“Safe on the!!!!!!”

“Seeing the bottom of the valley, still marveling at the referee who had just hit it, immediately announced the result.

[Seido score + at the same time.] “】

The scene fell silent.

All the spectators were stunned to see Lin Tian, who was standing at the third base, with a smile on his face. They never thought of it!

So far away, Lin Tian could even hit it! And!

Hit it and forget it!

After all, let other high school students do it, it is not impossible! But here’s the thing!

The most other high school students are to stab successfully! But!

Now the Blue Road is two people out!

Even if the sprint is successful and sends the valley to third base, the batter will still be blocked out by the first baseman!

By then!

But the three are out, and the attack and defense are exchanged! So!

Hitting success doesn’t make any sense either! On the contrary, it also wasted a little physical strength! But what about Lin Tian?

Not only did it hit the ball into the field! Also sent the valley back to home base!

Even he ran to third base!


“Lin Tian has created a miracle that cannot be imitated!!!!!!”

After a long period of sluggishness, the narrator roared impatiently at the microphone.

“Known all!!”

“Once a person jumps!!!”

“Then you can’t borrow it!!!”

“So the batter at this time will only, no, only choose to strike!!!!”

“Ke Lin Tian did not!!!”

“He chose to strike!!!!”

“And the hits are three-run hits that are super hard to do in the hit zone!!!!!”

The continuous yelling made the narrator a little unbearable and had to stop. But the next moment.

He yelled again in his throat with excitement, “Maybe some people will say that the hardest hits aren’t home runs?”

“I can tell you the truth!”

“Isn’t it!!!!”

“Let’s look at two records!!!!”

“Of the highest single-season records in our professional baseball, there are only 18 three-run homes, and it is also a!!!!! set in 1912”

“But what about home runs?”

“In 1950, the season high reached 51, 2.83 times the three-run homer!!!!”

“More critically!”

“From 1950 to the present, the number of professional home runs in a single season has exceeded 10!!!!”

“But the highest number of pros in a season with three bases, 18, is still only 1!!!!!”

“This is obvious!!!!”

“The hardest hit hit, no doubt a three-run hit!!!!!”

“And yet!”

“Even standing in the hit zone is extremely difficult to appear in the third base!!!!”

“Lin Tian actually jumped into the air and achieved!!!! without being able to borrow power.”


“You say it’s not a miracle?!!!!”

Hear this.

The audience, who had been relieved and were whispering to their friends, was once again in a sluggish state. Apparently!

After the commentator’s science popularization!!

They deeply understood how terrifying Lin Tiangang’s behavior really was!!! It’s just too scary!

This time the stunned time is longer than before!

A good moment passed!

The audience at the scene finally gradually returned to their senses!!! Followed by.

There was a lively discussion in the audience everywhere.

“The explanation doesn’t say I don’t know yet, but it scared me!”

“Not really! I now know that the three-run homer is so hard to come up!! ”

“I have to say that Lin Tian’s core strength is too strong, people in mid-air, the body even lost its balance, can even fight so far!!!”

“Although there is a coincidental part, if it were not for the desire to block the valley, Lin Tian would not have had the opportunity to run to third base, but the facts speak louder than words!!”

“Indeed! Regardless of the process, in the end, Lin Tian was standing at third base!!! ”


Kurashi inhaled a cold breath, his face full of shock: “This can also run to third base?? ”

Chris’s brief comment: “Incredible blow! ”

The corner of Miyuki’s mouth was slightly cocked: “As long as Lin Tian appears, he can always be full of expectations!” ”

Takashima Li exclaimed, “I thought it was just the most ordinary guarantee, but I didn’t expect that this would also allow Lin Tian to play with flowers!!!” ”

Sawamura’s eyes glowed golden, “That’s so handsome! I want to learn!!! ”


“How can you be so handsome!!!!!”

Left field stand, female junior high school student. There are original wings clenched in pink fists, excited and manic feet.

Sakurasawa Ace Nagashiro sighed, “No wonder so many people call Lin Tian a monster. ”

“His strength is indeed a monster among monsters!”

Catcher Day favors: “I think the monster in front, you can add”

“Super, the word.”

First baseman Masaaki Inamoto: “Why is it more than a super monster?” I don’t think this word deserves Lin Tian! ”


The players of the city’s senior high school were all shocked when they saw Lin Tian jump out of the batting area. They didn’t expect Lin Tian to do such a risky thing.

But I didn’t think much about it.

Because even if you jump into the air, it’s hard to do anything. Outcome!

The next moment you get punched in the face!

Lin Tian directly hit the ball into the field!

Then, when he arrived at Daocheng and wanted to kill the valley, he quickly stole the third base! More critically!

Daocheng has not yet succeeded in killing!

“It’s a big loss!”

After a long time, Hirakawa sighed, “Now not only lose points, but also face the crisis of Lin Tian at the third base!” ”

Ace pitcher Manaka said in a deep voice: “With Lin Tian’s speed, even if it is just touching the ball, Lin Tian can return to the home run to score before the batter is blocked!” ”

Captain Takahiro Omae: “So at this time, Nariya Ming can no longer keep his hand, if he dares to take out seven layers of power, Lin Tian will dare to return to home base!” ”

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