The other side.

Coach Kataoka and Coach Matsumoto are blowing each other commercially.


“Today’s game really benefited us a lot!”

Coach Matsumoto shook hands with Coach Kataoka with a smiling tiger’s face.

Kataoka: “Wherever, we have benefited a lot!” ”

Matsumoto: “But Coach Kataoka, I really envy you!” ”

“In the first grade, there were three monster pitchers!”

“The kid who gave us a hard time in the morning was too strong!”

“It’s a monster more than a monster!”

“The left pitchers who come on after that, although they occasionally behave amateurishly, are also full of their own characteristics!”

“As for the high-speed ball pitcher who played in the afternoon, although the ball control is not very good, if you take the ball control to a certain level, it will be quite scary!”


Kataoka smiled rarely, “That being said, compared to Lin Tian, Sawamura and Shibuya actually have a lot of deficiencies.” ”

Coach Matsumoto laughed and said, “Haha ~ Brother Kataoka is really strict!” ”

“In short…”

“This game is also a great thrill for our players!”

“Next time…..”

“Let’s fight in Koshien!”

Kataoka nodded, “Good! ”

Matsumoto: “Gone! ”

Words fall.

Coach Matsumoto turned to Kiryu’s members and said, “I’m going to Kanagawa tomorrow!” ”

“You all cheer me up!”

Kiryu people: “Yes! ”


After delivery of Osaka Kiryu.

Coach Kataoka called all the players to the cafeteria for a meeting.

He stood at the front and said in a deep voice:

“There are two games tomorrow!”

“In the first game, Kawakami started first!”


Kawakami was stunned, but quickly replied, “Yes! ”

Kataoka nodded.

Immediately, his eyes wandered between Sawamura and Shigoya.

As for Lin Tian?

Kataoka felt no need to put him on the pitcher mound.

First, Lin Tian’s strength is very strong, and his sense of combat is quite mature.

The second is that tomorrow’s practice opponents, like Seido, belong to the Western Tokyo District.

To avoid opponents gathering intelligence.

So it’s normal to hide trump cards.

Of course.

Although not let Lin Tianshang pitcher Qiu.

But after the game starts, Kataoka will still let Lin Tian’s identity as a fielder be active on the field.

After all!

Lin Tian’s strike ability is so strong, it is useless if you don’t need it!


Kataoka hesitated, then said to Shibuya, “In the second game, Shibuya starts first!” ”

For Kataoka.

Descending valley although lost more points than Zer Village.

Danzawa Village’s pitching content is too frightening.

Or rather.

If it weren’t for the help of Lin Tian and Zengzi Tuo and others, Sawamura’s lost points would not have been less!

And compared to Sawamura…

The high-speed ball of the valley is more reassuring!

Just grind more…

Raise the ball to the top…

Then the valley can become the second trump card of Qingdao!

“Considering the exhaustion of the body.”

“Kawakami, descend the valley, and you two will each cast a shot.”

“No problem, right?”

Hear Kataoka’s inquiry.

Kawakami answered loudly, “Yes! ”

And Shi Gu Xiao fell into a state of mental atrophy, and he murmured, “Yes…”

It’s not just him.

Sawamura fell into the same symptoms.

This caused the two of them to have no desire to eat.

Sitting next to Kominato Haruhi.

Seeing that neither Xiao Shibuya nor Sawamura moved their chopsticks much.

I couldn’t help but ask, “Eh… Neither of you ate much…”

Lin Tian, who was sitting on the other side of Xiao Mina, said while enjoying the food: “After finishing the hellish training, I put all my energy into the competition.” ”

“So, it’s normal for the two of them to be extremely tired right now and have no appetite.”

Xiao Minato turned his head and looked at Lin Tian’s relaxed appearance, quite curious: “Then why are you okay?” ”

Lin Tian shrugged, “My willpower is much stronger than theirs, so even if I am tired, it has no impact.” ”

Hear that.

Sawamura and Shibuya wanted to refute it.


This is a fact…

So there is no rebuttal of the undertone…

“So tired!”

“I want to sleep!”

Sawamura lowered his head and muttered slightly decadently, “Is this the pressure from the pitcher hill of the First Army?” ”


Kominato chuckled, “You two are working hard!” ”

Gu Xiao suddenly said, “Who is working harder?” Be honest! ”

Xiao Minato was stunned: “Eh? ”

Sawamura: “Let’s be specific! ”

After Xiao Xiao listened, he couldn’t laugh and cry.

He didn’t expect these two people to be so naïve, and this matter had to be contested.


“In short, I envy you guys who can play…”

“To know.”

“I didn’t even have a chance to play.”

Kominato Haruchi said with a smile.


Sawamura and Shibuya were stunned.

“Yes… I’m sorry, Achun, we don’t mean that! ”

Sawamura apologized in a panic, and at the same time pushed his own meal in front of Komina: “This is for you, forgive me!” ”

Shizuya Xiao had a kind of example: “Mine is also for you!” ”

Kominato Chunshi cried and laughed, “Do you want me to die?” ”


The other side.

After Coach Kataoka left the cafeteria.

Summoned Kenta Maeen, a second-year cadet, to the front.

Kenta Maeen.

Shared dormitory with Kominato Haruhi.

The swing is powerful, but the strike technique is weak.

The first meeting gives people a more vicious impression, but in fact, the personality is very down-to-earth.

When Sawamura was selected for the First Army, other second-year team members expressed their disagreement, but Maeen reprimanded those who disagreed.

He also said that instead of caring about Sawamura, it is better to increase his strength.

“How is the game?”

Kataoka asked straight away.

Today is the match time for the fourth round (semi-final) of the Kanto Conference.

But Kataoka thinks.

The gains gained by the First Army in the Kanto Competition were far less than those of the practice match with Kiryu Osaka.


Kataoka left the First Army at school to take on Kiryu Osaka.

As for the semi-finals of the Kanto Congress, the second team was dispatched.

“I’m sorry…”

“We lost…”

Kenta Maeen replied with a sense of guilt.

“Did you lose?”

“I see.”

Kataoka nodded, then turned away.

For the record of the Second Army, he actually did not have expectations at the beginning.

After all, although the gold content of the Kanto Congress is low, the strength of the participating teams is not as good as Kiryu.

But it was still very easy to defeat the second army lineup of Qingdao.


Since they all sent the Second Army over, they must still ask.


Kenta Maeen looked at Coach Kataoka’s back, his fists clenched, and his look was full of unwillingness.


If he plays one more hitter in today’s game…

Then you can reverse the score!

Qualify for the finals!

By then!

It is bound to leave a good impression in the mind of the coach!

Even if you can’t enter the army this year, you can definitely do it next year!


It’s all just if…

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