“Are you okay?”

Miyuki asked hurriedly.

Watanabe grinned in pain and gritted his teeth and asked, “What do you think?” ”

Right now.

The referee gave a verdict on [the touching ball].


Watanabe roared in his heart.

Then, with pain in his abdomen, he trotted up to first base.

As for Fukuda Daiki, who was originally in first base, he entered second base.

“I’m sorry!”

Sawamura took off his hat and bowed and apologized.

“Kobayashi, you must send them back!”

“Come on!!!”

“Just hit a normal hit!!!”

Yakushi High School was excited.

“It’s inside again!”

“In order to get on the base, the other side doesn’t seem to even be afraid of [the touch ball]…”

Chris looked at Kobayashi also standing on the side of the strike zone and couldn’t help but frown.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Kataoka said calmly: “As long as the ball thrown is in the good ball area, even if it hits the hitter, it will be a good ball.” ”


At the same time.

The Qingdao Aid Group shouted encouragement.

“Don’t be afraid! It’s just full base!!! ”

“Concentrate on the fighters! Don’t think about anything else!! ”

“We’re still a lot ahead!!!”

“Kill him!!!”


On the field.

Sawamura took a deep breath.

Then, according to Miyuki’s instructions, he threw the ball at full force.

Super slow ball point!

Weird displacement ball!

Kobayashi was completely unable to react!

Although he would love to use [Touch Ball] to base!

But Sawamura didn’t give him that chance!

Two crisp and neat pitches, straight to get 2 good balls!

“Good value for money”

“Keep it up!”

“Don’t give the batter a chance to think!”

Miyuki nodded satisfactorily.

“Hug… I’m sorry! ”

“Please… Request a pause! ”

“I… My shoelaces are loose! ”

At this time, Kobayashi suddenly shouted.


Miyuki’s brow furrowed slightly.


“Completely stuck in the rhythm of that guy!”

“You have to find a way to get your shot!”

Kobayashi pretended to tie his shoelaces, constantly thinking in his mind about how to make a better landing point.

A good moment passed.

I didn’t think about the method, but my mind was calmer.

Since the timeout time has come, you can only continue to stand in the batting area with a hard scalp.


“Be sure to find a way to hit the hit!”

“Definitely want to take a point from the hands of Qingdao!”

Strong faith made Kobayashi in the best state at this moment.


Sawamura has always been slow to get the ball out because of his arm behind him!

But this time!

The ball point is ahead of schedule!

So much so that Kobayashi got enough time to observe!

“Here’s the chance!”

Kobayashi clutched the bat and swung it from bottom to top!


The baseball shot quickly into the right field.


Minato and Yuki quickly chased after the baseball!

And the three runners of Yakushi High School also immediately headed for the next base!


“Let me fall!!!!!!”

Kobayashi, who rushed to the first base, roared angrily.

Boom —

As if it were the patronage of Lady Luck.

The ball actually landed on the ground.

Although Minato picked it up quickly, it was too late to pass the home run.


The pharmacist’s third-base instructor shouted and gave a gesture.

And so it goes.

Fukuda, who rushed to third base, did not run towards home run.


The original third-base runner, Yutaka Yamauchi, returned to home base.

Pharmacist score +1.

After five innings, the pharmacist finally got 1 point!

And this 1 point also reduces the difference between each other’s points from 10 points to 9 points!

More critically!

Now the medicine man is still a big advantage of one person out + full base!

“The medicine man who has been silent for a long time has finally launched a clarion call for a counterattack!”

Akiko Owada: “And if only one person is out, it means that even if Yakushi’s 9-stick Daejeon is eliminated, the 1-stick Boom Thunder City will also have a chance to appear!” ”


“The probability of this game ending early is not great!”

Feng Fujio nodded, “Well, the rest depends on what Thunderbolt City can do!” ”



Kobayashi, who successfully reached the first base, clenched his fists in both hands and roared with excitement.

“Nice job!!!!!”

“Well played!!!!”

“Daejeon, let’s have another safe !!!”

The medicine man’s seat erupted in a warm cry of support.


“It’s full base now, absolutely avoid double kills!”

The medicine man’s minister hurriedly shouted.

“I know!!”

Coach Boom yelled back.

Words fall.

He walked out of the players’ seat.

Instructions were given to the batter on the field, 9 Baseball Daejeon.

Roughly speaking: don’t fight without the certainty of outfielding!


Daejeon nodded understandingly.


Baseball game!

As long as the ball is hit on the ground!

The runner on the base is forced to enter the next base!

In layman’s terms.

Daejeon hits out the ball once it lands!


Daejeon must go to first base!

Kobayashi at first base must go to second base!

Watanabe at second base must go to third base!

The Fukuda at third base must return to home base!


Daejeon must not hit the ball in the infield!

Because of the bouncing ball in the infield range, the probability of being caught is very high!

And now the medicine man is full of bases!

When all runners are faced with a [forced penetration] situation!

It means that the probability of being killed by double killing will increase by a super large margin!


Daejeon has only one option!

That’s hitting the ball into the field!

And it’s best to hit the far field!

Otherwise, there is still a certain probability of being killed by Qingdao!


“One man out, full base!”

“This situation is really difficult!”

Miyuki sighed.

He also didn’t expect that the state of Sawamura this time would actually rise and fall so much.

“It’s completely different from the original!”

Lin Tian was also surprised.

In the anime, Sawamura is a batter who has eliminated Yakushi continuously.

But now?

Although it was a crisp and neat elimination of Sanada Shunhei.


But the others were sent to the bag.

Although only 1 point has been conceded now, it is not surprising that in this situation, it is not surprising to lose another three or four points.


“What will you do at this time?”

“It’s a strong suppressor of the medicine man!”

“Or was it just blown up?!”

A very different scene from the original.

Lin Tian’s heart was filled with curiosity.

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