ye, you and Fu Xiaowei, who have calculated! Arrows are robbed, Hou Ye, you cannot escape blame, Just united Fu Xiaowei and framed me, trying to make me guilty! "

Bao Xiaowei's statement was very reasonable, and the people around him became even more turbulent. Yu Xingrui immediately said: "Hou Ye, you can't talk nonsense. You have wrongly accused Bao Xiaowei of being a spy, without fear of cold. Is the heart of a southern Xinjiang soldier? "

Others also nodded in agreement. They and his colleague Bao Xiaowei for many years, and even some people have known him for nearly ten years. They are clear about the character of Bao Xiaowei.

The official language asked lightly: "Yu Qidu Wei, dare to ask why you came here?"

Yu Xingrui said rightly, "Naturally is for justice."

Guan Yu smiled slightly and said, "Is it righteous, or is there someone saying that Ben Hou has no ambition and embarrassment?"

Yu Xingrui didn't want to understand, but Siming Hua beside him flashed with aura of light. For a moment, the whole person calmed down as if he had been poured with a bucket of cold water.

He carefully recalled the words that Bao Xiaowei said when he came to them today. He couldn't help but suddenly feel that each other's words at that time were meaningful. Although they would come to An Yihou to protest, it was Yu Xingrui's proposal. However, under the guidance of Bao Xiaowei's sentence, he gradually developed to this point.

Bao Xiaowei, is he really complaining? Still provocative?

Siming Hua's eyes were half-squint, and his heart was full of thoughts. He pulled Yu Xingrui's sleeve beside him. Yu Xingrui looked at him with a doubt, his eyes were full of anger, and obviously he didn't notice it.

Siming Hua gave Yu Xingrui a soothing look and set his mind. When he wanted to ask Anyi Hou whether there was evidence, he saw the other side said sternly: "Bao Xiaowei, Ben Hou will not do wrong to any innocent person. Dayu. "

The official language Bai Dingding looked at Bao Xiaowei calmly, and the attitude of calmness and calmness stood in stark contrast with Bao Xiaowei's violent thunder.

An Yihou means, does he have evidence? !! Siming Hua couldn't help but face each other with Yu Xingrui.

After a pause, Guan Yubai continued to say to himself: "Eight days ago, Shizi intercepted a gray carrier pigeon flying from Yanding City. The carrier had a small round white spot on its wings. Captain recognizes? "

Bao Xiaowei was a little bit nervous, his pupils shrank slightly, but he still tried to calm down, "the end will not understand what Hou Ye means!"

"Shizi found a secret letter from the pigeons that had been lurking in the army for many years and written to Nanliang coach Ikaruo ... Did you want to know what the letter contained in the letter?" Waiting for him to answer, Guanyubai So slowly, there was no ups and downs in his tone. "... Mr. Dai, the Southern Army has reduced the response to soil and water since taking the pills sent by Luo Yuecheng. I do n’t know when the third batch of drugs will arrive. ... "

The people around were silent, the white voice of the official language was clearly heard in everyone's ears, and Bao Xiaowei's face was about to collapse, and his dark face was pale.

Si Minghua has been watching Bao Xiaowei, where he can't see what's wrong, and his heart sinks. In other words, Mr. Bao Xiaowei really has something wrong with him!

Guan Yu wiped his sleeves, looked at Xiao Bao Bao with a smile, and Yu Feng turned: "Be the master of the world, and let go of the carrier pigeon that day ... Sure enough, soon, your coach Icaro The instructions for 'you' came. In the letter, he ordered 'you' to exaggerate the situation of soil and water dissatisfaction in the camp, and urged Luo Yuecheng to send medicine over there ... "

This time, Bao Xiaowei had no luck in his heart, his forehead oozed cold sweat, and there was only one voice in his mind ...

Guan Yubai really knows!

So, haven't they been under the surveillance of the other party these days ...

So, I accidentally learned that there was a batch of important supplies to be sent to Yanding City, which was already planned?

So, Fu Yunhe, they actually performed a play in front of themselves?

Just now, when Fu Yunhe and Yu Xiufan told him that 30,000 arrows were robbed by the Nanliang Army, he guessed that the batch of so-called important materials was the iron arrows used by the **** crossbow.

