
With a bang!

Sawamura’s pitch was hit by Maki outside the bounds next to first base! “Impressive”

Hit one after another, Sawamura recalled the scene of the confrontation with the city of Boomra. Originally.

He was also constantly being hit by the thunder city to the outside of the boundary. In the end, it was a direct home run. But.

After all, that home run was confiscated by Lin Tian. So the negative impact is not very large. Therefore!

After a deep breath!

The original panic was quickly suppressed!

“True wood! The opponent is scared!!! ”

“Give him a fatal blow!!!!”

“Blow him up!!!”

“If it’s you, you can do it!!!”

The members of the Immortal Spring Academy roared nervously. Although the hope of overtaking is very small.

But as long as the game is not over, the hope is small. If Maki can blast a home run!

It will definitely have a huge negative impact on Sawamura! So!

After that, the fighters on the court will also be easier to hit the hit! However, Sensen obviously didn’t think about the possibility that Sawamura was blasted out of the home run, and the film network would replace Lin Tian with a pitcher mound!


They don’t dare to think about this possibility! Because once you think about it!

The heart will be more afraid and afraid! So!

They selectively ignored it!

Use this to deceive yourself and let yourself have the idea of continuing to play!

“You should know that too.”

“If the ball path is too simple, it will definitely be blasted out by real wood.”

“Fly to the right of the right hitter in front of the four-stitch straight ball and throw your best ball here!”

Miyuki was bold.

He put the baseball gloves straight away.

It is placed in the inner corner of the real wood. Ezawamura’s possession…

There is a high probability that it will hit the real wood directly!

But if you really throw the ball into the position of Miyuki, it will definitely catch Maki off guard!


“Don’t lose in momentum!”

“Compete with him!!!”

“Up! Kill him!!!! ”

The Aomichi support group and Sawamura’s friends tacitly agreed to cheer for Sawamura.


“I’m going to throw the ball in!”

Sawamura took a deep breath.

Then he held the ball in his left hand and was already pitching before his body was twisted to face home run.


“The legs are too far inside!”

“In this way, it is difficult to swing the arm well, and it will be thrown violently!”

Miyuki’s voice has just emerged.

I saw Sawamura throw a large angle at a right angle with a 100% violent throwing posture! Shout!!!

A baseball with no shot in sight shoots straight at Miyuki’s glove at the bottom right from the position above the left side of Sawamura’s shoulder!

Look at it from the viewer’s point of view!

The ball path is like a large slash from the outer high corner and the inner low angle! And the invisible shot point!

When the ball appears in Maki’s eyes, it’s close to Maki!

Coupled with flying from the outside in, it seems to hit the special route of real wood! Lead to Makoto’s mind!

A subconscious judgment of “if you don’t hide, you will be smashed”! So!

Before Maki’s brain could give instructions! Maki’s body has reflexively shrunk back! And because of that!

The baseball rushed into Miyuki’s gloves without hindrance!

Maki: “!!!! ”

Sensen: “!!!! ”

Qingdao: “!!!! ”

Coach Goose Feed looked at home run in disbelief.


“At this time, I actually threw a diagonal straight ball at a large angle”

“That first-year left pitcher would throw this ball right next to the bad ball zone.”

It’s not just the goose feeding instructor who was surprised.

Even Miyuki was startled by Sawamura’s pitching.

“Such a messy way of casting!”

“There was no pitching?”

“And he threw a diagonal ball with such a big angle?”


Miyuki thought that Sawamura’s shoulder joints were very soft.

“That’s right!”

“That’s the reason!”

“So just that 100% mistaken posture, Sawamura can control!”

“Another weapon that seems to be very good.”

…… At the same time.

The referee shouted, “3 good balls!” ”

“Hit the player out!”

Pause for a moment.

The referee continued: “The game is over! ”

“13-0, Seido wins!”

The voice just dropped.

The supporters of Qingdao instantly let out a deafening cheer.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

“Another 5 rounds ended early!!!”

“Got to the final!!!!!!”

“Aaa I want to cry!!!! ”

And passers-by audiences.

It was smiling and applauding for this wonderful game. As for Lin Tian and others.

Nature is to the pitcher mound, joyfully expressing the joy of the heart.

Good time to go.

Only on the orders of the referee, they lined up at home base.

“The hurdles in this year’s semi-finals are still very big”

The goose feed coach standing in front of the Xianquan rest area looked at the Qingdao people at the home base with great emotion.

“More than just third-year players”

“Even the first- and second-year players are all going all out”

“Seido High School.”

“It’s really a well-trained and well-structured team.”


“Our players are also not discouraged to fight to the end”

“But I still haven’t been able to give them the most important confidence”


“Do you care too much about your opponents and ignore the feelings of the players?”

“It seems”

“My practice is not enough.”


“Thanks for the advice!”

“Thanks for the advice!”

With the end of the post-match ceremony.

The competition between Seido and Sensen officially came to an end.

3 to 0!

Seido High School is three years apart!

Finally made it to the Western Tokyo Finals!



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