“Although there are still three innings of offensive opportunities.”

But if you want to break through Lin Tian’s pitching, you can only do it with Daocheng’s mid-line line. Yang Shunchen, Ming Chuan’s ace pitcher, held his hands and sat in the audience somewhere to speak. ”

“You mean, the offensive opportunities that belong to Daocheng are not as many as three innings?”

Captain Shiratori frowned.


Yang Shunchen nodded.

Then he said, “After all, Lin Tian’s ball speed and ball control are better than the valley!” ”

“So it’s almost impossible for the rest of Inagaki to hit the hit!”


“All the team members of Daocheng are super long play!”

“But do you think this kind of thing is possible?”

“It’s really hot in Tokyo!”

“It’s hard enough to cheer up the team!”

“But the game is really exciting, and there are countless amazing scenes!”

“Although only high school students”

“But once in a while, I also show a wonderful game that is no worse than the professional base!”


Grandpa Sawamura washing his face in the bathroom.

Thinking of Sawamura’s strength, he couldn’t help but sigh.

“This level of competition”

“And it’s such a critical time”

“At the level of my grandson, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to play.”

“Forget it!”

“Why do you think so much?”

“My grandson is only in the first grade!”

“Exercise for a while, and with his talent, he will definitely be able to make the scene!”

“Concentrate on watching the game now!”

After adjusting your mindset.

Sawamura’s grandfather returned to the audience to watch the game from the perspective of a passer-by audience.

Meanwhile! Lin Tian on the field!

With 3 straight balls with a speed of up to 153 kilometers per hour, the 2-stick Shirakawa of Daocheng has been eliminated! After facing 3 sticks Yoshizawa!

Miyuki still has 3 tricky positions!

Because Lin Tian’s pitching was murderous, Yoshizawa was subconsciously swung by this oppressive force! Of course!

This is also related to the fact that the location of Miyuki is very close to the good ball area! And Yoshizawa waved his stick though!

However, due to Lin Tian’s extremely fast ball speed, it didn’t hit once! And because of that!

Yoshizawa’s ending, like Shirakawa’s, was all thrown out by Sanjin!

【2 out】

“Competing for the same position as such a monster boy, is there really a chance to appear?”

After watching Lin Tian’s incredibly fast pitching again, Grandpa Sawamura, who had originally adjusted his mentality, couldn’t help but ask himself in his heart.

“Pretty shot!!!”

“Two people out! Two out!! ”

“There is no way back for the opponent!!!!”

“Keep it!!!!!”

The Qingdao Rescue Group was like beating chicken blood, and everyone was shouting with all their might.

Even the girls of the Blowing Department and the Wind Band, as well as Takako Fujiwara, Haruna Yoshikawa are the managers! At this time, I don’t care about the image of the beautiful woman at all!

They put their horns to their mouths and shouted cheers!

“Is this guy really in first grade?”

“Since the debut, there has not been a single mistake!”

“Every time I can shoot the ball accurately to the position of Miyuki!”

Cheng Gongming, who was staying in the preparation area, frowned and stared at Lin Tian.

“Elder Aya…”

“Be sure to hit the span…”

“If you can’t do it, then the hope of overtaking is even more slim!”


4 Roda Masako Harada poses as a standard stick lifter and breathes slowly to adjust his mindset.

“His straight ball is fast!”

“If you want to hit, you have to swing the stick early!”


“It’s easy to say…”

“It’s still too hard to really hit…”

“This kid’s [fast finger ball] is almost the same as a straight ball before he gets into home run!”

“If you want to hit the ball accurately, you may have to gamble!”

At this time, Harada Masako felt a little sad.

As a 4-stick for the championship standby, he was forced to adopt this strategy?

“Shock them with [Fast Fork Ball]!”

Miyuki gave instructions at this time.


Lin Tian nodded.


Grab the ball with both hands and hold it high!

The next moment the left leg is lifted and immediately pedaled forward! The moment the soles of the feet touch the ground, the upper body turns rapidly! And then!

Throw the ball out with great skill! Shout!!!!!

The baseball shot like a laser bolt to home base in an instant!

It’s so fast that it’s hard to react, so that Harada Masakuni doesn’t have much time to observe!

When he saw that the baseball was flying to the middle of the good ball area, he reflexively swung the bat! No waving, no!

Because it’s too fast!

A little bit of night, not even the qualification of the swing!


A loud cracking sound sounded!

But Harada Masako’s face was extremely ugly! Because he’s done batting!

The expected hitting sound didn’t appear at all!

Masako Harada turned to look back and saw Miyuki’s gloves lying on the ground, and in the gloves lay a baseball apparently!

Just swinging short not because the straight ball is too fast!

Instead, the baseball fell just as it was about to be hit!

【1 good ball】


“It turned out to be [Fast Fork Ball]…”

Harada gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, hating himself so impulsively…….. But!

He actually knows it!

When encountering this throwing posture, the ball speed is the same as the “changing ball” of the straight ball.

The probability of not being fooled is almost zero because it’s really hard to guess!

“What’s next?”

Harada Masako raised his head, looking at Lin Tian with mixed feelings, while his brain kept thinking.

“Let’s have a [Cat] ball!”

For the first time, Miyuki gave this gesture at the main match.


Lin Tian’s brow furrowed slightly.

But although surprised, he did not question it.


Lin Tian nodded.

At the same time, the right hand grasps the ball and places it in the baseball gloves.

Then, with the help of the glove covering, the method of holding the ball is changed to the throwing grip of the [Cata] ball.


There are two ways to hold a ball of cather.

The first is across.the.seam, which translates to “fingers straddling the seam of the ball.”

The second is along.the.seam, which translates to “fingers resting on the seam of the ball.1

For beginners.

The best way to hold it is [fingers over the suture of the ball].

This is because of the grip of the “finger resting on the suture line of the ball”, if inexperienced, the index finger may make a mistake when slamming the ball, resulting in failure.

And Lin Tian took the second kind.

That is, “fingers resting on the seams of the ball”.

Because this grip can maximize the power of the [Cata] ball.

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