“Every man—”

“All have their own”

“If you want to use an analogy, it is accompanied by the response song of Qingdao.

Game 4.


The first batter of the Green Road.

Fourth baseman Tetsuya Yuki stood in the right-hand strike zone. Listen to the songs around you.

Cheng Gongming remembered the scene when Lin Tian appeared on the scene, which made him quite irritable.


Cheng Gong Ming took a deep breath.

He then threw the ball in a straight throwing position.

As a result, Yukijo, who guessed straight ball, swung the bat early, so that it was empty.

After [1 good ball].

Narumiya threw the ball in a straight ball throwing posture. Yukijo, who mistakenly thought it was a straight ball, emptied the bat again.

【2 good balls】Finally!

A 148 km/h inner angle straight ball!

Because the posture was exactly the same as before, Yuki was distracted, and his mind was thinking about whether it was “speed ball” or “sliding ball”!

And after the energy is distracted, face a straight ball with a speed close to 150 per hour!

Yuki Castle didn’t seize the best swing time!

The result is a step slower, and the result is a third swing!

“Good ball!”

“Hit the player out!”

The referee announced the result in a loud voice.


Cheng Gongming sneered.

As long as he exerted his full strength, even Yuki Castle wouldn’t want to hit a batter from his hands.


“Yuki Castle was actually covered”

Chris’s eyes widened in disbelief: “Two consecutive triple-strikes out? ”

Miyuki frowned slightly, “First use the variable speed ball to probe, and then use the straight ball at the end?” ”

Sawamura whispered, “What’s going on with the captain?” Is it not in a bad state? ”

Kominato shook his head, “No, I don’t think so!” ”

Lin Tian smiled lightly, “If you look closely, you will find that Cheng Gongming will only show his full strength when facing me and the captain!” ”

“As for you, if I read that right, he only used 70% of his strength!”

Kurashi was stunned: “What?! Only seven layers of force were used? ”

Lin Tian smiled: “Cheng Gongming is a top-level pitcher in the country, if it weren’t for the strength, you wouldn’t have hit so easily.” ”

At the summer contest in the original book.

Representing Western Tokyo in Koshien was Inaga Industries.

And all the way through the level, strong rushed to the stage of the final. Moreover!

Even in the final!

Naruto can still suppress his opponent!

This record is enough to prove that at this moment, the strength of Cheng Gongming has reached the top of the country! And the line of the Blue Road is national.

But that doesn’t mean everyone is national. So here’s the problem…

Not a national level person…

How can I hit Narumiya’s ball… Obviously!

There is only one answer!

That is the palace singing the water!


At the same time.

After Lin Tian’s reminder.

Kataoka, Rei Takashima, Chris, and others after a few memories. I found that it was really the same as Lin Tian said!

In addition to facing Lin Tian and Yukijo, other times of pitching, the ball speed has indeed slowed down!

“That bastard dared to look down on us!”

Kurako gritted his teeth and glared at Cheng Gongming.

“I just said why I can hit so easily, it turns out that…”

Kominato Haruchi was still thinking that he could hit it, why Yuki Castle didn’t hit, and now he understands. It’s not that he’s better than Yuki.

Instead, it is the Cheng Gong Ming facing the castle, which is in a state of full play. As for Lin Tian?

That’s a monster within monsters!

For example, it must not be used!

“So say…”

After thinking for a while, Sawamura exclaimed, “Lin Tian, your strength is stronger than the captain?” ”

The voice just dropped.

Yukijo, who had erupted into a powerful aura because of the three vibrations, returned to the rest area.

After he heard Sawamura’s words, the aura on his body was like ignited gasoline, and it instantly became more violent.

And Sawamura was standing right in front of Yukijo.

That sense of oppression that was so terrifying that it was suffocating.

The bold Sawamura couldn’t help but take a step back.

“Ah! This one! Captain, I…”

Sawamura hurriedly waved his hand, trying to explain, but when he was nervous, he couldn’t organize the language.

“Whether it is from the usual training or from the main game, Lin Tian’s strike strength is stronger than Jiecheng, and this result is beyond doubt.”

Takashima pushed his glasses and chuckled with a chuckle, “Yukijo, you shouldn’t be upset by this fact, right?” ”

Yuki opened his mouth expressionlessly, “Of course not! ”

Inner roar: Twice shaken by three vibrations! Next time must be a hit!!!!!!!!!!! On the pitch.

At this time, the 5 sticks Isashiki Jun, who are standing in the strike zone.

Although he was not in the lounge area. Lin Tian’s words were not heard.

However, Ah Zhe was twice shaken by the three vibrations, which also made him realize that Cheng Gongming would only use his full strength when dealing with Lin Tian and Jiecheng.

As for the others?

Estimated has been releasing water to treat!


“How dare you underestimate us!”

“Drink, ah, ah, ah!!!”

With a strong anger, Isaki Juna swung decisively when Naruto Naruto threw the first ball. While!!!!!

With a loud hitting sound!

The baseball slammed into the midfield! But alas!

Not long after flying out of the infield, it fell in an arc! At last!

Easily caught by midfielder Carlos!


Isashiki scolded angrily.

But after beating, I didn’t regret that the medicine could be eaten, and I could only swallow the bitter fruit silently.

The batter who came on the court afterwards.

It’s the sixth stick. Third baseman adds to the number of basemen.

After listening to Lin Tian’s reminder, even if he was gentle as him, he couldn’t help but be angry. But anger is useless

With the sound of ‘Dang’, the baseball was hit in front of third base!

And then by the third baseman. Yoshizawa caught it with his backhand and passed it to first base crisply! A slightly muffled sound came out.

Before he could reach the first baseball bag, the baseball had already entered the gloves of the first baseman.

“The fighter is out!”

The first base referee announced immediately.

“Three up and three down!!!”

“Despite being 4 sticks 5 sticks 6 sticks center line!!”

“But in the face of Inari’s ace pitcher, it is also difficult to build an advantage!!”


“Cheng Gong Ming has entered the state!!!”

The narrator exalted loudly.

“The blow that just knotted the city?”

Akiko Owada frowned, she always felt that something was wrong.

“Well, I was completely shaken by three vibrations!”

Feng Fujio mused, “Maybe Narumiya Ming didn’t use his full strength when dealing with the others!” ”

“After all, the number of balls needed by the three strikers is also more!”

“In order to be able to continue to invest, facing people with weak strength, only seven layers of strength are indeed an excellent tactic that can save physical strength.”

“However, only a pitcher of the level of Cheng Gongming can do it, and if a pitcher with very good strength dares to release water, he will definitely be directly beaten out!”

Akiko Owada wondered, “Did Narumiya pitch the ball with full force when Naruto faced Lin Tian?” ”

Mine Fujio: “There must be, after all, in the past games, Lin Tian’s blow performance far exceeded Yukijo!” ”

“Unfortunately, even with all his strength, Cheng Gongming was unable to suppress Lin Tian, but he lost two points!”

[Green Road: 1… 1.0】

【Daocheng:0… 0.】

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