Early in the morning, just after the early days, the gates of Yanding City were widened by the joint efforts of several guards.

Under the **** of two hundred **** arm camp soldiers led by Fu Yunhe, a dozen horse-drawn carriages and **** teams from the Luoying City camp entered the city with great force.

The long line attracted the curious eyes of many people nearby.

After the carriage entered the city, they split into two lanes. Two of the carriages went to the side of the garrison house, and the rest of the troops rushed to the place of the God Arm Camp.

On weekdays, the gates of God ’s Arm Camp are calm and quiet, but today it ’s as noisy as a vegetable market. Every one of them ca n’t wait to wait at the gate of the camp. For fear of missing something.

Suddenly, a soldier hurried over, shouting pantingly: "Come here, come here! Fu Xiaowei is back!"

Everyone looked at him with a breathless breath. He adjusted his breath, and then said the words everyone expected: "Our iron vector is here!"

While he was talking, he could already see Fu Yunhe and those dozens of fully-loaded carriages appearing at the end of the road. Fu Yunhe came up with a **** head and rushed to the horse. Feeling good.

The next moment, the surrounding soldiers cheered.

The whole Arm Camp was boiling, and everyone was rejoicing and rejuvenated.

There are actually Tieya in the army. The Tieya sent this time is only 30,000, and the actual distribution is not more than ten per person. It does not play a key role. However, Fu Yunhe once told them that this batch of Tieya used the latest smelting method. With these 30,000 branches, it will soon have more 30,000 branches, 300,000 branches, and 3 million branches. ...

In the future, they will never be short of Iron Arms again!

Thinking of that "in the future," every soldier was gearing up, can't wait to go to the battlefield ...

In Yanding City, morale was boosted by the arrival of Tieya. At the same time, the atmosphere of Dengli City was completely the opposite.


Icarus grabbed the paperweight from the case and threw it out, slamming it into a large celadon vase in the corner of the study.

The large celadon vase was shaken a few times on the high-legged case, and then "banged" on the bluestone slab floor, the vase split and the pieces splashed.

After that, there was silence in the room.

The soldier who came to the obituary had a slightly lowered head, knowing that the coach must be in a bad mood at this moment, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"Hateful! Really hateful!" Icaro said with gritted teeth.

He was deceived by Xiao Yi's trick again!


Ikaruo's fist hammered heavily at the book case, "This Xiao Yi is really cunning like a fox! The coach still underestimates him! He has broken the coach's one thousand elite soldiers!

It is even more unfortunate that the people who finally lurked in the Southern Army for ten years were so ruined!

Ten years, ten years of undercover investigations have been removed.

Ikaruo's heart is as keen as a knife, and I really can't wait to lead his soldiers to Yongjia City now to smash the treacherous Zhennan Wang Shizi Xiao Yi Wandan.

However, after all, he is the coach of the Nanliang Army, and he cannot be short-lived, and must take care of the overall situation.

Fortunately, just in case, he only asked Ballach to pay attention to the medicine sent from Luo Yuecheng, without telling Ballach his next plan. Now, no matter how tortured in Yandingcheng, it is impossible to know his plan!

However, in order to avoid night long dreams, this battle has to be done quickly ...

Ikaruo took a deep breath, calmed down gradually, raised his eyes and asked the general who was standing on the other side of the case: "Lierjie, you just said that in addition to the batch of Tieya, there are two cars for treating soil and water inconsistency Also sent to Yanding City? "

"Yes, handsome." Li Erjie bowed back with his fists.

Although they still have people in Yanding City, they are only in some insignificant positions. Now that Ballach is captured, he can only get these vague military information.

Ikaruo's finger was moved a few times on the desk. It is now mid-November. Time and opportunity are fleeting. You must seize this opportunity to give Xiao Yi and the Southern Army a fatal one. hit!

Ikaruo shook his fist, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and ordered: "Lierjie, order the army to prepare for the expedition!"

His tone was cold and decisive, as if ice scum was about to fall out.

"Yes, great!" Li Erjie took the lead, his voice loud and firm.

"and also……"

Ikaruo squinted his eyes for a moment, and then groaned, then commanded: "Li Erjie, immediately sent a message to Yan Dingcheng, and said ..."


