“Three times!”

“Three full chances to drag the game to the sixth inning!”


“Three times I was strangled by that little ghost…”

The more memories of the game.

The more uncomfortable the bombardment of the coach.


More than just coaches!

The same is true for the players!


And the other side.

Live auditorium.

After a brief silence.

Suddenly there was an outburst of startling applause.

“Uh oh oh oh oh oh oh—”

“Bumping… Hit the scoreboard!!!! ”

“Moreover, it was crashing into the word [Medicine Man], too far from the ground, and the middle and foreign fielders could not take the !!!!”

“After two points were credited, the point difference widened by 10 points again, which is a goodbye home run!!!!!”

“Compared to the home run of Yukijo, this is the real fatal blow!!!!!!!”

The audience roared in excitement.

After seeing Thunderbolt City’s [Full Home Run]!

Everyone thinks!

After shortening the score, the medicine man may soon overtake!

I didn’t expect that…

Lin Tian actually forcibly confiscated this [full home run]!

The hope of shortening the score of Yakushi High School shattered in an instant!

More critically!

When it’s Aomichi’s turn to attack!

Lin Tian also gave the medicine man a home run!

And since Kominato Haruhi is at second base, this home run can get 2 points!


Reduced point difference!

Go back to the original 10 points again!

The dramatic course of the game shattered everyone’s imagination of this game!


Also let the audience feel the mood!

It’s like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs, extremely exciting!


“For the medicine man, this game should be very torturous, right?”

Akiko Yamada sighed, “If it weren’t for Lin Tian’s kill, Thunderbolt City’s outfield hits and home runs would definitely score 5 points!” ”

“The existence of these 5 points will inevitably allow the pharmacist to advance to the sixth inning.”

“It’s a pity….”

Pinnafuku nodded, “Yes! ”

“A good score, but it was destroyed because of Lin Tian!”

“It’s going to be a tough team for any team!”


Green Road Players’ Seat.

Chris smiled and said, “It was a surprise that I won within 5 sets!” ”

Kataoka nodded, “Well, I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly either.” ”

Chris glanced at the data sheet and said, “I can only say that Lin Tian played too well in this game.” ”

“His two outfield kills cost the medicine man at least 5 points!”

“And on the blow…”

“First debut, 1 point with a home run!”

“The second and third times are 1 point each by speed!”

“The last time, the home run that just hit, scored 2 more points!”

“If you calculate carefully, you will find that our 12 points, of which 5 points are directly related to Lin Tian!”

“If there is no Lin Tian’s killing, there is no Lin Tian’s score!”

“That Qingdao should subtract 5, that is, 7 points, and the medicine man should add 5, which is also 7 points!”

“That is to say, after the original 5 sets, it should be a 7-7 draw.”

“The result is now!”

“It turned into a 12-2 point difference!”


“This is still Lin Tian’s record of not being on the pitcher Qiu!”

“I have to say!”

“Lin Tian’s choice to join Qingdao instead of other schools is a very fortunate thing!”

The words came out.

Coach Kataoka and others were shocked.

I’ve been racing before, and I didn’t deliberately remember this.

But after the fight.

After listening to the detailed data.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of ‘not knowing, one was frightened’.

“If I remember correctly.”

“From the second round to the quarter-finals.”

“As long as Lin Tian walks into the hit zone, he can get 1 point!”

It took a while to return to the god’s Takashima ceremony, take a deep breath, and slowly spit out a sentence that shocked everyone again.

“Didn’t the game win?”

“Why are you all so calm?”

At this time, Lin Tian and Kominato Haruchi returned, and then found that everyone had fallen into an extreme silence.

And Lin Tian’s voice fell.

The teammates who were shocked by Lin Tian’s magnificent record gradually returned to their senses.

“That blow just now was beautiful!!”

Yuki Castle was the first to boast.

“Yahahaha! It is simply perverted that such a tricky outer corner low ball can play so far!!! ”

Cang held a heartfelt appreciation.

“Yes! In my words, I guess I can only play the Uchino rolling earth! ”

“Our trump card is still shining all over the field as always!”

“Miyuki, you seem to have said this last time!”

“Is it?”



Somewhere the highest stand.

After seeing Lin Tian’s [goodbye home run], the people in the third year of the city were still communicating, and they immediately fell into a sluggishness.

“Beat our medicine man…”

“Qingdao actually killed it in only 5 rounds…”

“In the past ten years of quarter-finals, it seems that there has never been a situation where five rounds ended early…”

“In other words, how did the medicine man lose, obviously the previous blow, also performed not badly…”

“It can only be said that Lin Tian’s performance is too good, but he is obviously an ace pitcher, but he has not even gone up to the pitcher hill…”

“The world is so big, there is nothing strange about it…”


At the same time.

The referee summoned members of both teams for a post-match ceremony.



“Qingdao wins!”

“Salute both sides!”

“Thanks for the advice!” / “Thanks for the advice!” ”

After Qingdao and the medicine man bowed face to face.

It means that the competition between the Green Road and the Medicine Master is officially over.

12 to 2!

Seido High School advanced to the Final Four!

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