July 21.

The blazing sun hangs high in the sky.

“It’s so hot—”

“It seems to be more than 30 degrees today.”

Minister Ota sighed as he walked toward the rest area.


Vice Minister Rei Takashima nodded, “This summer, it seems to be hotter than in previous years.” ”

Minister Ota took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, looked at the stadium and said, “It’s really admirable that in such a hot weather, the players are still willing to train harder.” ”


On the pitch.

Kurasaka, Kominato, and others conduct shock training in the strike area.

Lin Tian, on the other hand, is in the pitching area and conducts pitching training.

Descending the valley is running.

Sawamura is practicing possession.

Yuki and the others are practicing running the base.

In a word.

Everyone didn’t train perfunctorily because of the summer heat.



Coach Kataoka summoned everyone to the cafeteria.

Chris took out his notebook, stood at the forefront, and began to share the intelligence he had gathered.

“Yang Shunchen didn’t shoot much.”

“But he often used curve balls and finger balls to cheat the number of balls.”

“The speed of the ball is about 130 kilometers per hour.”

“The most important thing to pay attention to is the incredibly accurate possession!”

“From the inner high angle, to the outer low angle…”

“From the outer high angle, to the inner low angle…”

“He’s very good at using diagonal shots to interfere with the batting rhythm of the hitter!”

“After a game, you will hardly throw a ball that is easy to play in the middle!”

“Don’t be fooled by the fans who throw themselves at the edge of the corner…”

“How to hit the ball with your swinging habits may be the key to dealing with this pitcher.”

“The above is Yang Shunchen’s intelligence.”

Kataoka nodded happily, “It’s hard. ”


He faced all the team members and said in a deep voice, “Swinging the stick at will only increase the momentum of the opposing pitcher.” ”

“Be sure to choose the ball well!”

“If you choose, then don’t think about it too much, just swing the stick with all your might!”

“Don’t forget that!”


“To shake the heart of such a smart pitcher, you need to rely on mobility and touching…”

Speaking of which.

Kataoka looked at Lin Tian, Cangzhi, and Xiao Minato where they were sitting.

“Your upper base will definitely put pressure on the other side!”

Lin Tian laughed softly.

“Rest assured, I will torture him with blows and speed until he doubts his life!” ”

Kataoka: “If he doesn’t avoid battle, then grind him to death with the Outer Globe!” ”

Lin Tian: “No problem! ”



Greeted by the blazing sun that seems to be about to steam people.

Aodo once again started the hot training.




The sound of hitting the ball kept coming out.

Every ball was hit to the deepest part of the field.

Passers-by and reporters who came to watch the Qingdao practice showed a look of amazement.

“It’s awesome!”

“It’s really comfortable to watch them hit the ball!”

“It is worthy of the team that can win two consecutive big scores!”

“This kind of fighting line is also a huge threat to the opponent, right?”

“Among them, the most outstanding strength is Lin Tian, whether he is pitching or hitting, he is a well-deserved ace level!”

“Professional scouts seem to be paying attention to him too!”

“But in an interview after the game, Lin Tian said he had no interest in professional baseball.”

“At this time, Lin Tian, I’m afraid he only wants to lead the team into Koshien, right?”

When the audience is talking about it.

A tall woman came over.


“A lot of reporters!”

“Is Qingdao so high-profile?”

The woman is a reporter for the monthly magazine [Baseball Kingdom] and her name is Akiko Owada.

“Of course!”

The man who spoke back was also a reporter from [Baseball Kingdom], whose name was Mine Fujio.

He looked at the players who were training and thought:

“Last year’s Qingdao, the lineup was very strong, but the pitcher was a dead end.”

“But this year, the pitcher lineup has been reinforced at the supreme level.”

“If nothing else.”

“Nishi-Tokyo’s quota for playing Koshien should fall on Seido, right?”

Thinking about this.

Mine Fujio noticed that Akiko Owada was looking at him with an intoxicated expression.

“What’s wrong?”

Mine Fujio was full of question marks.

“The second-year Miyuki reported by Mr. Feng last year is also there!”

“I’m a fan of him!”

“That pair of glasses is so handsome!”

Akiko Owada opened the magazine in her hand, pointed to Miyuki on it, and said with excitement on her face.

“You’re just a pure spectacle control!”

Mine Fujio wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.


“Most of the people came for first-grade speedball pitchers today, so let’s go to the cowshed.”


Akiko Owada was even more excited.

Because Miyuki is a catcher, if you go to the cowshed, you will most likely be able to meet Miyuki himself!


A course bullpen.

At Shinji Kanemaru’s suggestion.

Chris asked Shinji Kanamaru, who was wearing a full body protective gear, to stand on the beater’s seat.

And then.

Sawamura began following Chris’s instructions and threw an inside corner.


Say it’s the inner corner…

But the first ball flew straight to Shinji Kanemaru’s head!

If Chris hadn’t picked up quickly, Shinji Kanemaru’s helmet would have definitely been hit!

“You… Where did you kid throw it?! ”

The frightened Shinji Kanamaru roared angrily.


Sawamura quickly took off his hat and apologized.

“Golden Maru.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Let you personally bring it up to do such a dangerous job.”

Chris said apologetically.

“It’s all right…”

“With the batter standing, closer to the actual combat, the more helpful it will be for practice…”

“And 7 of Mingchuan’s 9 hits are in the hit zone on the left.”

“I think this left-handed pitcher won’t have a chance to play.”


“This possibility should be equal to zero, right?”

Shinji Kanemaru felt he should be crazy.

Otherwise, why use such a dangerous way to help Sawamura improve the possession.


Thinking of the tired figure of Sawamura dragging tires every day…

Have to admit!

Shinji Kanemaru was touched by Sawamura’s efforts!


Although there are still some people who are not happy that people like Sawamura who do not understand baseball at all can get the position of the First Army…

But deep down!

But I also feel that Sawamura, who works so hard, should get more opportunities to play!


“Let the horses come!”

“Your balls are not terrible at all!”

Shinji Kanamaru let out a loud roar and struck the ball again.

“Golden Maru…”

“Thank you…”

Chris said happily.

“Inner corner!”

“Here I come!”

Sawamura was picked up by Kanemaru’s momentum and roared with it.

And then!

Throw the ball with all your might!


The baseball hit Shinji Kanemaru on the back…

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