After Ikaro's order went down, a carrier pigeon flew out of Dengli City immediately ... less than half a day, Sun Xinyi's house once again ushered in an unexpected guest. The skinny man in black stepped on the night and visited again.

Although Sun Xinyi prayed that the other party would never come again, she also knew that this was just a luxury of her own.

She had stepped into a bottomless mire long ago. Even if she was desperately struggling, she couldn't stop her body from sinking slowly. The cold mire had flooded her neck ...

"What you want to know, what I know, I have already told you, what are you still doing?" Sun Xinyi squeezed out almost dying, with a last hope in her eyes.

The skinny man didn't care about Sun Xinyi's dislike at all, or in his eyes, Sun Xinyi wasn't even a person at all, it was just a valuable object-an object that even lost humanity.

"Madam Sun, our Marshal is compassionate, spare your life, shouldn't you repay our Marshal well?" The skinny man said queerly, "The Marshal said, and the girl will do the last thing ... "

Sun Xinyi gritted her teeth and said, "Is this true?" As long as she does one more thing, she can get rid of these annoying bloodstains? !!

"Of course! Who is our boss? Naturally, he is just talking." The skinny man gave a guarantee without hesitation.

"What do you want me to do?" Sun Xinyi took a deep breath and asked slowly.

The skinny man smugly smacked the corners of his mouth and looked at Kindness, but his eyes were as cold as a wolf, and he repeated the order of Ikaruo ...

Sun Xinyi's eyes almost reached the extreme, she couldn't believe her ears, her body trembling with fear. She knew they wouldn't let her go so easily, but didn't expect them to be so fierce ...

The ray of hope in her eyes broke like a fragile spider silk!

Her heart and eyes were occupied by boundless fear, but then what?

Even if she was scared, she had no choice but to fight hard.

Can not give up! As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she may not be able to survive.

Just like that one.

She said to herself over and over ...

The skinny man gave Sun Xinyi a disdainful glance, and ignored her, leaving himself striding away.

Sun Xinyi stayed in the same place as a chicken and did not return to God for a long time.

The girl next to me, Cai Wei, looked at her girl with great anxiety.

I didn't know how long it was, Cai Wei finally couldn't help but whispered, "Girl ... girl, what should we do?"

Sun Xinyi woke up like a dream at first. When she closed her eyes and opened her eyes again, all the despair in her eyes faded away and replaced with peace.

Didn't she decide that day?

She wants to live, and she will have nothing when she dies. It is just a name in another population, but a sigh in the words of others, but a story to remember.

She wants to live, and only live is the most true!

Sun Xinyi stood up and said, "Cai Wei, wait for me to dress."

Seeing that the girl had an idea in her heart, Cai Wei was determined, and she was busy serving Sun Xinyi to dress and dress.

Sun Xinyi replaced a used blue-and-blue small vertical collar ladle, and combed a simple compilation.

Cai Wei originally wore a green lotus-colored silk flower, but she picked it again. After careful consideration, she wore a moon-white velvet flower in the corner, and then carefully looked at herself in the bronze mirror She instructed Cai Wei to bring the masks that have been sewed in the past few days and follow, and the master and servant went out.

The two of them knew each other and went to Shoubei House to see Shi Zifei.

Nangong Yi met Sun Xinyi in the main hall as usual. After the two saw the ceremony, Sun Xinyi motioned to the girl to pick up the basket mask and forward it to Nangong Yi through the thrush.

"Sister Concubine, this is the mask that Xinyi has sewed in the past few days."

Nangong Yan picked up a mask from the basket and looked at it. The stitches on the top are neat and tidy. Obviously, the sewer took a lot of effort. Not only that. On Sun Xinyi's sewing mask, the earbands on both sides have been slightly modified. The length of the earband is adjusted by the wearer.

Nan Gongyun smiled and praised: "Girl Sun is really attentive. This little mask has such ingenuity."

"Thank you for your praise," Sun Xinyi responded modestly.

She offered to help sew these masks to please the concubines, of course, it took a lot of attention to mind-if she only sew ordinary masks, then ordinary ordinary women can do it too. What she did was nothing but everyone. She must do well and be able to make a choice, in order to make an impression in the heart of Shi Zifei, and to surpass Han Qixia!