However, if Fu Yunhe and Yu Xiufan are deceiving themselves, that means that the 30,000 arrows have not been robbed, or in fact, the opposite is true. It is not the southern army that escorted the arrows, but Iraq. Who was sent by Marshal Carroll?

As if answering the questions in his heart, Fu Yunhe, Yu Xiufan, and Chang Huaixi also walked out of the Shou Bei Fu. Fu Yunhe and Yu Xiufan both looked at Bao Xiaowei casually, with a look of irony as if Saying, you are really stupid!

Bao Xiaowei's heart was like a mirror for a moment, but it seemed late!

As if the last straw of a camel had been crushed, Bao Xiaowei's barely taut shoulders collapsed suddenly, like a dam like a dam of a dyke, and the whole person fell down.

His face was gloomy and ugly, he gritted his teeth, and said stiffly, "I don't understand. Even if you intercept the pigeon, the secret letter does not have my name. How can you find out that it is me?" He didn't understand Since Guan Yubai knows it is him, he won't be able to win him directly. Why play this one?

The implication of his words was clearly to acknowledge!

A word made the surroundings quiet again, deadly silence.

In the scorching eyes of everyone, Guan Yubai said slowly: "Of course I can't find it, but now you don't admit it?"

There was still silence all around, but the moment before was still dead, but now the atmosphere has inexplicably undergone a subtle change, seeming a lot of briskness.

Fu Yunhe's mouth twitched a bit, and suddenly felt that the words in the official language were quite the rogue style of the elder brother.

At this time, Fu Yunhe was almost "sympathetic" to the Bao Wei.

He didn't know about the spy incident. Until he wiped out the Nanliang team in the swamp area, Guan Yubai called him and Su Yueming and others before telling the spy incident. they--

It all started with the homing pigeon that Xiao Hui intercepted outside Yanding City. At that time, Xiao Yi confirmed that there was an insider lurking in the Southern Army, and it was still deep. So after returning the same day, Xiao Yi told the matter in plain language, and the two of them decided to remain silent for the time being.

On the following day, the camp was first visited, and the captain of the selected camp came to Xiao Yichen one after another. The soldiers in the camp recently became more and more dissatisfied and asked when the third batch of medicine would arrive. Combined with that letter, Guan Yubai can almost confirm that the traitor is in these three camps. It should be a fairly smart person. He did not take the initiative to be the first sheep, but encouraged the three camps together, so that he Hide it.

Of course, it is also possible that this person is not in the Three Battalion, but only through the Third Battalion to achieve the purpose.

No matter who the spy is, this person can hide in the Southern Army for so long, it should not be an unknown pawn.

Therefore, after careful analysis, Guan Yubai and Xiao Yi roughly locked a few suspicious suspects.

Considering that 30,000 arrows would arrive in Yanding City recently, after discussing with Guan Yubai and Xiao Yi, they decided to use arrows as bait to induce traitors, and then the news was revealed to those suspicious people ...

After hearing Guan Yubai's story, Su Yueming, Zheng Shen, and others were anxious to arrest a few suspects and torture them immediately, but Guan Yubai stopped them and gave them a "special task" ... Therefore, Fu Yunhe and Yu Xiufan went to the suspects, including Bao Xiaowei, "without painstaking effort" and impatiently performed the "robbery of the arrow" several times.

The words are similar.

In the end, only this pack of school captains had movements, and the movements were not small, and almost made the entire military camp mutinous.

Therefore, we can confirm that the traitor is Bao Xiaowei!

But there is no evidence ...

Guan Yubai said that Ikaruo's reply to Mr. Bao was actually false, the purpose was to lie to him.

This is a ghost ... it's clear from a scam.

At this moment, of course, Xiaowei Bao also wanted to understand the truth. In his eyes, he shot almost crazy rays of hatred, but it was too late to regret and too late to resentment. He has been exposed!

He-lost-it was!

When these three words clearly appeared in Bao Xiaowei's mind, he was shocked again.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

This is the truth that has remained constant through the ages.

Soon, Bao Xiaowei was detained by the soldiers, and Guan Yu looked at him in plain white. Don't give him a chance to commit suicide. Later, he will try the case himself.

