“Fat Senior!”

“Can I continue to vote?”

“I haven’t forgotten what I just felt now!”


Sawamura looked expectantly at the Eastern Qing Kingdom.

“Big idiot!”

“Apologize to me first!”

“Also, say I’m fat, be careful I kill you!”

The Eastern Qing Kingdom roared angrily.

But on the inside. Still very surprised.

Because he didn’t expect Sawamura’s pitching posture to become so strange. Completely invisible put-off point.

The appearance of the ball becomes extremely sudden. As a result, he was unable to dodge effectively. No!

Don’t talk about dodging!

When I first saw it, I couldn’t even react! “However”

“This boy is really bold!”

“In the face of the senior, he even threw this kind of ball without mercy!”


Minister Ota smiled and said, “Fortunately, I wore armor, right?” Otherwise getting hit by a ball is no joke! ”

Coach Kataoka clasped his hands to his chest, “It’s because your evasion technique is so poor!” ”

“Honestly, you look like this, and there is a high probability that you will suffer in the future!”

Dong Qingguo: He wanted to say something.

But when I was in school.

Kataoka’s tough training left a super serious image in his mind. So very aggrieved

But dare not refute so!

Can only be this kind of leisurely bend! Vent with a blow!

“Stinky little devil, another ball!”

Dong Qingguo gritted his teeth and stood on the batting area again.

“I can’t ask for it!”

Sawamura was also very brave and did not fear the Eastern Qing Kingdom in the slightest. And then……

His pitch was blasted out by a stick from Dongqingguo!


Sawamura’s eyes widened in horror.

He subconsciously turned to look, and then saw the baseball fly straight out of the field wall.


“Home Run”

Suddenly, Sawamura fell into a sluggishness.

“Ahem! The last time I was struck by you was just my carelessness! ”

“When I get serious, I can hit as many home runs as I want!”

“Although your pitching this time is really interesting.”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s the last time I saw it!”

“But it’s still too rough!”

“Honestly, I can’t imagine you carrying a trump card number on your back!”

Miyuki, who was in charge of the crouching arrest, chuckled, “Although he is an important combat force, he is not an ace now, and our ace is someone else!” ”

Dong Qingguo frowned slightly: “Oh? Who is it? ”

Lin Tian, who was standing by and watching the liveliness, smiled: “Me! ”

Dong Qingguo looked at it in a voice, “Huh? So skinny. Are you really the Blue Road Ace? ”

Lin Tian smiled and invited: “Does the senior want to experience it for yourself?” ”

Dong Qingguo snorted, “Of course! As a senior, I have an obligation to test your strength! ”


Lin Tian pushed the still dazed Sawamura down the pitcher’s mound. And then.

He took the ball and stood on the pitcher’s mound.

“Captain Togaku!”

“Don’t be careless!”

“Lin Tian’s strength is dozens of times that of Zecun!”

Miyuki, who was crouching down, smiled and reminded.

“Dozens of times?”

“It’s not like you said that!”

“However, if you can say this to a person who hardly boasts, I guess his strength should be very strong, right?”

Dongqingguo admitted that his expectations were stirred up by Miyuki.

“Here it comes!”

Lin Tian gently reminded. He held the ball high above his head.


Left foot up! Slam out!

Then throw your right hand away!



Like a white laser, the baseball rushed into Miyuki’s glove in an instant without any reaction from the Eastern Qing Kingdom.

“So fast!”

The pupils of the Eastern Qing Kingdom shrank sharply.

He had just seen only a flash of white light.

Then there was the heavy sound of a baseball hitting a glove.

“How about our trump card?”

Miyuki asked with a smile as he passed the ball back to Lin Tian.

After being silent for a while, Dong Qingguo said seriously, “Very strong! ”

“His straight balls have reached the level of professionalism!”

Miyuki’s smile continued, “Really?” But this is not Lin Tian’s full strength! ”

Dong Qingguo couldn’t believe it: “Really fake? Such a fast straight ball isn’t it? ”

Miyuki: “Elder Adong will know it for yourself!” ”


Under the direction of Miyuki.

Lin Tian threw out the “Fast Finger Fork Ball”.

Pitching posture and speed that are not much different from straight balls.

In addition, the ball path is exactly the same, causing the Eastern Qing Kingdom to mistakenly think that it is a straight ball. Outcome!

The baseball flew to home base, but it suddenly fell!

This change beyond expectations made the Eastern Qing Kingdom directly empty! “Sizzle—”

Dong Qingguo couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

“Even if the straight ball is so fast, how can [fast fork the ball] be so skilled!”

Miyuki: “This is just the tip of Lin Tian’s iceberg!” ”

: Country then.

The Eastern Qing Dynasty saw the bullet ball.

Unsurprisingly, he was once again deceived by the posture, speed, and path of the ball like a straight ball.

“Three strikes out!”

Lin Tian smiled and opened his mouth.

“Elder Antoine.”

Miyuki stood up and asked with a smile, “How about Lin Tian’s pitching?” ”

“Can you imagine him carrying the Aodo trump card number on his back?”

Dongqing Guobai glanced at Yuki.

“Don’t talk about the Qingdao ace, with Lin Tian’s performance just now, even if Lin Tian is allowed to go to the professional baseball, he can immediately get the opportunity to play!”

The voice just dropped.

The scene became silent.

Although everyone knows that Lin Tian’s strength is very strong.

And many people say that Lin Tian may have reached the professional level. But!

Their judgment!

Not as a standard!

After all, no one has ever been to a professional baseball! But……

If even a pro. The Eastern Qing Dynasty said so! That means!

Lin Tian’s strength has indeed reached the professional level! Just think of it.

Everyone, including Kataoka, couldn’t help but sigh.

Several members of the same first-year team as Lin Tian felt even more.

“Same grade…”

“Same age…”

Shocked by the huge shock, Kominato Haruhito murmured, “I’m still working for the starting position, but Lin Tian already has professional-level strength…”

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