Twinkle your eyes.

The game came to Game 5.

The score at this point is 0 to 9.

The leading side is naturally Qingdao.

“It’s amazing!”

“Qingdao who has not fought in Koshien for a long time!”

“When I entered Koshien again, I actually exploded with such a terrifying attack power!”

。 The narrator exclaimed, “In just 4 innings, Seido scored 9 points!” ”

“And judging from the offense of Ichizen High School, it is almost impossible for them to break through Lin Tian’s pitching.”

“That is!”

“If Seido gets another point in the 5th inning!”

“That good high school is going to be eliminated!”

“If I remember correctly…”

“In the past ten years of summer Koshien, there has never been a game that ended early in five rounds, right?”

“Isn’t it…”

“Can you see it today?”

Ichizen High School Contestants’ Seat.

The coach looked at the players with a serious face.

“You heard it too!”

“Just 1 point away and we’ll get a shameful record!”

“If you don’t want to become a waste of other people, then no matter what means you use later, you must give me a base!”

“Is it clear?”

The players nodded heavily.



The slogan is shouted louder again!

But when he really played, he still couldn’t hit Lin Tian’s super high-speed straight ball! Well!

Deal with Ichizen High School!

Lin Tian has only used straight balls so far!

According to Yuki’s words, Ichizen is not worthy of Lin Tian’s use of other balls! In fact!

And it is!

…… After a while!

Lin Tian threw the ninth ball of the fifth game with great momentum!

The laser straight ball with a speed of more than 160 kilometers per hour has appeared again! The third striker of Ichizen High School!

I only felt a white light fly by, and then I heard the loud sound of a baseball hitting the glove next to me!

“Good ball!”

“The batter is out!”

The referee announced immediately.

“It’s three vibrations again!!!”

“From the beginning of the game to the present!”

“A total of 5 innings have passed, and every batter in these 5 innings has been knocked out by Lin Tiansanzhen!!!”

“Even more incredible!”

“Against any batsman, Lin Tian only used 3 goals!!!”

“This means!”

“None of the batsmen in Ichizengo have ever touched Lin Tian’s ball!!!!”

With the exposition of the narrator excitedly.

The hearts and minds of all viewers suffered a huge shock. Because!

In their cognition!

It’s almost impossible not to let a batter hit the ball once in five consecutive innings! However!

Lin Tian finished!!!



Even if you see it with your own eyes!

I still find it unbelievable!!


The second half of the fifth inning.

Seido High School Offense.

The first to play was Lin Tian.

After the initial home run.

Yishan High School resolutely confessed, and every time he met Lin Tian, he directly respected Yuan. And this time.

Nature is no exception.

But Lin Tian didn’t care.

Because…… After being sent to first base!

With his super speed, he easily stole the third base!

“Too fast!!!”

“I can’t stop it at all!!!!”

“It’s a nightmare to have this kind of runner on the base!!!!”

The 100% success rate of the stolen base completely ignited the fiery atmosphere in the audience! All spectators!

It’s all a look of amazement at the moment!


And with great anticipation!

Gaze intently at Lin Tian at the third base!

“Before being honored far away!”

“Once stolen by Lin Tian to the third base!”

“Stronghold can’t stop Lin Tian’s patronage!”

“But man is not a machine!”

“Athletes are all in good shape!”


“Here’s the problem!”

“This time Lin Tian!”

“Can you get back to home run as smoothly as before?”

Listen to the voice of the narrator.

The audience’s attention was increasingly focused on Lin Tian. Shout!!!

It didn’t take long!

The pitcher of Ichizen High School resisted the pressure and threw the first shot! Also at the same moment!


It should be said that at the moment when the pitcher poses for the pitcher!

Lin Tian first stomped his right foot on the ground, and then rushed to the home base like a cheetah! And Kominato Haruhi, who still replaces his brother!

At this time, I gently touched the baseball! But.

Since the touch point is not very good.


Hit the baseball with a bat!

The landing position is not far from home base!

And the power is not very sufficient, gently bounced, it slowly rolled up. Therefore!

The catchers of Ichizen High School easily catch up with the ball and pick it up! However!

Just when he turned around and ran back to take the first step, about to sell the second step! This young catcher!

Suddenly, I was stunned!

Because…… In front of his eyes!

Lin Tian’s left foot has stepped on the home plate!

“Safe on the base!”

The referee announced almost at the same time. But the scene fell into a quiet that could be heard from the falling needles.


Feng is actually the members of the Qingdao team!

After a short period of sluggishness, he rushed into the stadium with great excitement!

“Nice work!”

Kominato Chunshi took the lead and slapped Lin Tian.

“Your touch is also very good!”

Lin Tian praised.

Kominato shook his head, “If it weren’t for your speed, you would have just been killed!” ”

Lin Tian smiled and was about to say something.

However, he was suddenly thrown up by the crowd of Qingdao people who rushed over. In desperation.

I can only swallow the words back and concentrate on enjoying them.

“The game is over!”

“Qingdao relied on Lin Tian’s strong pitching to seal Yishan High School!”

“And in terms of attack, under the leadership of Lin Tian, he scored 10 points in five innings and forcibly dropped his opponent in advance!”

“No doubt!”

“This year’s summer Koshien!”

“There is a strong opponent that deserves to be taken seriously by all teams!!!”

In a family in Tokyo.

Yui Yui, who captained the World Series during the Shōgun era. I was sitting at the table.

Watch the first round of Seido High School from the TV. When he saw Lin Tian’s super high-speed straight ball!

There was only one thought in my mind, absolutely going to Qingdao! As a catcher!

If he doesn’t pick up this monster pitcher’s ball, he’ll regret it for the rest of his life! Meanwhile!

The main catcher of the Dakyo Youth Baseball Team, Okumura Hikaru!

It was also because of Qingdao’s maiden battle in Koshien that he became interested in Lin Tian! So Sun!

He decided that he must enter Seido High School next year!

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