After Su Lin heard this, he stared at Tianzun suspiciously. He couldn't believe that it was the first time that the other party did such a thing.

Frankly speaking, he felt that Tianzun was lying to him. As a god, Tianzun had lived for hundreds of millions of years, no, it must be longer than hundreds of millions of years, perhaps so much longer than Ge Liheng's number.

He couldn't believe that in such a long time, Tianzun hadn't become a human being, maintaining the same senses as her followers.

What Tianzun said just now is as nonsense as "I have lived for a hundred years and drank pure water for the first time".

Su Lin is sure that Tianzun is 100% lying to him. This guy is becoming more and more human, and she is also a bad woman with deep scheming. She often makes some nasty jokes recently, and maybe she is also teasing him now.

"What's that expression on your face? Don't believe me? There's nothing to lie about. There is a first time for everything. People have their first breath, first run, and first love since birth. Doesn't God have a first time?" once?

Hmm~ I can guess what you are thinking, you must think, I have existed for such a long time, human beings can think of everything, I must have experienced it countless times, right?

But unfortunately, I didn't lie to you, this is the first time I have become like this.

But I can also understand your thoughts. If a woman who looks like a fairy and is always young, tells her first man that she has not tasted the forbidden fruit, that man's reaction will definitely be the same as yours.

But in fact, without you, there will be another person, whether the parties believe it or not, the first person will always exist, which cannot be skipped mathematically. "

Su Lin suddenly had an indescribable, very subtle feeling. The smiling Tianzun in front of him made him think that he might understand a part of her.

He didn't know if Tianzun standing in front of him could be regarded as a person.

Even Su Lin knew that this kind of thinking was naive, but he couldn't stop thinking deeply.

Is she telling the truth? Is this her choice, or is it just a coincidence, just like the first breath of human beings born, which does not contain the will to choose.

Su Lin's subconscious wanted to ask more questions, when more possibilities were about to emerge in his mind, but he sensed a potential danger, and promptly suppressed the curiosity that oozed like water droplets, and put his thoughts cut off directly.

Emotions are things that human beings cannot control. They can only be covered up by behavior, but they cannot be changed. It is the same as the "want" in the mouth of Tianzun.

In a sense, it's really scary.


Su Lin took a deep breath and said to himself to calm down, as

Believers in God should do what believers should do.

"It's none of my business anyway." Su Lin said this with a blank face, and then went to practice for Niu Chuxi just like yesterday.

At noon, Gongsun Juding brought good news, saying that he had found Awen in another village.

They also made an appointment to meet outside the village in the evening.

Xiao Wu was very happy to hear that his younger brother was safe and sound.

In the evening, they met Awen in the open space outside the village, and there were several monks in the village with them.

And it was not only Ah Wen who came to the appointment, but also a group of other people. The two sides fought very hard and seemed extraordinarily cautious.

After meeting, Su Lin's attention was immediately attracted by a woman who came with Awen.

It was a very thin woman, she stood in the crowd, her indifferent eyes did not have any warmth, she was very similar to the Jade Immortal who entered the fighting state.

Her eyes are very sharp and sharp, like a knife made of ice.

At the moment when the two sides met, the woman observed everyone present, and finally her eyes fell on Su Lin.

"Why do you have to bring so many people?" Chen Hu asked in a low voice.

Lu Zhuyu: "It's probably an old rule. If it is necessary for two villages to contact each other, both sides must be fully prepared. Pen Fun Library

After all, neither side can be sure whether the other's village is the village of the heart-eating ghost.

In this case, everything must be done with utmost care. "

Su Lin: "Heart-eating ghosts have been able to fight humans undefeated for thousands of years. It is estimated that human internal conflicts account for a large part of the reason. This chain of suspicion that cannot be eliminated is an indelible shackle for humans."

Even when she was talking, Su Lin kept staring at the woman, who had a strange attractiveness, but it was definitely not a sex appeal.

The other party can't be called a beauty, she is too thin, although her bones are fair, but her cheekbones are sunken, her eye circles are black and gray, her complexion is pale, she looks like a zombie.

But her eyes are very attractive to Su Lin, and there is something Su Lin can't describe deep in her pupils.

On the other side, the two brothers, Wen and Wu, had already begun to ask for their health. Behind them, the people of the two villages kept a safe distance and confronted each other full of vigilance.

Su Lin's attention was not on the scene at all, he just looked at the woman.

The woman was also staring at him, and suddenly an emotionless smile appeared on that expressionless face, as if she was saying a very perfunctory hello.

"This expression is very similar to the believers under Qingxu." Tianzun said casually.

Su Lin glanced at Tianzun quickly,

Without asking any questions, Tianzun explained it comprehensibly.

"The believers of Qingxu Bodhisattva believe in the coexistence of suffering and happiness, and believe that without pain, one cannot experience happiness; without evil, one cannot experience justice; without life, one cannot experience death.

Moreover, the more extreme one feels, the deeper the perception of the other, so believers tend to do very extreme things.

Under the sect of Qingxu, many believers put their bodies and spirits in an environment of extreme pain for a long time. They believe that being in such extreme pain for a long time can avoid feeling more pain in the future, just like a person who has been cut with a knife, A little more skinning, and it's fine.

They obtained supernatural powers from the gods, and then cooperated with their own weird ideas, exerted impressive power, and then summed up their own school philosophy.

As far as I know, under Qingxu sect, there are three factions: "Extreme Suffering", "Extreme Evil", and "Extreme Hate". Masochistic. "

Su Lin fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After a long time, he couldn't help asking: "The people of Qingxu Bodhisattva believe in the coexistence of suffering and happiness; the people of Hongchen Fairy believe in hedonism... What about you, why do I feel that your believers don't seem to have a unified belief. "

Hearing this, Tianzun scratched his head, pondered for a long time, and explained: "My belief is actually difficult to explain, you can understand it as idealism.

Whether it is the Ant Fairy Gate, or the Utopia, Datong society, capitalism, social Darwin, etc. you heard about in your previous life.

As long as the person involved feels that this theory is the optimal solution under the ideal state of the world, then the person's mental state is considered to be in line with my aesthetics.

The more determined and fanatical the person concerned is about the best solution he has come up with, the more he will lean towards my position.

And in this world, the cultivators collectively refer to the best law they believe in as the 'Way of Heaven', so I have the title of Heavenly Venerable. "

Su Lin was silent for a long time, and finally let out a sigh.

"I would have known better if I didn't inquire about it. It feels so ordinary, and there is no sense of mystery." Biquku

"Huh? Obviously you want to ask yourself." Tianzun put his hands on his chest and pretended to be angry.

Su Lin: "You said that I want to kill the believers of the Red Dust Fairy, but what about the Qingxu Bodhisattva? How is his relationship with you?"

"It's not very good, but it's not to the point of using a knife as soon as we meet. But when you meet a follower of the Red Dust Immortal in the future, if you can strike first, do it first. There is no room for negotiation between me and that guy. "

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