Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 901: Divine Doctor (1)

"The Lord of Gundam!"

In the main hall of Qing Xia Zhai, Deputy Commander Yu Linjun Lin hurried to report, "The master of the county has a clever idea, and the thieves have all obtained it."

Nangong Yu sat on the main seat and asked calmly, "There may be casualties."

"Ten people were slightly injured, and two of them were in a drug coma. No one was killed." Deputy Commander Lin said, fortunately in his heart, if it were not for the light of the Lord ’s magical plan, it was estimated that there would be night attacks by thieves and let them ambush in advance. How can this battle be won so easily.

"I will let the Physician take a look at the injured person for a while." Nangong sighed with relief, and then asked, "Who is the attacker?"

Deputy Commander Lin hesitated. Since ancient times, women have not been allowed to do anything, but the Lord of Shaking Light is the emperor's hand in charge and is responsible for the hunting of the palace disease. Moreover, she ordered an ambush to capture the thieves in one fell swoop ...

Nangong Yu saw his hesitation, smiled slightly and said, "It's Changdi, right?"

Seeing that she already knew that Vice Commander Lin had never concealed again, and said, "It is General Chelu of Changdi. He brought three hundred elite soldiers at night and tried to win us in one fell swoop." He paused and asked Out of doubt, "how does the county owner know that it is Changdi."

"I originally wanted to sue the emperor after returning to the capital, but since Deputy Commander Lin asked, I did not hide it." Nangong Yu paused and said, "This time the epidemic of hunting the palace is exactly what Chang Di did ... ... "

Nangong Yu simply said everything he knew, and Deputy Commander Lin shocked his face, just as when Nangong Yu just knew it all.

"... Obviously, Chang Di's original target should be the emperor. If the emperor is infected with the disease, I will be in chaos, and if Chang Di leads the army at that time ..." Nangong Yan did not say anything. The words turned around and said, "Fortunately, God bless me Dayu, the epidemic was discovered in time, and the emperor was able to return to the palace safely. However, since Changdi painstakingly laid this bureau, wouldn't it be a joke if it had been ended rashly?"

This speech was not long ago, Guan Yubai said to her and Xiao Yi.

Indeed, it is not Nangong Yu that is really resourceful, but official language is white! Guan Yubai calculated the plan of Chang Di, and asked Si Ji to explore it a few times, and then laid the bureau by the hand of Nangong Ji, and let Chang Di people catch the net.

Deputy Commander Lin sincerely praised: "The lord of the county is a magical plan!"

Nangong chuckled, her official language could not show up, Xiao Yi could not be too public, she could only accept all the praises with a cheeky face, and said: "The deputy commander already knows the cause and effect, so how to interrogate without me Say. This time you and the Xiaoqi camp have made great contributions. The emperor will have a great reward when he returns to the capital. "

Deputy Commander Lin couldn't help but be ecstatic, knowing that the Lord of Shaking Light gave the credit to them.

After Deputy Commander Lin stepped back, Nangong Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and Lily, who was waiting aside, smiled and rubbed her forehead. Soon after, Xiao Yi left behind a bunch of mess, and fluttered to show her how brilliant and savvy she was. Nangong Yan kept smiling and listening quietly.

Such a peaceful day makes Nangong Yu more comfortable and cherished.

The interrogation of the Changdi people soon came to fruition. According to the return of Deputy Commander Lin, everything was as expected by the official language. While the autumn hunting, Changdi spread the epidemic through the Leiqi horse farm. If it goes well, Dayu Building will be a long time, and Changdi can also drive straight in and win this great river.

Unfortunately, the emperor hurried back to the capital before catching the epidemic, so Changdi could only retreat to the second, and set his sights on the officials and their children who were left in the hunting palace.

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