
Take a deep breath.

Put your mind at ease.

Immediately, Lin Tian threw the ball hard with the grip of the fast finger fork ball.


The baseball turned into a white arrow of light and rushed to the home base.

“Here it comes!”

Guan Guangmei’s eyes stomped and he waved the bat in an instant.


Just when the metal rod is about to hit the baseball!

Speeding baseball, falling without warning!


The sound of the strong wind of the stick waving in the air sounded!

The smile on Guan Guangmei’s face disappeared in an instant!

“Refers to…”

“Fork ball…”

Guan Guangmei’s eyes widened in shock, and his pupils were filled with disbelief.


“So fast ball speed…”

“Actually… It’s not a straight ball…”

Kiryu rest area, Matsumoto coach and the team members were also shocked by Lin Tian’s skills.

Their brains!

It turned into a blank slate again!

“Perfect fast finger fork ball!”

In the Aodo seating area, Coach Kataoka’s eyes lit up.

As a pitcher.

He saw it.

Lin Tian’s fast fork ball.

The ball speed is clearly over 150.

And Lin Tian’s straight ball is also more than 150 per hour.

After combining the two.

This will be Lin Tian’s most terrifying weapon.


The opposing batter simply can’t tell whether Lin Tian is shooting a straight ball or a fast fork ball!

Be aware!

After exceeding 150 per hour, the baseball’s flight time in the air is very short!

Almost blink of an eye!

The baseball had already flown from Lin Tian’s position into Miyuki’s gloves!

So short time!

Just facing a straight ball with a speed of 150 or more is a big problem!

And now!

And on this basis!

Beware of Lin Tian’s fast finger fork ball!


Coach Kataoka felt for a moment that Lin Tian was invincible in the high school baseball world!

“The combination of straight balls and fast finger fork balls seems to have a feeling of invincibility in the world!”

Vice Minister Rei Takashima said with a smile.


Minister Ota hesitated for a moment and said, “Although Lin Tian’s straight ball and fast finger fork ball are indeed very strong, after all, this is only one quick finger fork ball.” ”

“Would it be a little too early to draw conclusions so early?”


Coach Kataoka said lightly: “Although Lin Tian is only in the first grade, once he reaches the game, he will definitely not do something uncertain.” ”

“If he really hadn’t mastered the fast finger fork ball, he certainly wouldn’t have told Miyuki.”

“But since it was taken out.”

“It proves that Lin Tian has enough confidence to ensure that most of the fast fork balls will not make mistakes!”

As soon as these words came out.

Minister Ota was momentarily dumbfounded.

I could only obediently close my mouth and watch the game quietly.


On the pitch.

Ryosuke Kominato smiled lightly and said, “Standing behind Lin Tian, I feel that my previous training has been done in vain.” ”

Cangzhi Yang nodded, “Yeah, this boy’s strength is too terrifying.” ”

“As of now, he doesn’t seem to have been beaten, right?”

Ryosuke Komina: “Don’t talk about the fight, just touching the ball is a very difficult thing for the batsman!” ”

Staying in the wilderness and feeling very lonely, Isaki Junji shouted, “Hey! Lin Tian! ”

“Let’s let the opposite side play a ball over!”

“I’ve been standing, bored and panicked!”

Of course.

Shout is so shouting.

But in his heart, he definitely didn’t want Lin Tian’s ball to be hit.

After all.

Even the second place in the country in last summer’s competition could be suppressed by Lin Tian.

That shows Lin Tian’s pitching.

Placed on this year’s summer coat, it can also produce great results.



Sharp cracking sound!

Lin Tian threw the second ball!

This time it’s a four-stitch straight ball at around 154 e/h!

But the fast finger ball just now left a deep impression on the mind of Guan Guangmei!

As a result, Hiromi Pavilion’s energy was distracted a lot on the fast finger fork ball!

The action that led to the swing of the stick caused hesitation and slowed down!


No surprises!

The baseball rubbed the bat of Hiromi Takan and slipped into Miyuki’s gloves!

“Good ball!”

The referee shouted loudly.

Followed by.

Lin Tian took advantage of the chase to throw the third ball, still a straight ball.

But Hiromi is very entangled.

He always felt that this ball might be a fast fork ball.


Reality told him that he had guessed wrong again!

“Good ball!”

“The fighter is out!”

The referee announced the result loudly.


Hiromi Kodate waved his bat in chagrin and smashed it on the home run board.


“With the impression of a fast fork ball, both Hiromi Tran and the next fighters had to distract themselves from the fast fork ball.”

“A straight ball with a speed of more than 150 per hour is not easy to deal with.”

“Now we have to distract ourselves…”

“You guys…”

“It’s over…”

Miyukichi also had the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.


The next two beaters.

With the wonderful cooperation of Lin Tian and Yu Yu, it was also very easy to eliminate it.


Offensive and defensive exchanges.

It was Qingdao’s turn to launch an offensive.

The first hitter this time was Ryosuke Kominato of Aomichi.

For Kiryu’s catchers.

He must have only wanted to send his opponent to base with 4 bad balls.

Because it will be more labor-saving.

But just before going on the field, Coach Matsumoto specifically ordered that the battle should be confronted.

In the view of Coach Matsumoto.

With Lin Tian, Kiryu’s probability of winning would be very low.


Simply change the purpose of the next competition to: Tempering Hall Hiromi.

Specific method:

Nature is a frontal fight against the blue road.

Coach Matsumoto believes that fighting with the national level will make Hiromi gain a lot of practical gains.

This is a great help for the upcoming Summer Armor Competition.



Hiromi Kodate gave every goal with all his might.

Straight balls, curved balls, slippery balls and other balls, according to the instructions of the catcher, continue to be used.

As for Ryosuke Komina, who is extremely skilled, as long as he sees that the ball thrown by Hiromi Komaki will fly into the good ball area, he will directly hit it out of bounds.

As for the ball that flew into the bad ball area, Ryosuke Kominato didn’t care.

Because he had not yet reached the level of Lin Tian’s ‘no matter what ball, he could play out of bounds’.


The ball should be put.

Or have to put.

Don’t be too greedy.

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