In the blink of an eye.

The competition between Daocheng Industrial and Xiubei High School has come to an end.


It was the third game.

Seido High School vs Shuhoku High School.

This game.

Qingdao’s starting pitcher is Shibuyuki Xiao.


Say it was first.

But according to the instructions given by Coach Kataoka, it was to let Shibuya finish the vote.

The purpose is to build confidence for Shizuya Xiao through the weaker Xiubei High School.


By the way, with the help of this game to tell Shizuya Xiao…

Although when the physical strength is sufficient, facing the weaker opponents, his high-speed straight ball can work…


When the game comes to the middle and late stages!

With too much physical loss, it will still be destroyed by the weaker Xiubei High School!

That’s right!

Kataoka hopes that Shibuya Xiao will gain confidence from Shuhoku, and by the way, further understand that the result of insufficient physical strength!


The race is on!





One by one, high-speed straight balls rushed out, so that Xiubei High School had no chance to judge!

You can only throw the bat by luck!

And this practice…

Nature in exchange for the result of ‘three strikes out’!

“Good ball!”

“Pretty shot!!”

“Descend the valley, do a good job!”

The crowd outside the venue shouted loudly in the theater.


As a middle fielder, Lin Tian stood behind the valley.

It can be clearly seen that the ball thrown by Shibuya needs to be adjusted to the position of the glove every time to pick it up.

This means!

Shibuya can’t throw the ball where Miyuki needs to!

“Without knowing it.”

“Daocheng Industrial estimates that this will be used as a smoke bomb, right?”

“After all!”

“Miyuki is indeed too dark!”

Lin Tian said with a light smile.


“Sure enough!”

“This guy’s ball speed is also rumored to be as fast!”

“It’s hard to see a high life pitched so fast now!”

Masako Harada hugged his chest with both hands and commented solemnly.

“That being said.”

“But the balls he threw were a little too high!”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t have done it!”

Cheng Gongming waved his hand without any concern.

Masako Harada: “This should just be the smoke bomb that was released to us, and the main force of the green road should be the pitcher who just practiced in the cowshed.” ”

Narimiya: “If you want to put a smoke bomb, why let that pitcher just use his full strength in the cowshed?” ”

“Moreover, after showing the pitch, it was a waste to let the man go to the middle field!”

Masako Harada: “I don’t understand what Seido’s coach is thinking. ”


Harada is still a little confused.

He had expected that in the next game, Lin Tian, who had just practiced in the cowshed, would appear.


Have voted several rounds, have not seen a single shadow …..


At least in the middle field, I saw Lin Tian’s active posture!


There is a high-speed ball in the valley, Lin Tian does not need to run too much?

Did Lin Tian go up to make up a number?

But it shouldn’t be!

If it is a weak school, the change of position of the team members is normal, after all, there are so many people.

But if it is a famous baseball player, the number of people in the baseball department is very large.


Even if you make up the number, it should be looking for someone else.

“What the hell is Coach Kataoka thinking…”


The other side.

Fought for five rounds of Gu Xiao.

Sweating profusely, he returned to the rest area.

“I shot 51 goals in five innings, and the bad ball rate didn’t go down, but the number of headers went down.”

“So far, the pace has been very good.”

Takashima folded his hands around his waist and said with a chuckle.

“That being said.”

“But Kiryu’s line-up strength is at least in the top three in the country.”

Lin Tian put his gloves aside and picked up the metal rod.

“Shukita High School is just one of the emerging forces in Tokyo’s East End.”

“Of course, that’s a nice description.”

“It’s hard to say, but it’s just a weak chicken team that has just emerged.”

“And yet!”

“When encountering this kind of team, Shizuya even threw a lot of meaningless bad balls!”

“This shouldn’t be!”

“Descending Valley, if you are still at this level, you can’t get too many opportunities to play in official games from me!”

Words fall.

Descending Gu Xiao instantly erupted into a powerful aura.

The person sitting next to him could feel a strong sense of oppression invading him.

But Lin Tian did not pay any attention to it.

Leisurely walked to the beater seat.

“Although Lin Tian’s words are very straightforward.”

Takashima was silent for a moment and then said, “But that’s true.” ”

Coach Kataoka has maintained a posture of holding his chest with both hands and sitting up straight, showing no sign of opening.


Inside, I was very happy that Lin Tian had stimulated Gu Xiao so much.

Kataoka has seen it.

Descending Gu Xiao is very much in need of external stimulation in order to be angry and try to improve his personality.


For this practice of Lin Tian.

Coach Kataoka not only didn’t mind, but even wanted Lin Tian to continue to come a few times.

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