Make minor adjustments.

Lin Tian threw the second ball.

It’s still a fast and unresponsive straight ball!


The baseball slammed into Miyuki’s gloves!

“2 good balls!”

The referee announced loudly.

“Two good balls in a row?”

Hashimoto was stunned.

Then look into the rest area, which is to ask the coach about the next tactics.

“Fake Shock changed to True Strike!”

Coach Mingchuan quickly gave a gesture.


Hashimoto nodded.


He struck again.

Lin Tian ignored it, still taking care of himself and throwing the ball with all his might.


A white beam of light rushes out at a speed that is difficult for the naked eye to catch!

“So fast!”

Although I have seen it many times, Hashimoto still can’t help but sigh.

“If it’s a strike pose, I certainly won’t be able to touch it!”

“But I’m a strike!”

Hashimoto confidently moves the bat down.

When —

The baseball hits the metal bar and bounces high!


Hashimoto’s confident face instantly froze.


His attack failed…

“Sure enough, it’s a high-flying ball!”

Lin Tian smiled lightly and took a few steps towards the left.


Lift baseball gloves.

Catch the ball that falls in the air steadily.

“Hit the player out!”

The referee immediately announced Hashimoto’s ending.

“That pitcher…”

“It seems that Hashimoto was expected to play a high-flying ball…”

“How can the strike fail…”

The members of Mingchuan High School were also dumbfounded.

They never thought about it!

So easy to successfully strike!

There can be failures!

“This pitcher is not easy to deal with…”

Yang Shunchen frowned.

Replace it with a valley drop.

Those three times I’ll run forward.

And due to frequent running, the state will also be affected, resulting in not being able to throw a good ball.

But what about Lin Tian?

Not only did I not run once!

I’ve been shooting well!


Lin Tian’s degree of difficulty far exceeded that of Descending Gu Xiao!


On the pitch.

The game continues.

In order to see Lin Tian’s possession.

Akikawa’s second batter continued with the false tackle tactic.


With Lin Tian throwing 2 good balls in a row…

The batter who was forced into the corner also changed the fake touch to the real shock!

And then……

Baseball is flying high again!

Lin Tian did not panic, slowly walked to the right front, and then caught the ball before it landed!

“Hit the player out!”

The faces of the people of Mingchuan became more solemn.

“This pitcher hasn’t shot a bad ball since he started…”

“So fast ball speed, why is the ball control still so strong?”

“It’s a monster!”

Yang Shunchen also frowned: “Is my previous observation wrong?” ”

While watching the Seido game.

Yang Shunchen felt that the reason why Lin Tian could shake his opponent three times.

Mainly because of the opposing batter who swung the bat with every ball.

If not waving.

That Lin Tian threw the ‘ball in the bad ball area’, and it was definitely impossible to hide.


Never cared about Lin Tian.

But this moment…

When you see that your team members are not swinging their sticks…

Lin Tian is still throwing good balls one after another…

This made Yang Shunchen realize!

Lin Tian’s previous pitching may have never entered the bad ball area!

The ‘cognition’ of everything!

It’s all his ‘self-righteousness’!



Akikawa’s 4-stick white bird arrives at the left strike zone.


Despite being 4 sticks.

But the tactics used are the same, both are to observe the two goals first.

After seeing Lin Tian score 2 good balls, it was changed to a real touch.

But even if it is the captain of Akikawa!

When using the Touch, it is no different from the other two!


Nor did the white birds dissolve the impact of baseball…

This leads to!

The baseball bounces high again!


Lin Tian, who was walking down the pitcher hill, easily caught!

“Hit the player out!”

“Attack and defense exchange between the two sides!”

The referee immediately announced the result loudly.

“Oh oh oh oh !!!!”

“None of the three people in Mingchuan were on the !!!”

“Worthy of Lin Tian! Directly crush the opponent’s tactics with a powerful pitch!! ”

The audience roared in excitement.


Green road seating area.

Coach Kataoka said lightly:

“Descending Valley, although your straight ball is not as fast as Lin Tian, it is not much behind!”

“So you can be like Lin Tian, don’t panic at all!”

“Wait until the other side really touches the ball, and then play the corresponding defense!”

Descending Gu Xiao was silent for a moment.

Then he whispered, “Hmm. ”


“That tactic just now can’t be used anymore.”

“It has to be replaced.”

Yang Shunchen put on his baseball cap and said to the tail coach as he walked out of the rest area.

Tail Coach: “I’ll think about how to deal with it while you’re pitching.” ”


Game 5!


Seido High School Offense!

The first to debut is the ninth stick Kominato Haruhi!

When Lin Tian was replaced by a pitcher mound, the vacated midfield position, Kataoka Coach chose to let Kominato defend!


Say it’s defensive…

But Kataoka’s fundamental purpose in getting Kominato on the scene…

It is to use Yang Shunchen of Mingchuan to temper the blow of Kominato Spring City!

As for defense?

The moment Lin Tian climbed the pitcher mound!

Coach Kataoka didn’t think about defense at all!


Lin Tian’s pitching can suppress all attacks!


“It’s first grade again!”

The Ming Chuan catcher frowned.

So far, Seido has played a total of three first-year players.

The first is the valley drop.

Although the bad ball rate is high, there are also many hitter strikers.

The second is Lin Tian.

The bad ball rate is zero, and the false touch tactic has no effect.

The third one.

It is Kominato Haruhi, who is about to stand in the strike area.

“Since Qingdao dares to put it up, there must be no contempt!”

After roughly recalling the performance of Shizuya and Lin Tian, the face of the Mingchuan catcher became extremely serious.

“My brother is right…”

“As long as there is a good performance after…”

“Then you can get a chance to play…”

“Although it is a midfielder, it is also playing…”


“Whatever the defensive position!”

“At least I can show my blow recklessly!”

“If only this time it was good!”

“Then there will be a chance to appear next time!”

Kominato Haruhi stood in the strike area, and the night conversation between the brothers last night came to mind.

After returning to God.

Kominato Haruhi walked to the side of the strike zone.

At the same time, lean forward to cover the area of the inner corner.

“This guy…”

“Do you have to go to base even if you get hit by the ball?”

The Akikawa catcher looked at Kominato Haruhi in disbelief.

Be aware.

Make it up that way.

Once Yang Shunchen throws an inside corner.

The probability of being hit is almost 100%.


It’s a hard ball!

It hurts to be hit!

If the place where it is hit is the head, there will inevitably be serious trauma!


Kominato Haruchi did not hesitate to stand on the innermost side!

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