At the same time that Ryosuke Kominato charged the catcher to complete the score.

Miyuki of second base ran to third base.

The first base of the city ran to the second base.

The batter went to first base.

After that, it was the position that appeared.

Although he also hit the ball this time, the landing point was not very good, and he was quickly picked up by the pitcher Maki.

And immediately passed on to the tooth catcher.

And because of this…

Since the position is out of the rolling earth, it must enter first base…

Miyuki, Yuki, and Masuko naturally have to move towards the next base…

And the third base runner Miyuki’s next base, is home run…


Before Miyuki arrived!

The tooth catcher has caught the ball and has his foot on the home plate!


Forced into the home base!

Directly blocked out by the arrester!

Count Jun’s two pick-and-go outs!

Sensen Academy has finally rounded up 3 elimination numbers!


Attack and defense exchange between the two sides!


“What a pity!”

“Well, they were all full of bases, and they couldn’t score!”

“But there is no way, after all, baseball, the quality of the blow can’t be so high every time!”

“The quality of Lin Tian’s blow is quite high!”

“That’s individual, most people can’t always be in good shape!”


The audience was buzzing.

The players on the field also had an exchange.


Game 4.


Sensen High School Offense.

The first batter to hit the court was the 1st baseman

And this side of the Green Road.

Standing on the pitcher hill was Sawamura.

“The score difference is huge!”

“Feel free to pitch!”

“Throw your own style!”

The Qingdao Aid Group shouted cheers.

“Xiao Rong is finally on the court!”

“Come on!”

Sawamura’s friends are also excited to help Sawamura.



“What was going on at that time?”

“Why not use a straight ball instead of a curved ball?”

“No more bad!”

“It’s okay to throw a bad ball!”

“As long as you prevent long fights, you won’t lose so many points at once!”

At the Sensen Tournament Seat, Coach Pelican is grumbling at the tooth catcher.


The tooth catcher was dumbfounded and drenched in cold sweat.

Let’s be honest.

He didn’t expect it to be so bad.

I already knew that I shouldn’t have agreed to Makoto’s request.


“Go to the cowshed to warm up!”

“Be ready to play!”

Coach Pelican grumbled for a moment before turning to another pitcher on the team.


Hino answered.

Then he called in a substitute catcher and trotted to the cowshed.


Maki was draped in a towel and looked down at his head darkly.

In his mind.

Bad memories of being hit in quick succession kept coming.

Although I don’t want to think about it.

But this kind of picture emerges uncontrollably.


The voices of his teammates came into his ears.

“Don’t care, Maki.”

“Coaches are always like that.”

“Yeah, just leave him alone.”

“It’s not over yet, we’ll definitely chase the score back!”

“Wrap it around us!”

“You are different today than usual, and you can feel your strong courage in the rear!”

Maki looked up in amazement as he looked at the chair sitting in the front row and turned his head to comfort his teammates, his eyes flashing with disbelief.

He was beaten so badly…

Why doesn’t everyone blame him…


Everyone also took the initiative to comfort me…

I have nothing to be comforted about…

If I hadn’t insisted on using that curve ball, Sensen wouldn’t have lost so many points…



Why don’t you blame me…


“How are you going to recover 8 points?”

“It’s not 1 point and 2 points, but 8 points!”

Coach Pelican snorted coldly.

Inside: “Today’s real wood is indeed different from usual, so that ball seems even more regrettable!”


It’s all happened.

No amount of regret is of the essence.

The imperative is to chase points as soon as possible.


“If you want to score, you must take advantage of this game!”

“The opposing pitcher has just come on the pitch and his form has certainly not adjusted to the end!”

“So you have to strike back immediately and turn the number of games right now!”

Except for real wood.

The others responded in unison.


Coach Pelican sighed.

“Really please…”

“Hurry up and score and support Maki…”

Maki: “!!!!! ”

He was remorseful, and he was suddenly stunned.

He didn’t expect that!

Not only his teammates don’t blame him!

Even the coach didn’t say anything!

Even let other teammates score to support him!


Maki clenched his fists and wanted to say something.

But when the words come to my mouth, I don’t know how to say them.


“Somewhere in this stand!”

“My friends in my hometown are probably looking at me, right?”

Sawamura holds the baseball in his left hand and puts it into the baseball glove in his right hand.

Then he held his left hand in his right hand and raised it slightly slowly above his head.

“I absolutely can’t…”

“Let them see me as a disgrace!”

Sawamura, who had finished preparing for the action, threw the ball out with firm conviction!



The baseball shoots straight into the outer corner and is caught by Miyuki with his gloves!

“Good value for money”

“The first one is a good ball!”

“Xiao Rong come on, go on!”

The friends of Sawamura were all excited to see that the fighters of the fairy spring did not swing their sticks.

“The pace is getting very fast…”

“And there have been some changes in posture…”

However, everyone else is watching the ball, and the focus of Wakasa is Sawamura itself.





Four consecutive pitches that keep the opponent from swinging.

Let the friends of Ze Village, look at it called an excitement.


“The beater didn’t swing the baton again!”

“Come on!!”

But at this moment…

The referee said ‘four bad balls’!


The crowd that was still very excited…

Instantly became silent, and countless cold sweats appeared on his face…


Co-author beaters don’t swing their sticks…

Is it because none of them have entered the good ball area…


Isn’t it silly that they were just excited…

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