September 20th.

Practice results so far.

Including the second team’s match, 8 wins and 4 losses.

Although from the overall record, there are more wins.

But scoring ability is still extremely scarce, and each time it narrowly wins. Some might say….

Didn’t Lin Tian teach everyone?

Why is the team’s scoring ability as weak as the original? Suffice it to say…

There is no super monster in the team who can listen to it once… So!

I want to fully grasp the content of Lin Tian’s guidance!

It all takes a lot of practice time to do it!

Even a strike genius like Kominato Haruhi is the same! But……

It’s worth mentioning!

Although the scoring ability is still very poor!

But at least the players who hit the game have a higher chance of hitting the ball than before!

If it is said that before Lin Tian’s guidance, the team members were often given three vibrations by the opposing pitchers. Well now!

Even if you are eliminated!

The good guys also hit the ball out! Of course, the landing point is not good…

But at least it’s progressing, isn’t it?

“Although it has not been completely run in yet.”

“But under the stimulation of the first grade, the second grade will also have a strong sense of urgency.”

“The practice atmosphere of the whole team is definitely not bad.”

Miyuki stood on the sidelines and looked around at the people who were training in full swing.


“The 27th is the draw day of the autumn competition.”

“If only there was something that ignited the fighting spirit of the whole team before the game started.”


Seido Coach’s Office.


“Did you accept the invitation to practice at Yakushi High School?!!”

Minister Ota listened to Coach Kataoka’s words and his eyes widened in shock.


Coach Kataoka nodded affirmatively.


“The other side suddenly proposed!”

“We can say no!”

“After all, it’s very likely that you will run into that team in the autumn competition!”

Minister Ota nodded when he saw Kataoka and couldn’t stop worrying in his heart.

“So what?”

Lin Tian frowned, “Our goal is the national champion!” How can you be afraid of such a small thing? ”

Minister Oda: “Oops! But our team is not yet fully formed! ”

“If we are completely defeated, maybe it will be difficult to cheer up at the beginning of the autumn competition!”

Lin Tian smiled: “If our team members are only to this extent, what else can we talk about winning the Spring League championship?” ”


“Although many people don’t show it obviously!”

“But the Summer League championship has really made some people a little arrogant!”

“I don’t know…”

“That champion has nothing to do with them!”

“At this moment!”

“Just need a fiasco to tell them small”

“The Green Dao formed by them and the Green Dao during the Restoration Period are not a level at all!”

“Only by understanding their own strength positioning, in the usual training, can they be more involved!”

Kataoka nodded.

“Lin Tian is right! ”

“That’s why I promised the medicine man!”

“Playing with them, we can more fully understand what level of strength we are at now!” September 21. ”

After the morning workout.

Kataoka brought everyone together.

Then he said, “In the morning, we had a practice game with the medicine man!” ”


Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise! But the next moment!

Everyone is full of fighting spirit!

Some people are eager to fight with the medicine man right away!

“Before the practice game with the pharmacist!”

“Practice matches with other teams also have to work hard to win!”

“Everybody has a chance to play!”

“I will also select the contestants who will play against the medicine man based on everyone’s performance!”

“And then…..”

“The competition with Chiba High School is handled by Shibuya Kazumura.”

“In the match with Arita High School, Kawakami is in charge, and Lin Tian may or may not let him play.”


“That game with the medicine man!”

“For them, it’s also the last practice match before the fall races!”


“They’re definitely going to be the main force!”

“You all have to be mentally prepared!”


All the team members, including Lin Tian, responded in unison: “Yes!!!!!!” ”

“The main force of the medicine man is the first grade!”

“I must participate in that practice game!”

Kanemaru clenched his left hand and slapped it on the palm of his right hand, and said with a serious face.

“The most important thing is the practice match before fighting the medicine man!”

Tojo’s heart is burning with flames, he must come up with a beautiful record that makes the coach have to choose him to play………


“Only in these few games can I perform well!”

“Only when you can enter the big list when you fight against the Medicine Man!”

Kanamaru took a deep breath and made up his mind to train a lot in these few days. Afternoon.

With the arrival of Chiba High School.

The practice game officially began. In the beginning.

The pitch of the valley is high albeit on the high side.

But the terrifying momentum still made the fighters of Chiba High School subconsciously swing their sticks, and they couldn’t stop the throbbing of their bodies!

And on the offensive side… Somewhat unsatisfactory…

After playing four innings, I got a point in the second inning… But!

In the fifth inning!

The long-silent green road to hit the line! Finally ushered in a big explosion!! The barn held out a first-run homer!

The 2-baseman hit a second-base homer and took the opportunity to run to third-base!

Although the 3-base-maeen hit the field high-flying ball and was picked up by the opponent, Kurashi also used the scud to run back to home base at the moment when the opponent caught the ball!

And the 4 sticks that came on the scene later… It was an unprecedented home run! Moment!

It was only a 1-0 score!

It just becomes a huge 4-0 disparity!

“It’s been a long time since I felt this kind of exuberance!”

When Miyuki jogged around the bag, he felt quite emotional in his heart.


“You bastard can really behave!”

Standing at home base and waiting, Kuraki laughed and boasted when he saw Miyuki return.

“The destructive power of the past has finally appeared!”

Lin Tian, who stayed in the players’ seat to watch the game, said with a smile.


“In fact, everyone’s strength is not weak!”

“It’s just a lack of something to ignite them!”

Kataoka nodded and spoke.

“I thought the coherence of the strike lineup was very poor, why did the progress suddenly be so big?”

Minister Ota looked surprised.


Although I can’t understand why.

But as long as the team performs well, it doesn’t matter what the reason is. In fact!

What Minister Ota didn’t know was!

It’s because it’s time to compete with the medicine man!

That’s why everyone’s morale is so high!

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