Su Lin can't do anything in this body, he can only think wildly, and the general he is attached to seems to be in a daze, standing in place, staring at the shadow in the distance for a long, long time, without speaking , nor any action.

"General..." There was a slight whisper, although it was very respectful, but Su Lin also heard a strong sense of urging.

Su Lin turned his head to look at the other party. Judging from the other party's clothes, this person should be the general's capable confidant.

"Ah Hu, find someone to go over and ask, just ask if the national teacher needs me to go over."


The lieutenant went down to call someone, and then Su Lin saw a soldier running out.

The soldier came to a place a foot away from the black shadow, said a few words to the black shadow, and then rushed back as if fleeing.

"General, the national teacher let you go!" The soldier reported back.

Su Lin's attached body began to move again. He jumped down from the breach in the city wall, stepped on numerous corpses, and approached the black four-legged figure. When he got close enough, he judged that this black figure should It wasn't a beast, but a human figure with its hands on the ground.

Thin black lines swarmed around his body, like tapeworms swimming fast in the water, or like flashing electric arcs. On what should be called the face of the other party, there were two red light spots, which should be the other party's eyes.

"National teacher..." The general's voice was full of respect and admiration, and a little bit of fear.

"I don't have much time. Someone needs to go to the other side and clean up those demons." The black shadow made a strange voice, and it was barely recognizable as a man, but the voice was very vague.

The general looked at the black shadow in front of him, turned his head slowly, and looked further away. There stood a translucent 'gate', which could only be seen clearly with full concentration. The gate was very tall and wide, like a city wall.

"I will distribute part of the power to those who go in, who can bear it?" Soi Ying said.

"...I'll go in." The general clenched his fists, "I'll take people in and destroy the heart-eating ghosts on the other side."

The general was silent for a long time in front of the shadow, waiting for the other party's answer.

Finally, the black shadow stretched out his hand and grabbed his other hand. Then, with an extremely uncomfortable tearing sound, he tore his left hand off his body.

The pitch-black arm was handed to the general, obviously the other party was waiting for him to make his own choice.

"National teacher, do you still remember that you once said that if one

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Is it justifiable for an individual to choose to share the pain equally with others because he cannot bear the extreme pain himself? asked the general.

"..." Sombra didn't answer.

General: "I suddenly understand now that if someone is suffering like that, then I am willing to be the one to share it."

He stretched out his hand and grasped the black severed arm, Setsuna. Thousands of black lines branched out from the severed arm, climbing onto the general's body like a creeper.

As a dependent, Su Lin felt the unbearable pain.

In the silent scream, the armor was shattered into powder, and the flesh touched by the black thread disintegrated. The black thread penetrated into his body, and more black threads grew like seeds sprouting. After the severe pain, the damaged body began to recover.

It wasn't until the last ray of black thread penetrated into the general's body that the endless pain stopped.

The general stretched out his hand, and black lightning came out of his palm. He looked at the black shadow and heard the black shadow say: "If you don't come out, I will pick you up."

"Master, when will we be able to sit and drink tea together like the first time?" The general's voice suddenly softened, with a hint of crying.

The black shadow didn't answer him, but took off on the spot, set off a violent air current, and turned into a black lightning and pierced through the air...

Su Lin opened her eyes and returned to reality, surrounded by the quiet breathing of her companions. Lu Zhuyu, who had turned into a black cat, was lying on the window, wagging her tail to watch the night. She noticed Su Lin's awakening, and looked back at him.

Su Lin took a deep breath, and looked around for Tianzun's figure, only to see Tianzun curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully in the corner of the room.

Su Lin gave up the idea of ​​waking up Tianzun, and it's not too late to ask about Meng Yuan during the day.

The dream just now is undoubtedly Gongsun Feilong's personal experience. Gongsun Feilong inherited part of Hei Tianzun's ability from a person who has Hei Tianzun, and then entered here.

He has been waiting for that person to fulfill his promise, waiting for the other person to come into this world to pick him up.

This wait is thousands of years.

Since Gongsun Feilong inherited the ability of Hei Tianzun, there is a high probability that the legend is correct. He is still alive at the bottom of the deep pit, but he has no ability to leave.

Presumably, for thousands of years, people who jumped into the deep pit one after another were also influenced by Meng Yuan.

"The inheritance of Hei Tianzun's power needs to endure great pain. Have I ever

Have you ever endured this pain? "Su Lin recalled the bits and pieces he experienced after traveling to this world.

He didn't remember that he had ever come into contact with a strange object similar to Hei Tianzun. Although he had been living in pain all these years, until Xiao'e was killed, his pain came from worldly disputes and had nothing to do with immortal cultivators.

What exactly is Hei Tianzun?

Although I don't know its source yet, at least I can be sure that this power can be controlled, the national teacher can control it, and Gongsun Feilong can control it, but I can't control it. Biqu library

Strength... What I lack now is strength!

No matter what you want to protect, or what you want to pursue, you will be limited everywhere without strength, and it will be difficult for you to move forward.

Violence can only shine brightly in the most extreme darkness.

The narrow escapes he has experienced so far, as well as those helpless desperate situations, all stem from his own weakness and meager strength.

Hei Tianzun... If he can control the power of Hei Tianzun, then no one can control his life except Nascent Soul.

"Gongsun Feilong." Su Lin murmured the name.

Maybe he should go down to the deep pit and meet this person, and from his mouth, he might learn the method of controlling Hei Tianzun.

The morning light penetrated through the cracks in the window, and the light in the house gradually turned light blue.

There were sounds of people walking, chopping firewood, and burning fire outside, as well as dogs barking and cocks crowing from other places. The sleeping Zhuxian people woke up one after another from their sleep.

Tianzun got up lazily, with thick black hair scattered in front of her face, she pushed the messy hair back with one hand, looked around sleepily, and saw Su Lin who was already awake, showing a sweet and charming smile: "Good morning, I dreamed about you~"

Tianzun got up and stretched his arms, and the surging waves were ready to come out.

"Ahh! It's so refreshing... This is the first time I wake up, and I still remember what dream I had. But dreams are really scary, and they can completely subvert normal people's perception of reality."

"Don't gods dream?"

"Gods don't dream, but gods who become humans can dream. I'm becoming more and more human. It's a brand new experience."

Su Lin was a little surprised when he heard this: "Have you never transformed into a human being?"

"Hahaha! Yes, there is, but it's not like the incarnation of an adult like now. It's the first time to have the same senses as the believers." Tianzun laughed heartily, and seemed to be in a very happy mood.

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