“First half of the ninth inning!”

“Xibang is making a final effort!”

“At this time, the 3 sticks of Xibang are standing in the strike zone!”

“As the vanguard of the central line, his strength is beyond doubt!”


The narrator has not spoken yet. Lin Tian had already thrown the first ball. Shout!!!!!!

The ultra-high-speed straight ball, which is too fast to react, rushes into Miyuki’s glove without hindrance! As for the swing of the 3 sticks in Sibon?


Not even a single hair of a baseball has been touched!

After [1 good ball].

Lin Tian’s old skills were repeated.

Mistaken for a straight ball of Sepang 3 base.

But he was teased by Lin Tian’s fast finger fork ball, and swung it again!

【2 good balls】

“Dead end!!!”

“Xibang was cornered!!!”

The narrator stood up excitedly and yelled.

“Is it over?”

“Sibon, who is known as the most promising champion, was eliminated in the third round!?”


“Or was it kept on a clean sheet?!!!!”

The audience couldn’t help but lean forward and keep their eyes firmly locked on the game.


Sidbond 3 swallowed nervously with spit. His face was covered with anxious sweat.

All the muscles in the body are subconsciously tensed. And this panicked performance!

Let him face the third goal!

Missed the best swing time again! Boom!!!!!

Wait until the baseball enters Miyuki’s gloves.

The referee’s voice sounded for the first time.

“Good ball!”

“Hit the player out!”

Hear that.

The host slammed his foot on the table. He held the microphone in his hand and shouted angrily, “The game is over!” ”

“Despite encountering the championship alternate in the third round!”

“But Lin Tian of Qingdao High School still finished sealing his opponent!”

“So far!”

“Seido High School advanced to the quarterfinals!”

“Monster Sano was struck three times in a row by the Aodo Ace!”

“Qingdao’s Lin Tianquan Champion Favorite!”

“Since playing in the Jiazi Garden, Lin Tian has not lost a point!”

“Sano said: The heart of the loss is taken orally!”

In the library of Sakurasawa High School, ace Nagashiro and his friends read the latest news from Aomichi through the newspaper.

“It’s awesome!”

First baseman Masaaki Inamoto.

“That monster Sano has actually been beaten by Mitsuki!”

Catcher Day favors you.

“Lin Tian’s guy is really not an ordinary person!”

Ace pitcher Chang Xuming.

“It is said that after the game, there will be more attention to Lin Tian’s professional baseball team!”

Treat yourself as you please.

“However, Lin Tian didn’t seem to agree to any of them, and all of them refused!”

Masaaki Inamoto.

“For Lin Tian now, he may want to lead the team to dominate the country, right?”

Chang Xuming. In fact!

Chang Xuming’s guess can only be said to be half right!

The real reason Lin Tian didn’t agree was that he didn’t look up to the Sakura Kingdom’s professional baseball! As for MLB…

That is, free professional league baseball…

Before the strength, physical strength, long fight and other abilities did not reach the world-class peak, Lin Tian was not going to go! In layman’s terms!

Lin Tian planned to stay in Qingdao first! and other attributes have been raised to the world-class peak! Go on to Free Nations Major League Baseball! Pharmacist High School.

All the team members are training with enthusiasm.



“I’m going to blow you up!!!”

With Lin Tian as the imaginary enemy, Thunderbolt City laughed and shot the ball out of the court!

“Blow him up!!!!!”

Every shout!

Boom City will blast out a home run!

“It’s so nice…..”

“Three consecutive games to seal the opponent…”

“I guess even the people of the Grand Alliance will come to dig him up?”

“If he goes to the professional baseball, he will definitely make a lot of money!”

Coach Bomb read the newspaper while exclaiming envy. Daocheng.

In the canteen.

The television is playing the footage of Lin Tian’s interview.

“Lin Tian, who did not let the opponent hit the ball once, please talk about your future ambitions!”


“Ambition? Our goal has always been a national champion! ”

Lin Tian confidently replied.

“Do you think the next opponent can hit your ball?”


“I haven’t fought before, how do I know this?”

Lin Tian asked wordlessly. Watch the interview on TV.

Naruto was quite envious.

“It’s very uncomfortable!”

Carlos snorted, “But after all, we have won, and it would be even more uncomfortable to lose easily!” ”

Bai He said softly, “It seems that the news in the morning was also reported once, right?” ”

Yamaoka, who was eating, looked up, “Tomorrow is the quarterfinals, right?” ”

Carlos: “Do you want to see it?” ”

Yamaoka: “There will be more wars in the future, so how can you get revenge if you don’t know much about them at this time?” ”

August 18.

Hanshin Koshien Stadium.

The quarterfinals belonging to Seido High School were officially launched.

Because the first three rounds of the game were all Lin Tian alone. So.

This is a quarter-finals.

Coach Kataoka put Shibuya on the start. To this.

The audience who came for Lin Tian.

It’s not pleasant, but it’s more or less understandable.

After all, Lin Tian had thrown three games in a row, and his body was definitely very tired….. But!

Although did not let Lin Tianshang pitcher Qiu!

But the position of the middle field was still given to Lin Tian! No way!

The pitchers of the opponents in the quarterfinals are strong!

If you don’t let Lin Tianshang, Kataoka is worried about not getting points! First three innings.


Qingdao spent peacefully and without incident. The opponent did not get a single point. Attack aspect.

The opponent obviously had reconnaissance of the Qingdao, so he directly respected Lin Tian. Of course……

This practice still can’t stop Lin Tian from returning to home base… But that is Lin Tian got the score!

Others are either killed or killed/banned! Anyway, there is no one on the base!

Even if it was Yukijo, it didn’t hit the hit!

Coach Kataoka was very glad to see this! If you let the forest world play.


Then they can’t score so quickly! Game 4.

The opponent is obviously used to the pitching of the valley.

As a result, hits were fired one after another, and even 4 sticks almost knocked the ball out of the midfield fence. But!

This is also thanks to Lin Tian!

If it weren’t for the fact that he was about to fly out of the field wall, he jumped into the air to catch the ball! That Aodo will definitely lose 3 points in an instant!

Because before the batter hits a home run, there are 2 runners on the base! And this one case!

Kataoka also replaced Shibuya!

Because Hagar is a win-lose elimination match, Kataoka does not dare to take risks! When Lin Tian is on the field!

Just now also broke out the terror attack power of the line, instantly dumb! But……

When it was Aomichi’s turn to attack…

Except for Lin Tian, the others still did not perform too well: It’s not that the strike ability is poor!

It’s just too nervous to play smoothly to the usual level! But it doesn’t matter!

Because Lin Tian is there, Qingdao has always been able to have points in the account! More than an hour later!

The quarterfinals of Seido are officially over! 4-0, Seido High School advanced to the final four!


At the same time.

The practice sessions of Daocheng Industrial and Haiyao High School began.

Cheng Gongming had seen the report about Qingdao before the game, and as long as he thought of Lin Tian’s wonderful performance, he was extremely emotional when he pitched.

Even at a certain moment!

Because of the super high anger, he threw a straight ball at 149 kilometers per hour! Of course……

Since there is no tachymeter…

So Naruto didn’t know the good news….. Zero.

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