If she had received this praise before today, she would have been quite contented, and now ... I am afraid that she can't protect herself, how can she ask her to protect herself.

Fortunately, these days her thoughts are not in vain, otherwise I will probably not believe her easily.

When this is done, she will be able to break away from the past completely!

Thrush went to the side with the basket again, his eyes were half-dropped, covering the sigh in his eyes. Although the mask made by this granddaughter is good, it is not practical. Shi Zifei once said that this mask doesn't need any tricks. It is better to sew in large quantities. If each mask is sewn like granddaughter, the speed must be at least twice as slow ...

Sun Xinyi picked up the tea cup on the side, rationalized her thoughts by the action of tea, and then hesitantly said, "Sir concubine, Xin Yi comes today, there is one more thing, about the father ..."

"Grandma Sun, please." Nangong Zheng said positively, solemnly.

Sun Xinyi then continued: "Four days later, it is the father ’s birth sacrifice. Now that the war is not over, it is not advisable to do anything. But Xinyi is a child and still wants to do something to sacrifice his ancestors. On that day, the father did himself In Xincheng, Xinyi wanted to prepare a few side dishes, some water and wine, and went to worship and mourn outside the city gate. I wonder if it is proper? "

The gate of Yanding City cannot be opened at will, so if Sun Xinyi wants to go out to worship his ancestors, he must get the answer from Nangongyu.

It is understandable that Sun Xinyi wanted to sacrifice his deceased father, not to mention that Sun Shoubei was still heroic in order to defend Yanding City.

Nangong Yan agreed without saying a word.

"Thank you Shixin Concubine Quan Xinyi for her filial piety." Sun Xinyi hurriedly thanked her, and couldn't help but touch the face of Su Jing, who hadn't smeared a little bit of fat powder. Xinyi still remembers that after the son of the world led the army to recapture Yanding City, he personally mourned his father and a soldier killed in the city wall, President Wu Qian, President Xu Qian, President Liu Ba ... They all followed the father For many years now, there is no bone left ... "

Sun Xinyi became more and more excited, a faint layer of water vapor appeared in her eyes, and the emotions of grief, sorrow, and nostalgia were intertwined. She took out a piece of parchment, wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes, and said suddenly: "Xinyi is out of order, and please forgive Shi Zifei."

Nangong Sui heard something, and said, "Girl Sun, I will go with you to sacrifice Lord Sun and all the fallen soldiers."

Hooked! Sun Xinyi's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the grandfather of the world had once removed the soldier who had read about the death, could the younger concubine not follow? !! Everything was as she expected.

Sun Xinyi stood up and said in a blessing: "Xin Yi thanked the deceased and the fallen soldiers for passing off the concubine." Then, a mist appeared in her eyes, washed by tears. His eyes were dark and deep.

After making an appointment, Sun Xinyi got up and left.

After Sun Xinyi left, Nangong also came out of the main hall a short while ago. She had planned to go to Lin Jingchen's courtyard to find Han Qixia. Unexpectedly, she saw a familiar blue figure approaching her.

"Sister Xia." Nangong Ai smiled brightly, and she and Sister Xia really had a good heart.

"Yi Er." Han Qixia's complexion looked a little weird. "I just met Sun Sun at Ermen ..."

It's a coincidence that Nangong froze. She immediately realized that Han Qixia had a rhyme in her language, and raised her eyebrows slightly, saying, "Sister Xia, Girl Sun tells you that Sun is the life sacrifice for three days ..."

Han Qixia frowned, thoughtfully. After groaning for a moment, she raised her eyes and stared directly at Nangong Yan, and asked in earnest: "Aunt, isn't something wrong with Granddaughter Sun?" At this moment, she was almost 90% sure.

Nangong pinched his lips slightly, a pair of apricot eyes glittered, and said meaningfully: "Sister Xia, it is a person or a ghost, and it will be clear when you swindle!"

It seems that Chen Er already has a plan in mind. While Han Qixia was relieved, she felt a little funny in her heart. She was really affected by Ai ...

"Sister Xia," Nangong smiled deeper into the corner of her mouth, greeted Han Qixia's doubtful eyes, and slowly said, "But I found a very interesting thing ..."


In Yanding City, its own undercurrent is surging.