The incident seemed to come to an end, but the people at the gate of Beibei Government did not disappear for a long time, and the shock in their hearts had not subsided.

Bao Xiaowei turned out to be a Nanliang spy who had been lurking in the South Xinjiang Army for many years, and this comfortable man arrived in Yanding City just a few days ago, and pulled out the tumor that was deeply rooted in the army.

As the world knows who doesn't know the king, the name of the official language is indeed well-deserved!

For a time, whether it was veterans such as Su Yueming and Zheng Shen, or youngsters such as Yu Xingrui and Siming Hua, the expressions and eyes looking at Guan Yubai were a little complicated.

Especially Yu Xingrui, Siming Hua, and others, even if they were provoked by the conceited Bao Xiaowei this time, they almost caused a mutiny in the army, and the mutiny would disturb the mind of the army, which is taboo!

Since the official language is correct, they are wrong.

Hey! They are ashamed of Shizi Grandpa!

Yu Xingrui and Siming Hua were ashamed.

I don't know if Guan Yubai will have to hold on to this mistake and take the opportunity to change things ... they are too impulsive!

Guan Yubai's voice reappeared, still light like the wind, "... Yu Xingrui, Siming Hua, both of them made them leave their duties during the duty period, and blame the thirty army batons, and the rest blame the ten army batons. Discuss! "

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, especially Yu Xingrui and Siming Hua, who thought that the official language would either take the opportunity to give them a heavy penalty to exclude dissidents; or in order to show their magnanimity, lightly Uncovered to buy people's hearts ...

Yes. Guan Yubai did order the punishment, but what he did was based on military law and was not trivial.

For the generals, the unknown rewards and punishments are taboos. Regardless of how these teenagers think of him, they are convinced of his style of work.

In all kinds of tangled and complicated thoughts, the teenagers clenched their fists together: "The sin of the last leader!"

This storm was not revealed until now.

The teenagers dispersed, and old veterans such as Su Yueming, Zheng Shen, and Li Shoubei were also relieved. At the same time, they felt that these young and energetic young people deserved some lessons.

It ’s nothing, no wisdom!

The future of their southern army will ultimately depend on the grandfather of the world, and these young people, in order to get better and better!

Afterwards, the generals also resigned from the official language and returned, including Fu Yunhe.

The swamp swept the enemy first, and then the spies were induced. Fu Yunhe stayed awake for two nights. Guan Yubai let Fu Yunhe take a good rest day, and the God Arm Camp also took a day off.

Fu Yunhe, who got the fake, did not go back to rest, but went to Lin Jingchen eagerly.

Lin Jingchen went out early in the morning, but Han Qixia and Nangong Yu were there.

When Han Qixia saw Fu Yunhe's return, she was secretly relieved. Yesterday, she knew about Fu Yunhe's troop out of the city. She was almost worried that she hadn't slept in the middle of the night. Only then did she finally feel relieved to see him in a safe and sound state.

After meeting each other, the three sat down around the stone table.

Thinking of what happened that night, Fu Yunhe was still a little passionate. He started talking from the swamp to the enemy and kept talking about what happened just outside the gate of Shoubei House with his eyes shining.

Xiaogong knows the homing pigeon that Xiao Gray intercepted, and Xiao Yi did not hide her from the fact that there were hidden spies in the army. At this moment, it can be regarded as stringing up those scattered details in my heart.

"Anyou Hou is indeed the officer-in-chief general!" Fu Yunhe said with a sigh, and will always be an unattainable target for the family members of these kings.

The emperor's cousin gave him the title of "Easy Hou", but how could it be "easy" to get the blood of a generation of famous men flowing in his bones and blood.

Fu Yunhe's eyes were clear and clear, with only admiration for the official language and no jealousy.

After a series of incidents in the past two days, Fu Yunhe felt that his intuition was correct. With the help of the official language Baizhu Brother and the Southern Army, the battle between Dayu and Nanliang must be over quickly!

Only those who have been on the battlefield can truly appreciate the horror and cruelty of war, and know how great it is to have a good general for generals and even thousands of people!

Nangong Yu and Han Qixia listened quietly. The two girls exchanged a look from time to time, especially Han Qixia. The surprise that could not be concealed in her eyes, did not expect such a sensational incident in the military in just a few days.

