With a crisp crashing sound.

Naruto Naruto’s pitch was hit by Haruhi Kominato on the right side of the Uchino with a touch. Pedal!

Extremely fast frequency in footsteps!

Lin Tian, who started early, rushed to the home base with cheetah-like speed!


“I was beaten to such a side!”

Narumiya gritted his teeth and ran toward the sideline to the right of Uchino. However……

Wait until he picks up the ball!

Lin Tian also just arrived at home base! Boom only to see him jump slightly!

Feet landed firmly on home run!

“Safe on the base!”

The referee announced immediately.

【Seido score +1】

Masako Harada warned loudly.


Narumiya turned around and passed the ball to the first baseman. Because of the closeness, the ball was quickly caught by the first baseman.

“The fighter is out!”

The first-base referee looked at Kominato, who was still some distance away from the baseball bag, and decisively announced the result. However, Kominato Haruchi did not care.

Because his main goal is to get Lin Tian back to home base. As for whether you are eliminated or not, it doesn’t matter.

“Good point!”

Lin Tian saw Xiao Minato come back and smiled and slapped him with a slap.

“You’re running too early!”

Kominato Haruchi smiled bitterly and said, “Aren’t you afraid that I will fail to strike?” ”

Lin Tian smiled: “So much behind, and it is still the ninth round, the psychological pressure of Cheng Gongming is definitely very large!” ”

“Plus he threw so many more balls, the ball power is long gone!”

“More critically!”

“Your striking technique is not half a point worse than your brother’s!”


“I’m sure you can!”

Kominato Haruhi is praised by this.

I was a little embarrassed. Even!

The face is a little red!

Seeing the situation, Lin Tian didn’t say anything more.

Having read the original book, he knew very well that if he continued to exaggerate.

With Kominato Haruhi’s easily shy personality, his body is estimated to be in a state of stiffness, and he will not even be able to walk at that time.


Dodged the praise from Lin Tian’s side.

But when Kominato Haruchi returned to the rest area, he did not escape everyone’s praise. Fortunately, I have returned to the rest area.

Even if you are shy to the point of stiffness, sitting has no effect. Of course!

“Lin Tian’s cheetah-style running base also received a piece of praise!”

“Good to be happy”

“Whoosh to home run!”

“If only I had the speed of an idol!”

There is a wing envious looking in the direction of the Qingdao rest area. She also has a great love for baseball.

But although her physical condition is very strong among girls, if she compares with boys, she has no advantage.



“If there is no advantage in physique, but I can exercise my skills!”

“As long as the technique is strong enough, even if it is a men-dominated high school hard baseball team, I can get a chance to play!”


“After all!”

“High school baseball doesn’t explicitly rule that girls can’t play!”

“I’ve been scored again!”

Yang Shunchen of Mingchuan sighed.

“Qingdao is very ruthless!”

Captain Shiratori whispered, “I’ve led so much, but I still don’t miss a chance to score!” ”


“Just lost points not long after playing, and the pressure on Cheng Gongming should be greater, right?”

Sakurasawa ace Nagashiro clasped his hands to his chest and said in a deep voice.

“It’s my words, I guess they all collapsed!”

Catcher Day sighed.

…… On the pitch.

Cheng Gongming took a deep breath.

Then he swung his left arm and threw the ball out hard. Shout!!!

The baseball shoots straight into the inner corner!

Compared to before, the ball speed has been significantly reduced! Obviously!

The lack of physical strength makes Narumiya unable to throw a ball with a speed of more than 140 per hour!

“Great opportunity!”

Miyuki [3 Bases], who was standing in the strike zone, saw it and decisively swung out the bat! Wow!!!!!


Only the sound of the metal rod waving in the air can be heard! Because!

Baseball before it gets hit!

Suddenly fall straight ahead!

“The first one refers to the fork ball!”

The narrator said in a loud voice, “Miyuki has waved empty!” ”

“The first ball is to choose the change ball, and Inari’s ball is very cautious!”

Akiko Owada said in surprise.

“After all, we can’t lose points anymore.”

Mine Fujio said calmly.

There was a pause.

He continued: “But if you are too careful, it is easy to create four bad balls, so Inagi should think about losing the way to the hitter despite it!” ”

“Maybe you can earn good balls with straight balls!”

“I won’t play tricky balls anyway!”

“So it’s better to bet on a straight ball that wants to earn a good number of balls!”

Miyuki, who was ready to hit the ball, secretly made up his mind.


At this time, Naruto Cheng threw the ball out!

“The ball path is a good ball area!”

Miyuki’s eyes lit up and he immediately grabbed the bat and swung it out with all his might. Wow!!!!

The sound of the wind that belongs to the bats swinging in the air is once again sounded!

“I saw that the baseball suddenly fell when it was about to be hit by Miyuki!”

“‘Chuan Finger Fork Ball?!!!”

Miyuki’s eyes widened in shock.

He didn’t expect that Naruto would actually throw such balls continuously.

“Miyuki is emptying again!”

“The number of balls is 2 good balls!”

“Miyuki has no way out!”

The narrator explained passionately.


Miyuki took a deep breath and adjusted his mindset.

“Knock me out!!!!!”

Narumiya roared in his heart and threw the ball out fiercely. iiii machine full of fire ball!

The speed exceeded 140 kilometers per hour!

“High straight ball?”

Miyuki hesitated when he saw the ball path. Because he thinks it may be a fork ball. But……

After a little bit of tanglement… In the end, I couldn’t help but wave! However……

When the ball went to base, it fell again! Obviously!

Another finger ball!

Although Miyuki was mentally prepared, when the baseball fell, his stick was already swinging above the baseball!


Even if you have the heart to stop it, you can’t do it.. Boom!

With a loud bang!

The baseball fell into Masako Harada’s gloves!

“Good ball!”

“Hit the player out!”

The referee announced immediately.


“A pity!”

“Miyuki obviously guessed the wrong way again!”

“He didn’t expect that Naruto would use three finger balls in a row!”

Pause for a moment.

The narrator continued, “Now the two of them are out!” ”


“Coming up is Captain Yuki!”

“Will Qingdao set off a new wave of attacks again?”


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