
With the rich experience of “World-Class Short Fight 1”!

Lin Tian saw through the essence of Cheng Gongming’s pitching in an instant, and the speed was second only to the change ball [Slippery Ball] of the straight ball!

The so-called sliding!

It is similar to a curved ball, but the way of shooting is almost the same as a straight ball! Merely!

Before the ball is about to be shot, it will slide down with its fingers, which is also the core point of the projecting ball! Plus the rotation of the glide ball is completely different from the straight ball. So!

Lin Tian, who has a wealth of experience, can quickly see through! Of course that’s to say it’s simple. Be aware!

Narumiya’s skateball speed! But more than 143 kilometers!

In other words, flying from Narumiya’s hand to the home plate does not even need 0.41 seconds! For most people, 0.41 seconds can already treat this time as a “moment!!!

Such a short period of time.

Batsmen must not only observe, but also swing the baton!

“So the time left for observation is basically half or even less!” While the time of 0.2 seconds: Not to mention ordinary fighters, even national fighters are difficult to see! ”

“If it’s someone else!”

“At this time, you can only choose to dodge!”

“After all, whether it is from the pitching posture or the ball path, it is an unquestionable straight ball!”

“But it’s a pity”

“You’ve met a world-class batsman!”

Lin Tian grinned.

The bat in his hand was waved in an instant.

“He really can swing any ball!”

Masako Harada did not panic at all.

Because the difficulty of hitting the inside corner high ball is not great.

However, Narumiya’s pitch is shoulder-level and close to the body. This kind of ball will make the batsman who wants to hit the ball lose his balance and make it difficult to play far. Even if it hits!

The most you can do is play the Inside High Flyer and be killed. More critically!

Narumiya threw this ball with all his might! It’s not just about the inside corner gob! It’s a high-speed slide!

When it comes to the batter, it will fall in the direction of the outer corner! So abrupt change!

Even if it is Lin Tian, there is a high probability of directly swinging the air!

Even if the situation is a little worse, if you are hit by Lin Tian, you can only hit the rolling earth of the infield, and then be blocked by the first baseman!


With the sound of breaking the air, the baseball quickly came to Lin Tian’s body!

When he was about to crash into Lin Tian’s shoulder. Suddenly, it fell towards the outer corner!

When the word ‘West’ was about to blurt out, Harada Masako was horrified to find that in the direction of the ball falling, except for the gloves he had placed!

Between gloves and baseball!

I don’t know when there was an extra metal bat! While!!!!!!!!!

The next moment, Harada heard a super crashing sound that he would never want to hear again in his life! Shout!!!!!!!!!

Then I saw in disbelief that the baseball was shooting straight into the left field high!

Harada was stunned for a moment and then stood up violently. He faced to the left and yelled in his throat, “Left field!!!!!!!!” ”

In fact.

No need for Harada reminders.

Daocheng’s left field was already running backwards. No!

Carlos, who is in charge of the middle field, is also rushing to the left field! He was worried that the ball would fly out of the wall.

So imagine Lin Tian in the past.

Jump up against the wall and confiscate Lin Tian’s home run. Unfortunately.

Lin Tian didn’t give him this chance! Or rather!

Lin Tian knew that Carlos’s footsteps were fast, and he also knew that his jumping power was very strong! So!

Deliberately hit the ball higher! Look at it from the audience’s point of view!

When the baseball flew out of the left field wall, it was at least seven or eight meters away from the ground! And this height.

Carlos, who had already run to the left field wall, could only stand on the ground and look up silly! Under the eyes of everyone, the baseball that runs through the entire stadium is finally caught by the female junior high school students in the highest stand in the left field.


“I got it.”

“I actually got a home run from an idol…”

Named Yuhara Wing, the female junior high school student stared at the baseball in disbelief with stunned eyes:

After a while.

Reluctantly eased her.

With a look of surprise, he raised the baseball in his hand and waved it vigorously. And the camera that broadcast the game live.

It was also aimed at the original wing at the right time, and this lucky scene was broadcast in the eyes of the people of the whole country through the television set.

At the same time.

The narrator finally eased up.

The next moment, he held up the microphone and shouted with great excitement: “Fly out!!!” ”

“Inari ace Narimiya Ming in the first ball, he cautiously chose the inner high angle of the slide, the ball path is quite tricky niiii


“Lin Tian was not affected in the slightest!!!”

“With just one hit, he blasted home runs again!!!!!!”


“The gap between the two sides has widened further!!!!”

The roar of passion made the scene that had been quiet for a long time, and a cheer that shattered the clouds broke out in an instant.

“Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!!!!”



“Nice place to play!!!!!!!”

“Aaa Lin Tian I love you!!!! ”

The supporters of Qingdao, the Ying Aid Group, and Lin Tian’s fans were excited to the point of blood at this moment, and the whole person had a feeling of being sweating profusely.




Reimi Takashima’s eyes widened in disbelief at Lin Tian, who was trotting around the bag. If you don’t see it with your own eyes.

He couldn’t believe it.

Cheng Gongming, who has the top level in the country, will be hit by Lin Tian one after another home run. It’s also too shocking.

As a result, Takashima Salute, who has always been calm, not only stuttered, but even could not speak. Or rather.

She didn’t know what words to use to express the great shock in her heart. But she did the math.

No matter how you stutter, you can at least spit out a few words.

However, Chris, Jiecheng and others were shocked to the point that they could not even say a word, and they all stared at Lin Tian with a sluggish face.

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