Han Qixia said a little later, "Fortunately, A Yi and An Yihou discovered and removed the spy in time, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable." This spy, as a school captain, has been lurking in the Southern Xinjiang Army for nearly ten years. How many soldiers were deceived by him, it was like a tumor that did not know when it would return.

Then, what did Han Qixia think of? Mei Mei asked, "Costle Crane, didn't you sleep all night?"

Fu Yunhe's mouth froze for a moment, and he stood up with a smile and followed the path of kindness: "Cousin Xia, Ma'am, I just came to tell you about this, and I'll go back to rest."

Nangong Yu didn't speak, her mouth slightly hooked and looked at them both with a smile.

Han Qixia did not show her face because of this, but showed a thoughtful expression. His cousin's temperament has never been so obedient and obedient. When he was a boy, he always had a different picture ...

Han Qixia's face was positive, and she looked carefully at Fu Yunhe.

Fu Yunhe, who had some guilty consciences, said again, "That big sister, cousin Xia, you talk slowly."

He was about to leave, but Han Qixia reached out and grabbed his wrist.

When Han Qixia shot, she was totally reflexive in her body, she did n’t think at all. The moment she grasped Fu Yunhe ’s wrist, she also realized what she had done. She was ashamed in her expression, and she was fascinated. There seemed to be sparkling water in the eyes.

Fu Yunhe looked at Han Qixia bluntly, but she seemed stupid.

For a moment, time seemed to stop.

Even the original cold wind seemed to be warming up. A pair of tadpoles looked at each other with subtle expressions. They looked at each other for a while, and then looked away again. After moving away, they couldn't help looking at each other again ... … It seemed that even the air became hot with the intersection of the eyes of the two.

Immediately, Nangong thought she was superfluous. She blinked and thought hesitantly: Is she saying goodbye now? Or quietly leave on your own?

After a while, Han Qixia seemed to react, hurriedly trying to shrink her hands, but she noticed something, and her nose moved.

this is……

Her eyebrows froze instantly, and the rush in her heart disappeared instantly.

When he looked at Han Qixia's expression, Fu Yunhe knew it was not.


"Cousin Crane, are you injured?" Although asking, Han Qixia's tone was almost certain.

Seeing that he couldn't conceal it, Fu Yunhe could only scratch his head and confess bluntly, "... It's just some abrasions." Then, he reluctantly pulled up the sleeve of his left hand, exposing his left wrist, and saw only the wrist A piece of baby red with a big fist, as he said, was just a little bruised.

Han Qixia breathed a little sigh of relief, but still looked at him indignantly, as if to say that since it was just a bruise, why should she hide it?

Fu Yunhe gave a cough, and the doll's face showed a rare sorrow. He touched his nose and said, "I accidentally hit the tree when I was hiding in a stream ..." This abrasion, he was really embarrassed to tell Han Qixia Listening, it also damaged his image of wiseness and martial arts.

Looking at his awkward expression, Han Qixia almost didn't laugh, and said, "Cousin Crane, wait here for a while, I'll get the gold sore medicine ..." Then, she suddenly felt a little weird, and looked around, The little face turned red again, as red as the most beautiful peony.

When did Yuner sit next to herself and walk over there to get some medicine?

She didn't even know when she walked away!

At first Fu Yunhe didn't understand how Han Qixia blushed suddenly, until he followed Han Qixia's gaze and stared straight at Nangong Yu and Bai Hui to turn the medicinal materials on the bamboo weaving dustpan, and blinked. Slowly realized that Nangong Yuan was not there.

Grandma didn't say anything, she walked quietly to the sun and deliberately gave them a chance to speak.

So I know everything ...

Fu Yunhe's eyes were half drooping. He didn't want to say so early.

He wanted to wait again.

But he changed his mind!

If a big man, even if he does n’t dare to express his mind, even his big brother will look down on himself!

"Cousin Xia!" Fu Yunhe said without warning. "Will I write to my grandmother when the battle is over?"

Write to Aunt Yongyang? !! Han Qixia was stunned, he meant ...

Fu Yunhe didn't say anything, but just showed her a bright smile, so clean, bright, and sincere.

For a moment, Han Qixia's blank mind was almost impossible to think ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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