“It’s full of momentum!”

Miyuki glanced at Cheng Gongming and muttered in his heart. But.

There is Lin Tian.

He didn’t panic at all.


“What ball should I wear…”

Miyuki couldn’t help but sigh as she thought about it. No way!

Lin Tian’s various ball paths are too perfect! No matter which one you choose, there is no problem! This leads to…

Miyuki is caught in the entanglement of happiness…


“Let’s have a straight ball at 160 p.m.”

Think so.

Miyuki made a “six” gesture.

“This is telling Lin Tian that it is enough to throw a ball at 160 per hour, and there is no need to use full strength!”


Lin Tian nodded.

The ball was then thrown as instructed by Miyuki. Shout!!!!!!


The baseball flew in front of Naruto’s eyes!

“Good to go!!!!”

Although he was expected, standing on the strike area to experience it firsthand, Naruto was still shocked by this ball speed.


The physical reaction honed by the long-term strike training made him subconsciously swing the bat! Pity……

Blind swing is doomed to be unable to hit this kind of ultra-high-speed straight ball…. Wow!!!!!!

Sure enough, the strong wind of the stick swinging out soon sounded! This also means!

Naruto Naruto was empty on the first ball!

“Good ball!”

The referee immediately shouted.

“This guy’s ball…”

“It’s too foul…”

Nariya gritted his teeth and retracted the bat, his heart unstoppable panic. Although he knew to be calm at this time!

But in the face of this kind of pitching that does not see any hope of hitting, it is really difficult to calm down!!!


“Pretty shot!!!!”

“The beater can’t grasp the opportunity at all!!!!”

The Qingdao Rescue Group cheered loudly with excitement.

“So fast!”

“Flew by in an instant!”

The little fan sister has the original wings and is also excited to jump.

Although far away.

But good dynamic vision.

It still allows her to see the general situation.

“Isn’t it?”

“At this time, it is still in the red?”

Ōmae-an, Hirakawa’s eyes widened in amazement.

“Although this kind of ball path is very dangerous, as long as Lin Tian’s ball speed can continue to be maintained, even Cheng Gongming will not want to hit!”

Captain Takahiro Omae.

“It can only be said that Lin Tian’s super fast ball speed gives Miyuki the confidence to match this kind of ball!”

Ace pitcher Manaka.

“That being said, if you’re not careful, you’ll be beaten out!”

Hiragawa frowned.

“Although Naruto has experienced the speedball of the valley before.”

Yang Shunchen, the ace of Ming Chuan, said in a deep voice, “But Lin Tian’s speedball and Descending Valley’s are completely different, and they are completely different grades.” ”

Captain Shiratori: “And better in possession!” This will make the ball extremely stable and tricky! ”


Lin Tian threw the second ball.

It is still in the middle of the good ball area, referred to as the red middle.

If other pitchers did this, Narumiya would be sure to blow him up. But if this pitcher is Lin Tian, Cheng Gong Ming can’t even think about this kind of thing!

He even squatted down to baseball as an unattainable luxury! That’s right!

Face the second ball thrown by Lin Tian!

Cheng Gongming’s full swing of the stick still didn’t touch it at all! So!

The number of balls is also from 1 good ball!

It turned into 2 good balls with no way back! “Bastard”

“It’s red again”

Cheng Gongming looked gloomy and squeezed a few words out of his teeth.

After Yu Xing heard this, he smiled: “Lin Tian’s ball speed is so fast, no matter where he throws, he can earn a good number of balls, so why not choose the red one?!” ”

Narumiya Ming: “With such a big person standing in the strike area, Miyuki didn’t care a little?” Damnable bastards!

How dare you underestimate him!

No matter how fast the ball is, it is not invincible! I will definitely find that little devil’s weakness! That’s what I thought!

Lin Tian threw the third ball! Shout!!!!!

The speed is a little bit weaker, but the ball is still flying straight into the red!

“It’s slowing down!”

“Great opportunity!”

Cheng Gongming’s eyes lit up.

But when the bat was about to be swung, he felt that the ball was likely to be a fast fork ball.

Inside: I must have thought that I would eagerly aim at the straight ball to play because the ball speed became slower, so I specially changed Lin Tian to [fast fork ball]!


The idea was overturned again in the next moment!

Because Miyuki’s ball is flying wildly, it is likely that he has already predicted his prediction! So!

In the end, you will choose to use a straight ball as the decisive ball! Well!

That’s right!

It must be so!


“I see through you!!!”

With endless self-confidence, Naruto Naruto aimed at the red ball path and swung the bat quickly!

After the m-bats were waved, Narumiya only heard the sound of the strong wind swinging! Boom!!!!!

Almost the next moment, there was the muffled sound of a baseball hitting a glove at your feet! Naruto looked down!

The baseball lies quietly in Miyuki’s gloves on the ground! Apparently……

Just that wasn’t a straight ball…

It’s the quick fork ball that you guessed at first…

“Do you think I’ll keep letting Lin Tian shoot straight balls?”

Miyuki asked with a smile.


Narumiya stared blankly at the baseball in Miyuki’s gloves.

“Unfortunately, you guessed wrong!”

Miyuki continued to laugh. Words fall.

He stood up and passed the ball back to Lin Tian.

Cheng Gongming, who had returned to God, turned around and walked to the rest area with full of remorse.


“Why should I think so much…”

“If you just aimed at the fast fork ball…”



Cheng Gongming clenched his fists, lowered his head, and walked back to the rest area with a dark face.


Masako Harada opened his mouth to comfort him.

But he didn’t know what to say to be comforted. Because even it was him.

After seeing Naruto being eliminated.

Negative thoughts have also arisen in their minds that they are unlikely to win.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!! oh

“5 sticks are also eliminated!!!!!!”

“The center line is only the last one left!!!!”



The supporters of Qingdao shouted out in high spirits.

And the old fans of Qingdao even shed tears of excitement. Because!

It’s been six years since I last entered Koshien!!! Six years of waiting!

Finally hope!!! No!

Not hope!

In the case of only one line left in the center of Daocheng!

Seido getting Koshien tickets is a fact that is almost certain!

“Seimiya has also been eliminated.”

“There is no hope, no hope at all.”

“I’m obviously a champion candidate”

“Why is this so…”

Daocheng’s supporters were all skeptical of life at the moment. They didn’t expect that.

Inagaki is known as a champion candidate.

Even before the start of the ninth inning, the possibility of winning the championship was almost lost.

[Green Road: 1… 1…2…5…】

【Daocheng:0… 0…0…0.】

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