And Wangdu, thousands of miles away, is in a heavy haze at this moment, especially in the Fenghuang Palace. The clouds are hazy, and the air is heavy.

The people in the Fenghuang Palace are very careful, and they are all careful to do things.

At the entrance of the main hall, a round-faced little maid with a mahogany food container came up carrying her skirt. After glancing towards the side of the hall, she whispered to a tall maid under the eaves and said, "Xia He, Wu Is the doctor here? "

The tall woman named Xia He nodded her head and lowered her volume. She said, "Yeah, it's been more than half an hour ..." Xia He frowned, her face and eyes worried.

On the day of praying for the rain, the five emperor Han Lingfan fell into a coma directly after falling from the Temple of Heaven, which made the empress scared.

The accompanying Taiyi was immediately called for treatment. Fortunately, after the Taiyi gave the needle, Han Lingfan woke up, and it seemed to be in good spirit, except for some abrasions in the arm, there was no other trauma. Emperor After seeing this, he was relieved.

When the heavens descended Ganlin, the five princes were shocked and safe.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, Wenwu's face is full of joy, and even the rumors that were rumored by Wang in the past few days are stagnating in this sweet forest.

No one dare to mention that the five princes are not the true emperor.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

However, no one expected that Han Lingfan started having a fever the next morning.

At first, it was only a low fever. No one paid much attention to it. The Taiyi doctor also prescribed the prescription. After taking the medicine, the fever subsided. But it did n’t take long for it to burn again. It was repeated over and over again, and it became more and more severe, and everyone realized that it was not good ... and with the high fever, the situation of Han Lingfan became worse and worse. Since the evening of yesterday, it has been unconscious. It has been one day and one night.

Seeing that Han Lingfan was sick and blind, the beloved queen immediately moved him to Fenghuang Palace and took personal care of him. She stayed with her all the time, and she did not fall asleep, and naturally she did not fall asleep one day and one night, and washed her face with tears.

The emperor never moved his seat except the upper dynasty.

The doctors of Taiji Hospital were called to Han Lingfan for consultation. Basically, he suspected that he had hit a head when he fell from the Temple of Heaven that day, and a blood clot formed in his head. personnel.

But the problem is that even if the cause is known, the doctors can prescribe some formulas for removing blood stasis. Who dares to claim that they have the ability to open craniotomy? !!

So day and night passed, and Han Lingfan's condition did not make any progress.

As for Wu Taiyi, he had returned to his hometown and province, and today, just after returning to the capital, he was hurriedly summoned by the emperor to the palace for a diagnosis of Han Lingfan.

The round-faced little palace woman was heavy in heart, and could not help sighing: "I don't know if Taiyi Wu can ..." Healed His Royal Highness Five.

Before she finished speaking, she saw another maid with a face on her face out of the side hall, frowning and looking at her side.

The round-faced little palace girl was so scared that her neck shrank, and she dared not talk to Xia He, holding the food container in one hand, and walking into the temple with a skirt in her hand.

The maiden of Guazi's face gave the round-faced young maiden a stern glance, but did not reprimand her. For the condition of the five princes, the queen's queen is feeling down, who dares to cause something to annoy the queen's queen!

The two palace ladies walked lightly into the palace in the side hall. At this moment, the palace was overcrowded. The emperor, the queen and the queen mother were all in it, all of them were dignified, and there were a lot of sincere and fearful palace men. The entrance and exit of the palace maid did not attract any attention at all, and everyone's eyes were betting on the bed against the wall.

Han Lingfan lay there with his eyes tightly closed, his cheeks glowed abnormally with redness due to the high fever, and his severe illness could not afford to make his originally plump cheeks slightly recessed. His pale and dry lips were painful from time to time. The groaning sound, every moan made the queen, who was a mother, cut like a knife.

The queen's eyes were swollen with tears, and she stared at Han Lingfan on the bed as if she were just a flash, and her queen would disappear from her eyes ...

Isn't her poor queen doomed? Finally managed to escape a hit a few years ago, this time it ushered in a life and death catastrophe!

The queen mother is a believer in Buddha. She is sitting on a redwood circle chair with a string of beads in her hands, her lips moving slightly, she muttering the Buddhist scriptures, and praying sincerely for the five princes.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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