Game 6.


With Tojo blasted a hit.

The Green Road runners, who stayed at third base, immediately rushed back to home base.


“This hit is also too timely!!!!”

“That guy from Tojo actually hit the!!!”

Inside the players’ seat, the Qingdao crowd continued to exclaim in admiration. But.

The players who compete with Tojo for the field position are happy at this time, but they are also very uncomfortable. After all!

The better Tojo’s performance!

Then the smaller their chances of getting into the main squad!

“Descend the Valley!”

“In the second half, you go to the left field!”

“Sawamura, you’ll be on later!”

At the same time, Coach Kataoka gave instructions.


Sawamura’s spirit is uplifted.

“Sawamura, do you remember what your theme was today?”

Miyuki said while wearing the catcher’s protective gear.



Sawamura was stunned.

“Your possession is not good.”

“I won’t be very strict with you.”

“And your pitching posture is very unique, which may work wonders in practice.”

“But there is only one weapon.”

“It’s hard to get to Koshien.”

“You don’t want to sit in the players’ seat and watch others play, like Xia Jia?”

Listen to Miyuki’s admonition.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Sawamura’s forehead.

In his head, he recalled the time when he sat in the player’s seat during the summer armor. If you can.

He never wanted to go through that again.

“All in all!”

“Look carefully at my gloves!”

“While the results of the practice sessions are important, what is more critical is the process!”

“After every game, at least a little bit of improvement is needed so that there is no white play!”

“Did you know?”

Miyuki’s solemn instructions.

WIIIIII Jinze Village responded seriously.


At this time, Lin Tian shouted.

“What’s wrong?”

Sawamura turned his head to look at Lin Tian, who was sitting in the players’ seat.

“Before you pitch!”

“Remember to observe your grip!”

Lin Tian smiled and reminded.

“If you hold the ball casually, shoot it.”

“The good point is [natural displacement ball], but the ugly point is that you can’t even control your own pitching!”

“In the high school baseball league!”

“You have a lot of wind and risk in this kind of pitching!”

“If you don’t correct it, when you get to Koshien, you’ll still have to do a cold bench!”

Sawamura nodded, “I know! You’ve said that many times! ”

Lin Tian helplessly spread his hands.


“I don’t want to repeat it!”

“But who made you go up every time you cast it, and then completely forget to observe your grip?”

Not a captain before.

You don’t need to be held accountable to everyone.


Lin Tian would only remind him when he saw that there was an error in Sawamura. But now it’s different!

Now that you’ve become this captain!

And Lin Tian also wants to be a good captain!

Therefore, the attention to other people will naturally rise as well! Thereupon……

Lin Tian’s preaching naturally increased! Of course!

It is also because Sawamura will change after listening to it, and he will continue to correct his mistakes tirelessly! As for Sawamura’s pitching head leading to forgetting these things…

This is actually a very normal thing!

Because most people are focused on something!

All the energy is focused on that thing, and naturally it will ignore other things! But!

Like this situation in Sawamura, Lin Tian can understand!

But if it is the kind of person who listens carefully on the surface and actually does not pay for corrective behavior at all….. Then Lin Tian would not say it a second time!


On the baseball field of Yakushi!

Practice races are also held here!

The opponent of Yakushi High School is Saitama Sakai Academy!

With a loud metal crash!

The second time he landed in the blast zone of Thunderbolt City, he directly fired a home run!

“Wow aaaaaaa

“Two consecutive rounds of hits are home runs!!!!”

“Who the hell is this guy?!!!”

“What a blow!!!!”

The Saitama Sakai team members who fought against the medicine man for the first time were all stunned to see the Thunderbolt City trotting away.

“Ray City!”

“Have you stepped on the barrier bag well!?”

The medicine man coach shouted loudly.


Thunderbolt City, which had already run through first base, was suddenly stunned. He thought about it.

It just didn’t seem like I really stepped on the first base.

So he quickly ran back two steps, and his right foot also stepped on the barrier bag at this moment.


Relieved, Thunderbolt City continued to run toward second base.


“His nerves are so big that he even forgot to step on the bag!”

Yakushi first baseman Yuta Mishima snorted helplessly.


“Speaking of which, it was also because I didn’t step on the base bag before, which caused that home run to be wasted!”

Catcher Akiba said with a cry and a smile.

Talk room.

Saitama Sakai Gakuin also had 3 elimination numbers. And so it goes.

The two sides exchanged offense and defend.

And the pitcher sent by the medicine man in this round is their ace Sanada Toshihei. As soon as he played!

Knock out Saitama Sakai’s batter in quick succession with a sharp inner corner! Boom Thunder Hide saw this scene.

I nodded with satisfaction.

“Good value for money”

“It looks good!”

“But for the big battle on the 25th, wait until 000 is over and let Sanada rest!”

“Words said…”

“I didn’t expect that Seido actually accepted our invitation to compete…”

“Although it was very unexpected…”

“But the debt owed by the summer must be repaid tenfold this time!”


In the canteen.

Reflection is being made here.

“The first game with Chiba High School.”

“Shibuya and Sawamura came on and the score was 6-2.”

“It’s a little better than before.”

“And the second game.”

“Although it was the Second Army that was on the field.”

“But I also fought very tenaciously, and I didn’t fall into the name of Qingdao.”


After listening to Miyuki’s words.

Both pitchers in the Second Army felt guilty.

If they could throw a little sharper, the Second Army would not be defeated by Qianye.


Second Army pitcher Kengo Kawashima.

“If you can win the game, it’s the tenth victory!”

Second Army pitcher Tadada Kaneda. Lin Tian smiled and said, “Don’t care about the result! ”

“As long as you can get a little growth after playing, it’s enough!”


“I saw it in the game.”

“I hope you will continue to be self-motivated.”


The two Second Army pitchers immediately nodded.

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