Seeing them returning empty-handed, the general in black was burning with fire in his heart, and frowned coldly, "What about people?"

"Trap! It's a trap!" Two or three men in black shouted in astonishment.

The general in black chuckled in his heart, and finally felt dull that something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed that it was not only the North and South Army Guards who approached him, but another crowd appeared on the west side, at least a few hundred people, and the east wall didn't know when two rows of black would emerge. The heads of the crows, these people in black and black armor, black red feather helmets, a row of people stood on the wall full of bows and arrows in their hands, and another row of people lay on the wall and raised the army crossbow in their hands. The cold light flashed in the moonlight, making people shudder.

The general in black was terrified.

Black clothes and black armor, black red feather helmet, and red flame mark on the breastplate ...

Isn't this someone from the Snap Camp?

But according to his previous inquiries, not all the thousand soldiers and horses of the Xiaoqi camp were sent to the surrounding villages and towns.

How could it suddenly appear in the hunting palace again? !!

Not to mention the heroic warfare of the people in this camp, the general in black thought that if a thousand soldiers in the camp had appeared in the hunting palace, he would fight in his heart.

If the three hundred elite soldiers around him meet two hundred Imperial Forest Army and one thousand Xiao Riding Camps, wouldn't it be that they can't fight with two fists and send sheep into the wolf mouth?

General Hitomi in black shrank suddenly, sweating like rain. At this time, he was completely panicked and didn't know how to respond.

I don't know when the screams, collisions and killings around them stopped, but this silence is even more terrifying to the generals in black. They almost dared not think about what happened to their companions now.

Two Yulin Army and a Snap Rider camp are still approaching this group of men in black. The sharp pressure forced the men in black to only continually gather, backing away, and behind them were rows of bows and arrows.

They are already surrounded.

What's more, at such a close distance, being pointed at by so many crossbows and bows and arrows, they are probably hard to fly with wings!


Two feather arrows suddenly cut through the air, two silver lights flashed, and the general in black hurried to one side of the body. One of the feather arrows brushed dangerously in his hairline, cutting off a bunch of his hair, and his body The man next to him in black didn't react so quickly. He had been pierced in the eyebrow the next instant, "clicked" and pierced the skull. He fell to the ground with a "bang", his eyes widened, and at the moment of death, he didn't know what was going on!

The general in black was shocked, and looked unbelievably in the direction of the arrows.

I saw a young boy in a purple suit appeared on the wall, standing out among a group of black armored black armored soldiers. He held the bow and the other hand shook his hands leisurely, and looked down at them with a smile, but said meaningfully: "It's a joy to have friends coming from afar! Why should friends hide their heads when they are guests? ! "

Under the soft moonlight, the young man has a beautiful appearance and a handsome figure, perfect as a fairy, but for some reason he seems to be in danger when he smiles and groans.

These men in black have all seen blood in their hands, and at this moment can't help but have an alarm bell in their hearts.

It is said that among the mountains, the most dangerous things are often wrapped in the most gorgeous appearance!

The boy smiled all the time, but in the eyes of the man in black, he looked like Yan Luo who asked for it!

Beautiful and deadly!

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