“Just got on the pitcher hill on the center of the three vibrations of Daocheng, and the ball used was more tricky than the other!”

Ōzen-an, Hirakawa, the third highest of the city, said in a condensed voice, “Lin Tian has given Daocheng a super big problem!” ”

Captain Daqian: “Let’s not mention [fast fork ball], just the first straight ball is enough to give Daocheng a headache!” ”

Ace Makoto: “Indeed! After all, even the 6-stick hill in the center of the line can’t react! ”

“Do you think Inari can hit the hit?”

Sakurasawa Ace Nagao Mingchao’s friend asked.

“It should be hard to do, right?”

Catcher Hinohara frowned, “After all, Shibuya only relied on the straight ball and the [fast fork ball] to suppress the first round of attacks of Inaga City!” ”

“I just got hit, and it was also because of the drop in the speed of the ball.”

“If the ball speed is maintained, it will be difficult for Inagi to play a hit.”

“And Lin Tian’s straight ball and [fast ‘five eight zero’ finger fork ball] are stronger than the valley, so the probability of Daocheng hitting a hit is lower.”

“Of course, if Lin Tian’s physical strength declines, there is still a chance.”

Masaaki Inamoto: “So, Daocheng can only consume Lin Tian’s physical strength before he has the opportunity to attack?” ”

Hitomi’s favorite: “In my opinion, that’s the way it is. ”


The game continued as Inaghiro’s 7-based, Hirai walked to the left batting area.

First Ball!

Lin Tian cast to the inner corner! Up to 157km/h!

Due to the sharp angle, Hirai’s swing failed! Second ball!

Lin Tian threw himself into the outer corner!

The speed is reduced to 154km/h!

“But this ball is a fast finger fork ball, so guess the flat well of the straight ball and swing it out again!”

“2 good balls!!”

“Great location!!!”

“The beaters have started to panic!!”

The members of the Qingdao Rescue Group shouted loudly with their horns.

And Daocheng is also constantly cheering for the batsmen on the field.

Although I also feel that it is difficult to hit in the heart, but no matter how difficult, you can’t do nothing, right?

“What will the third ball be used for?”

Omae-an, Captain Omae said curiously.

Ace Masato shook his head: “If it is someone else who can guess one or two, but the catcher is Miyuki, his ideas are always strange and elusive.” ”

Hirakawa: “I guess straight ball!” ”

Almost Hirakawa’s voice just dropped. Lin Tian threw the third ball. Shout!!!!!!

Baseball rushes to home run at 160+ p.m.!

Along the way, the wind and waves swept through the 7-stick flat well! From Hirai’s point of view!

It was as if he saw a wild beast rushing towards him! The feeling of oppression that is frightening at first glance!

Hirai’s body involuntarily fell into a state of tension! And the effect of this tension is that the body gradually becomes stiff! Be aware!

Baseball with a speed of 160 or more!

Flying from pitcher hill to home run is shorter than an instant!

So when Hirai froze, the baseball flew into Miyuki’s hands! Wait until Hirai comes back!

I’ve already missed the chance to hit the ball!

“Good ball!”

“Three strikes out!”

The referee announced the result in a loud voice. After a slight pause.

He continued: “Offensive and defensive exchange! ”


“It ends with two three-strikes!!!”

“And the opponent is the champion candidate Daocheng Industry!!!!”

The narrator roared angrily, “Obviously! Lin Tian’s strength was much stronger than rumored! And you can also see that there is no problem with his state! ”

On the field.

When Lin Tian returned to the players’ seat, his teammates also came to praise him.

“Pretty shot!!”

“Very good!!”

“Yahahaha! Perfectly suppressed!!! ”


This kind of praise Lin Tian had heard countless times, and he had already reached the realm of calm response.

“After five innings, Daocheng didn’t have a single point.”

Mine Fujio muffled;

“If you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?”

Akiko Owada nodded, “The pressure on Inagi is getting bigger and bigger now!” ”

“If they don’t get the score again, their mentality may collapse!”

“Ah Ming!”

“Don’t think about hitting things!”

“Since it is a defender, then do a good job of guarding the side!”

Harada Masako looked at the absent-minded Narumiya and reminded him in a cold voice. Hearsay.

Cheng Gong Ming instantly returned to his senses.

He quickly nodded, “Hmm! Rest assured! ”

Game 6. First..

Seido High School Offense.

The first hitter was Miyuki Kazuya 3 sticks.

Perhaps because there was no one on the base, he was thrown out of the game without even hitting a goal. The next hitter is Tetsuya 4 Stick Yuki Castle.

“Ace to Four Sticks!”

“The third contest between the two sides!”

“Who will win?”

Under the mobilization of the narrator, the audience was also a little nervous. At the same time!

Yuki and Naruto begin a confrontation! First Ball!

Under Harada’s instructions, Narumiya lures Yuki with a bad ball! It’s a pity that Yuki Castle was not deceived!

【1 bad ball】Second ball!

Naruto Naruto’s old trick is repeated!

But this time Yuki swings the stick, unfortunately hit the outside of the boundary!

【1 good ball 1 bad ball】The third ball!

Narumiya Ming once again shot in the bad ball area, Yuki observed very carefully, confirmed that it was not in the good ball area and did not pay attention!

【1 good ball 2 bad ball】

But the fourth ball!

Between the good and bad ball zones!

However, from the perspective of Yukijo, baseball is closer to the good ball area! So he swung the baton!

I didn’t expect the ball to suddenly turn around at hand!


Yuki’s pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously adjusted his swinging posture.

The baseball was immediately knocked out of bounds!

【2 good balls 2 bad balls】


Seeing this result, Yuki was relieved. If you hit within the boundary.

With his 1.5 just pose, Cheng Gongming could easily intercept it. By then!

The probability of going to the base is almost zero!

And if you hit the outside world, you have a chance to do it again!

“The situation is scorching!”

The narrator shouted loudly: “In the face of Narumiya’s pitching, Yuki is unusually tenacious in the struggle!” ”

“Voted! Naruto’s fifth ball! ”

“What a pity! Hit the ground again! ”

“Sixth ball! Is there any hope of eliminating Yukiya? Or is it that Yuki hits the home? ”

“Alas… Knocked out of bounds again!! ”

“It’s a pity that Narumiya Ming missed another chance to eliminate Yukijo!”

“Next is the seventh ball!”

“What will happen to the ending?”

[Green Road: 1… 1…2.0】

【Daocheng:0… 0…0】

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