Face Narumiya’s pitching.

Ryosuke Kominato immediately swung the bat and hit it on the left field.

“Has the status really been affected?”

Feng Fujifu frowned slightly.

But what he didn’t expect was that such a good drop point, Ryosuke Kominato didn’t even get on the base? To be precise.

Before the ball is caught by a first baseman.

Ryosuke Kominato is half a step away from the first base. But this half a step!

But it’s like a graben!

“What a pity—”

“Just a little bit!”

“Elder Kominato didn’t even succeed in going to the base!”

“That’s unlucky!”

The Qingdao Aid Corps was full of regret.

However, Lin Tian knew that the reason why Xiao Minato was slow to get on the base was purely because his foot was injured. As for when it was injured?

Naturally, when playing against Sensen High School, it was caused by crashing into home runs! So!

When facing the Immortal Spring Catcher of the [illegal blocking], he should have directly unveiled the spikes! That would be it!

The Immortal Springs Catcher definitely did not dare to risk being seriously injured to seal the fortress! And there is no sealing…

Minato will not be hurt…

Nor will it be two consecutive games in the game, and now it will not even be possible to run to first base!

“Coach, Captain Komina’s leg is injured, I suggest replacing him.”

Lin Tian walked over to Kataoka Tiexin and suddenly opened his mouth.

: Yuki: “!!! ”

Position: “!!! ”

The others also looked at Lin Tian with a surprised face.

And Ryosuke Komina, who had just walked back, was even more stunned. At this time he.

The mood is quite complicated.

The ease with which the heart is spoken out…

There are also concerns that after the injury, it may be replaced… There is also a hint of complaint about Lin Tian’s telling this matter: But it’s already happening.

At this time, it only depends on how the coach decides. Think of this.

Ryosuke Kominato looked nervously at Coach Kataoka.

“Actually, at the beginning, I didn’t know that Kominato was injured.”

“But since the collision between Elder Kominato and the Immortal Spring Catcher, I have found that the walking posture of Elder Kominato is a little different from the past.”

“After that, in the garrison.”

“There were 2 mistakes that shouldn’t have happened!”

“Plus this time, then the standard first run hit, no base.”


“I’m finally sure about it. With Lin Tian’s elaboration. ”

Everyone suddenly found that it seems that except for the explanation of Xiao Mina’s injury, it is indeed impossible to explain why Xiao Minato has a succession of low-level mistakes that should not occur.

“Of course.”

“My judgment may also be wrong.”

“So you can go to the hospital and check it out.”

Lin Tian added a sentence at the end. In fact.

“He knew from the beginning that Minato was injured.”

As for why it wasn’t said before. Mainly waiting for Xiao Minato to confess. Of course.

There is also a reason to understand the idea that Minato does not want to be replaced. But!

Understanding is understanding!

But it doesn’t mean that Lin Tian will always let Xiao Xiao Tuo! After all!

Keep the injured guys on the field!

Not only will there be more mistakes to drag the team down, but it will also make the injuries on the feet more serious because of the intense exercise.


Lin Tian gave Xiao Zhuo three chances.

If, after the injury, there are three low-level mistakes, then he will no longer be full. And just the top base failed.

Plus two leaky balls when playing against Sensen. It just satisfies the conditions for Lin Tian to expose.


“Is what Lin Tian said true?”

Coach Kataoka looked at Ryosuke Kominato seriously.

Ryosuke Kominato lowered his head, not daring to look at Kataoka or speak back.


“I can understand that you don’t want to be replaced.”

Lin Tian put his hands in his pockets and said calmly, “But if you are injured, it will only drag down the team.” Heartless words just fall. ”

In an instant, the collective gaze of the seniors was ushered in.

“Maybe you might feel bad about that.”

Lin Tian ignored everyone’s gaze and continued, “But you did make three mistakes because you were injured!” ”

“In the last game, if I hadn’t arrived, Sensen would have had two batters on the base.”

“In this game, if there is no injury, you can go to base, and the pressure on Cheng Gongming will be greater.”

“Three mistakes will have a big impact on the situation of the game.”

“So look at the results!”

“If you stay on the field, not only will you not be able to help anything, but you will also make the injury worse!”

Pause for a moment.

Lin Tian then spoke.

“If you go to the treatment now, after we enter the Koshien Garden, you will still have the opportunity to play and experience the taste of playing in the Koshien Garden for yourself!”

“If you don’t go”

“If your injuries continue to drag on, they will only be so severe that it will be difficult for you to walk”

“When the time comes!”

“Even if I don’t expose it, the coach will know.”

“By then!”

“Do you think you still have a chance to appear in Koshien?”


“The last time you entered Koshien in high school, you wanted to sit on the field and watch other people play..”

“If you think so, then when I don’t say anything!”

Just the beginning.

The seniors felt that Lin Tian’s revelation was very ruthless and did not have any human touch. Of course.

No one blamed Lin Tian either.

After all, Lin Tian said this, but also hoped that Qingdao could win the victory. But hear the back.

They instantly realized that they had misunderstood.

The reason why Lin Tian now told Xiao Minato about his injury.

It was also to avoid that Minato was so badly injured that he couldn’t even go up to Koshien’s court.

“Lin Tian said it well!”

Chris was the first to speak: “Ryosuke, do you want to be like me, because of the injury, resulting in no qualification to play?” ”

“This summer race, for the third grade, can be said to be the last chance to enter Koshien.”

“If you really get hurt right now and don’t go to treatment.”

“When you get to Koshien, the coach will never let you play!”

Kataoka clasped his hands and silently stared at Ryosuke Komina.

If there really wasn’t an injury.

When Ryosuke Kominato spoke to Chris, it was estimated that he had already refuted it. Since choose silence.

Presumably, what Lin Tian said was true. So

“Ota, you accompany Ryosuke to the hospital.”

Coach Kataoka sighed for a moment and then said to Minister Ota.


Ota was stunned for a moment, and then quickly answered yes

“Let’s go.”

Immediately, he walked over to Ryosuke Kominato and said.

Ryosuke Kominato clutched the bat and looked full of reluctance.

But Lin Tian’s last words kept lingering in his mind. Ryosuke Kominato gritted his teeth darkly, lowered his head and followed Minister Ota outside. Just as I walked out of the players’ seat.

He vaguely heard Lin Tian’s voice.

“This game must be won!”

“If Master Kominato can’t appear on Koshien, everyone here is responsible!”


Ryo Kominato was stunned.

After about two seconds, the corners of his mouth curved slightly. The original unwillingness and discomfort.

In an instant, part of it dissipated.

“Lin Tian…”

“Thank you…”

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