Diamond Ace: Start with a world-class speedball

Diamond Ace: Start with a world-class speedball

230 Chapters Ongoing Status

Lin Tian travels to the world of Diamond Ace.

Start the game activation system and check in to “World Class Speedball”.

Due to his outstanding ability, in the red and white game in which new players joined the team, he was quali


Lin Tian travels to the world of Diamond Ace.

Start the game activation system and check in to “World Class Speedball”.

Due to his outstanding ability, in the red and white game in which new players joined the team, he was qualified for a direct promotion to the first army with only one goal.

From now on!

Lin Tian embarked on the journey of dominating the whole country!


Kataoka: The first time I saw Lin Tian, I thought he was the ace of the Green Road!

Miyuki: Lin Tian is the strongest pitcher I’ve ever met, not one of them!

Descending Valley: I thought I was the fastest at the ball, and Lin Tian made me realize that there are people outside of people!

Sawamura: Lin Tian is my lifelong idol, and my skills are learned from him!

Cheng Gongming: In front of Lin Tian, I can only rank second!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Diamond Ace: Opening Check-in to World-Class Speedball”; This novel and its characters are purely fictional, and if they are similar, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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